Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/31/13


Fathers are Special

Greg, John, and Pat discuss how special father’s are.  They continue to discuss that many Americans today would use the word “complicated”  to describe their relationship with their fathers.  They continue to discuss that to talk positively to about men does not mean to talk negatively or bad about women.  They continue to speak of their experiences with fathers and sons through the Next Step Outback.  In order to have fathers we need to have healthy sons.  Thousands of wounded men came and were healed.  In order for us to have relationships with fathers and parents forgiveness and repentance are essential.  We must never forget that Father God is Father to the fatherless.  One of the signs of the Lord’s return is when the church begins to be family again, Malachi 4:5-6.
Pep Talk from Kid President
John, Greg, and Pat share a video from the “kid President” giving the nation a pep talk. This funny video puts a smile on your face when you hear about how simple things look to a child and how complicated sometimes adults make things out to be.
Only in His Presence;
Greg, John, and Pat share about a time when Greg and Pat where in Israel.  They received prayer and the blessing of the priesthood and the presence of God enveloped them.  They continued to share how wonderful it is to be in the Lord’s presence and how they have become so overcome and moved to tears.  They continue to discuss how we can’t fix ourselves no matter how hard we try but what we can do is seek to be in the Lord’s presence and he can do more in just one second in His presence than what we can do in a lifetime of trying to fix ourselves.  It’s only in his presence are we made whole.


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