LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! For those of us in America, we may not fully understand the cost that was embraced by those that fought for America to be birthed. As a professor at George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams shares some incredible insight into the reality of what sets America apart when compared to the long list of other countries throughout history. When he sat down with Mark Levin, he shared some thought-provoking comments about America.
One of the things that sets America apart is its free exercise of liberty. According to Professor Walter Williams, he explains it as “people being able to engage in peaceable, voluntary exchange, without interference by others.” What is additionally intriguing about liberty, as Professor Williams explains, it simply isn’t normal in history. “Throughout mankind’s history, he’s been subject to arbitrary abuse and control by others.” Do we presently understand the blessings of liberty afforded to us in America?
According to history, liberty has always been lost. When we look at the flag of America, the red represents the tremendous bloodshed that was required to birth this nation. What are your thoughts on liberty? What is your response to Professor Williams’ comments? We want to hear from you. Also shared in this segment: Mark Levin, Fox News, George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams, liberty, American liberty, and freedom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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