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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » A Global Warning: The Erosion of Freedom and the Rise of Division


  • “El Salvador has been reborn. Our nation, once the global homicide capital, is now the safest country in our region.”
  • “Perhaps the right question isn’t how El Salvador is rising, but rather, how the rest of the world is falling so rapidly.”
  • “The free world is no longer truly free. This isn’t an exaggeration; we witness undeniable proof of it every day.”
  • “Can a country still call itself free when its citizens cannot walk down the street without fear of being attacked?”
  • “We are standing on the brink of a new dark period for humanity.”
  • “The free world is no longer truly free. This isn’t an exaggeration; we witness undeniable proof of it every day.”
  • “New threats of war continue to emerge. When the free world became free, it was because of freedoms like freedom of expression and the rule of law. But when a nation abandons the principles that make it free, it is only a matter of time before it loses that freedom entirely.”
  • “We are also witnessing the erosion of freedom of expression. Just a decade ago, social media was the largest platform for free speech in the world. Now, citizens of Western countries are being arrested for their posts. Governments have imposed restrictions.”
  • “This is not a conspiracy theory—it’s fully documented and proven. You cannot win the favor of the people without respecting their freedom.”
  • “Can a country still call itself free when its citizens cannot walk down the street without fear of being attacked?”
  • “For decades, we were shackled by an imported civil war, followed by a false peace that left behind more dead than the war itself.”
  • “We had to muster the courage to break those chains ourselves and claim our legitimate right to be free.”
  • “Some may say we are the country that has imprisoned thousands, but in reality, we have freed millions.”
  • “Freedom is something you take—it is not given or gifted. And like anything worth having, it must be protected and maintained.”
  • “We cannot prevent the dark times that are approaching, but what we can do is become a small refuge in the midst of the coming storm and hold on to hope.”

Introduction: Reflecting on 2019

When I came to this General Assembly for the first time in 2019, I knew that many of you were unfamiliar with El Salvador, or perhaps hadn’t even heard of it. If you had, it was likely in negative terms—as the most violent country in the world or the country of gangs. Some didn’t even know where to find us on the map.

Transformation of El Salvador

But, thanks to God, this has significantly changed in a very short time. Five years after my first speech, I stand before you as the president of a country that now has a voice in the world. In my previous addresses to this General Assembly, I spoke about our quest for true independence. For decades, we were shackled by an imported civil war, followed by a false peace that left behind more dead than the war itself.

The Responsibility of Government

I also emphasized the fundamental responsibility of a government to its own people and the crucial importance of taking control of our own destiny. We had to realize that no other country would save us or grant us our freedom. We had to muster the courage to break those chains ourselves and claim our legitimate right to be free.


Rebirth of a Nation

Over the last five years, El Salvador has been reborn. This transformation is evident in both the country and its people. We now have a thriving tourism industry. We are a country known for sport, surfing, and entertainment. Thousands of Salvadorans who once fled war and poverty are now returning because we have made this a country worth coming back to. Our nation, once the global homicide capital, is now the safest country in our region.

Challenges and Continued Progress

This was a monumental challenge for our country, but we overcame it. Nevertheless, there is still much work to be done, and many goals yet to be achieved. But we are on the cusp of true independence and on the path to genuine freedom. The transformation of El Salvador is without comparison, and our success is undeniable. Anyone can visit El Salvador and see it for themselves. Salvadorans, regardless of whom they voted for or where they were born, whether within or outside our borders, now support the decisions that have allowed El Salvador to become a country where people can live peacefully and calmly, with spiritual aspirations rising above mere material concerns.

El Salvador and the World: Contrasting Trajectories

Today, the world is looking to El Salvador as an example, wondering how a country can rise so quickly. But perhaps the right question isn’t how El Salvador is rising, but rather, how the rest of the world is falling so rapidly.


Swimming Against the Tide

They say El Salvador is swimming against the tide, growing safer while the rest of the world becomes less so. While Salvadorans grow more optimistic, people in many parts of the modern world are becoming increasingly pessimistic. And they’re right. The world has become divided, depressed, worried, and hopeless—at an unprecedented pace. The free world is no longer truly free. This isn’t an exaggeration; we witness undeniable proof of it every day.

Erosion of Freedoms in the World

New threats of war continue to emerge. When the free world became free, it was because of freedoms like freedom of expression and the rule of law. But when a nation abandons the principles that make it free, it is only a matter of time before it loses that freedom entirely. We are already witnessing the consequences of this. Even in some of the most advanced countries, basic things, once taken for granted, are no longer obtainable. Streets, once belonging to the people, have fallen into the hands of drug traffickers and gangs. Can a country still call itself free when its citizens cannot walk down the street without fear of being attacked?

The Decline of Freedom of Expression

We are also witnessing the erosion of freedom of expression. Just a decade ago, social media was the largest platform for free speech in the world. Now, citizens of Western countries are being arrested for their posts. Governments have imposed restrictions. This is not a conspiracy theory—it’s fully documented and proven. You cannot win the favor of the people without respecting their freedom.

Approaching a Dark Period

This didn’t just start recently; we’ve only become aware of it now because the process has accelerated. And this means we are approaching a frightening inflection point. We are standing on the brink of a new dark period for humanity.

Lessons from El Salvador’s Collapse

As a Salvadoran, I recognize these symptoms because we have experienced them all. We saw our nation collapse step by step, and now we are seeing those same steps on a global scale.

Respecting Sovereignty: El Salvador’s Message to the World

We cannot and do not want to tell other countries what to do. Every country must make its own decisions and do what is best for its people. But we can offer a word of caution, like a friend who has been through dark times and emerged stronger.

El Salvador’s Place in the World

We cannot change the course of the world—El Salvador is too small for that. Indeed, we are the smallest country in the Americas. This is much bigger than us, and in fact, it is bigger than any one nation. We cannot prevent the dark times that are approaching, but what we can do is become a small refuge in the midst of the coming storm and hold on to hope.

Commitment to Freedom and Public Safety

In El Salvador, we will not renounce our principles. We do not confiscate people’s property, nor do we arrest individuals for their ideas. In El Salvador, freedom of expression is and always will be protected. We prioritize public safety over the comfort of criminals. Some may say we are the country that has imprisoned thousands, but in reality, we have freed millions. Now, good people can live without fear, with their freedoms and human rights fully respected.

Fostering Innovation and Prosperity

We want our people to prosper. That is why we foster innovation and new ideas. We understand that we need safe spaces for ideas to flourish, whether in technology, energy, medicine, arts, culture, music, or architecture. Just a few years ago, El Salvador was one of the darkest places on Earth, but in a short time, our country has been reborn. We remembered that freedom is something you take—it is not given or gifted. And like anything worth having, it must be protected and maintained.

A Call for Collaboration

Today, El Salvador is a safe country for progress and innovation, for families, and for those who seek to pursue their dreams. We welcome not only our own people but also anyone who wishes to contribute to our vision. It won’t be easy; the next steps may be even harder than those we’ve already taken. We have freed our country, but we must maintain this freedom in a world that is increasingly less free.

Closing Remarks: Hope Amidst Dark Times

El Salvador has left its past behind, and we never wish to return to it. It may be too late to prevent the dark times that are approaching for the world, but it is not too late to build a bridge and escape the storm.

May God bless humanity. Thank you very much.

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