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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » Turning El Salvador Around: A Dialogue Between President Nayib Bukele and Tucker Carlson | Lessons for America

In a remarkable conversation at El Salvador’s Camp David, President Nayib Bukele and Tucker Carlson delved into the transformative journey of El Salvador, a nation once plagued by extreme violence and poverty. Bukele’s presidency has seen a drastic reduction in crime rates, raising the question: If El Salvador can achieve such change, why can’t more resource-rich nations do the same? Their discussion offers a powerful reflection on governance, societal safety, and the responsibilities of world leaders.


Peace as a Foundation

Tucker Carlson began by acknowledging the international attention Bukele’s inauguration garnered, noting the significant delegations from around the world. Bukele expressed his own surprise at the turnout, attributing it to a critical mass of interest and possibly divine intervention. Carlson then pointedly asked about the formula behind El Salvador’s transformation from one of the most dangerous countries to the safest in the Western Hemisphere.

Bukele emphasized the necessity of peace as a foundation for societal progress. “Of course, you cannot do anything if you don’t have peace,” he stated, elaborating that this includes freedom from war, civil unrest, and crime. Achieving basic rights, such as the right to live and move freely, was essential. Bukele described El Salvador’s former status as the murder capital of the world and proudly reported that it now has a murder rate of two per 100,000 inhabitants, making it safer than the United States, Canada, and other Western Hemisphere countries.

Prisons Run by Gangs: Central and South American Prisons 

President Nayib Bukele discussed the significant changes El Salvador has implemented in its prison system, contrasting it with the gang-controlled prisons prevalent in other parts of Central and South America. Bukele explained that in many countries, prisons are essentially run by gangs, who maintain control over the facilities and even orchestrate criminal activities from within. This has led to a cycle of violence and crime both inside and outside the prison walls. El Salvador, however, has taken a radically different approach by exerting strict governmental control over its prisons, thereby dismantling the gangs’ power structures within these institutions. This shift has been a crucial part of Bukele’s broader strategy to reduce crime and improve public safety across the country.


The Strategy: Official and Real

When Carlson pressed for specifics on the strategy, Bukele detailed a phased plan that involved building up police forces, doubling the army, and equipping them with necessary tools. The official approach was a structured rollout of these phases, but Bukele candidly admitted that the real answer was more spiritual and miraculous. Faced with violent backlash from gangs, the administration prayed for wisdom and victory. “It’s a miracle,” Bukele said, crediting the quick victory in the spiritual war as a key factor in their success against crime.


The Role of Leadership and Ideology

The discussion took a philosophical turn as Carlson reflected on the broader implications of El Salvador’s success. He suggested that if a small, resource-poor nation could achieve such a turnaround, other countries must be allowing violence and crime by choice. Bukele responded by highlighting the complexities, suggesting that some leaders might be incompetent, ideologically misled, or even malicious. He criticized policies that seem nonsensical, like allowing shoplifting, which undermines societal order and security.

Bukele also touched on the role of international perception and condemnation, particularly from human rights organizations. He questioned the prioritization of the rights of criminals over the basic rights of citizens to live safely. This critique resonates strongly with Carlson’s concerns about the current state of Western democracies and their apparent inability to maintain order and prosperity.


Spiritual Warfare and Secular Governance

A significant part of the conversation revolved around the spiritual aspects of governance. Bukele recounted instances where gang members, deeply entrenched in satanic rituals, were arrested and their influence curtailed. This spiritual battle, according to Bukele, was mirrored in the physical realm, and winning it quickly was crucial for the country’s overall victory against crime. Carlson noted that such perspectives are rarely discussed openly in Western media, emphasizing the unique nature of Bukele’s approach.

Economic and Societal Rebuilding

Looking forward, Bukele outlined his plan to improve the economy by seeking God’s wisdom, a statement that Carlson found both surprising and profound. Bukele argued that seeking divine guidance should be the cornerstone of any significant economic plan, a principle that is often overlooked by other world leaders.

A Call to Action for Other Nations

The dialogue between Bukele and Carlson concluded with a stark reflection on the state of global leadership. Carlson suggested that the apparent ease with which El Salvador achieved safety and order implies a disturbing reality: many governments are willingly allowing crime and chaos to persist. Bukele didn’t shy away from this implication, acknowledging that other nations could indeed learn from El Salvador’s example. He pointed out that significant systemic change is possible even in the face of formidable challenges, provided there is genuine leadership and a commitment to fundamental principles.


President Nayib Bukele’s conversation with Tucker Carlson is a compelling testament to the potential for dramatic societal change. El Salvador’s transformation challenges other nations to reconsider their approaches to governance, safety, and public well-being. The discussion underscores a critical truth: effective leadership, grounded in both practical strategies and spiritual wisdom, can overcome even the most entrenched problems. As Bukele’s El Salvador stands as a beacon of hope, the world is left to ponder the true potential of their own nations and the responsibilities of their leaders.

Image:  Screenshot Tucker Carlson | YouTube


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