Family Mountain by From Crisis to Courage: How Cory Mills Led Haiti’s Rescue Efforts Father Confusion: A Journey Toward Finding True Fatherhood The Father’s Role in Shaping the Identity of His Children Including His Adult Children: The Power of Approval ‘Boys and Men Must Be Free and Accustomed to Fearing Slavery More Than Death’ Plato Boundaries: Digital Boundaries in Your Life! John Townsend Family Matters: A Message by Brenda Kilpatrick Desperation: Crying Out for Help Jordan Peterson Advocates for Playful Learning and Criticizes the Overuse of Amphetamines in Education Navigating Faith and the Gender Crisis Remembering Our History: The Tuttle Twins Way We Serve a God Who Turns Things Around! Summer Glory Celebration 2022! BE THERE! War; Power Outage; Famine; IN AMERICA? OH GOD! Jonathan Isaac: Why He Stood! Shocking Discovery Found in Ancient Text That Shows What Pleases the Lord! Happy Father’s Day to Father’s Familiar with “The Struggle” Why are there mass shootings? Are You Ready to Get the Hell Out of Your House? How to Dedicate Your House to God. Remembering how Jack and Shelly Hollis Met Did God Call Us to Organized Religion or Connected Family? PLEASE FATHER! A Desperate Cry of a Humble Grandfather Crying Out For His Lost Grandson Jack and Shelly Hollis, Faithful Stewards of Sharing the Gospel for 27 years The Power of Phileo Love, Brotherly Love for One Another The Vital Role and Impact of Family and Faith in Their Children’s Lives Law Enforcement, a Night on Patrol that Change My Life Forever! God Power Breaks Out in Colleges. Homeless Drug Addiction People are Saved, Addictions Broken, Got Jobs and Off the Streets. The Jesus Revolution Part 3 Small is the New Big | Super Chickens Study and the American Church, Part 3 How Steve and Jeri Hill Met | Remembering The Wonders of The Lord The Church Isn’t a Compilation of Specialties; It’s Family Love on the Rocks How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk by Greg Lancaster BRACE YOURSELF! It’s Coming God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! WATCH! God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! Ron Lentine and His Time in the Vietnam War Ron Lentine: How Having a PRESENT Father Can Change Your Destiny! WATCH! Ron Lentine: A Father Can Change a Destiny + His Time in Vietnam War Don’t Be Harsh; Be Gentle: John Newlin We Must Compliment Our Children: John Newlin Listen and the Lord Will Give Us Grace to Love Others: John Newlin WATCH! Listen and the Lord Will Give Grace to Love + We Must Compliment & be Gentle with Our Children: John Newlin How to Overcome Evil with Good: John Newlin John Newlin Shares How His Father Taught Him the Importance of Hard Work + God Calls Us to be Gentle WATCH! John Newlin Shares on the Importance of Hard Work + God Calls us to be Gentle + How to Overcome Evil with Good John Newlin shares about His Son Isaac and How We Must Listen to the Lord John Newlin: What You Have in Your Hand Could be Your Seed WATCH! John Newlin: What You Have in Your Hand Could be Your Seed + We Must Listen to the Lord John Newlin shares His Testimony and How He Met His Wife The Power and Reward of Hard Work John Newlin WATCH! John Newlin shares The Power and Reward of Hard Work + How He Came to Know Jesus Charles Simpson: Cross-Pollination in the Church Charles Simpson: How to Rediscover Family in the Church? WATCH! Charles Simpson: How to Rediscover Family in the Church? + Cross-Pollination in the Church Reaching Millennial’s? Authenticity is the Key! WATCH! Reaching Millennial’s? Authenticity is the Key!; Time for the American Church to Wake Up: Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning The Power of Sleep and Performance: 6 Solutions to Better Your Sleep Part 3 WATCH! The Power of Sleep and Performance: 6 Solutions to Better Your Sleep Part 3 The Secret to Success: Sleep; Dr. Matthew Walker & the 7 Things that Affect Your Sleep Part 2 WATCH! The Secret to Success: Sleep; Dr. Matthew Walker & the 7 Things that Affect Your Sleep Part 2 Stressed Out!! Symptoms, Effects & #StressHacks WATCH! Stressed Out!! Symptoms, Effects & #StressHacks Parents only Get 32 Minutes a Day of “Me Time”? Strategies to Get More Time for You! WATCH! Parents only Get 32 Minutes a Day of “Me Time”? Strategies to Get More Time for You! What’s Stressing Americans and Strategies for Managing Stress in Your Life WATCH! What’s Stressing Americans and Strategies for Managing Stress in Your Life Christian Parents Biggest Factor in Adult Children’s Decision to Follow Jesus WATCH! Christian Parents Biggest Factor in Adult Children’s Decision to Follow Jesus BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS WATCH! BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! WATCH! Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! 200 Drug Overdose Deaths Every Day: Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad Works to End Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking as Weapons of War WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? WATCH! 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? Mr. Rogers Secret to Living a Satisfied Life The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.” WATCH! Mr. Rogers’ “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” The Story Behind the Story The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some? WATCH! The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some?; God’s Generals; Smith Wigglesworth and just Maybe You? CHILDREN – HOLD EM or FOLD EM, Parenting Wisdom, Ruth Graham, Wife of Billy Graham, knowing when to LET GO! MISTAKES & PARENTING, what did you learn? Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham, Shares Parenting Wisdom from Mistakes Made RAISING REBELS! PRODigal CHILDren, GOD SPEAKS TO Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham, HOW TO SURVIVE WATCH! Ruth Graham Shares Parenting Wisdom on Prodigals and when to let Go Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Christianity.Org Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil Interview with David Daleiden: President of Medical Progress: Over 300 Hours of Undercover Investigated Videos of Planned Parenthood VFNKB Success Secret: Life on the Edge- Dr. James Dobson- Determining the Right Values Results in Success WATCH! VFNKB Success Secret: Life on the Edge- Dr. James Dobson- Determining the Right Values Results in Success Abortion is Ending in America; Alabama Strictest Anti-Abortion Law in the Land WATCH! Abortion is Ending in America; Alabama Strictest Anti-Abortion Law in the Land Helping Families Navigate Highly Addictive Digital World We Live in with Andy Crouch Author of The Tech Wise Family WATCH! Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly & Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith + Helping Families Navigate the Highly Addictive Digital World We Live in with Andy Crouch; Author of The Tech Wise Family You Are Known in Great Detail by Just a Few Facebook Likes; More than your most Intimate Relationships WATCH! You Are Known in Great Detail by Just a Few Facebook Likes; More than your most Intimate Relationships Teenage Suicide at 40 Year High; Second Leading Cause of Death for 15 to 24-year-olds of Both Sexes WATCH! Teenage Suicide at 40 Year High; Second Leading Cause of Death for 15 to 24-year-olds of Both Sexes Top Twenty Stressors Reported by Millennials and Instagram Influencers Breakdown After Being Removed WATCH! Top Twenty Stressors Reported by Millennials and Instagram Influencers Breakdown After Being Removed Abortion is Ending in America: Ohio Governor Signs Heartbeat Abortion Ban and Nearly 100 Abortion Quit after Viewing Movie Unplanned WATCH! Abortion is Ending in America: Ohio Governor Signs Heartbeat Abortion Ban and Nearly 100 Abortion Quit after Viewing Movie Unplanned #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture WATCH! #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture New Study; The Link between Fun, Family and Faith, Barna Group WATCH! New Study; The Link between Fun, Family and Faith, Barna Group Former NFL Player Benjamin Watson Boldly Lays Out the Case Family, God, and Country at CPAC WATCH! Former NFL Player Benjamin Watson Boldly Lays Out the Case Family, God, and Country at CPAC UNPLANNED: The Abortion Movie Everyone Must See: One Woman Responsible for 22,000 Abortions Eyes Were Opened Life is Winning in America: President Trump Stops Funding Planned Parenthood and Funds Pro-Life Clinics 1.7 Million WATCH! Life is Winning in America: President Trump Stops Funding Planned Parenthood and Funds Pro-Life Clinics 1.7 Million; UNPLANNED: The Abortion Movie Father and Son Camping Trip; Lasting Impact Over a Decade Later: Personal Story of a Man who Attended as a Young Boy WATCH! Father and Son Camping Trip; Lasting Impact Over a Decade Later: Personal Story of a Man who Attended as a Young Boy Abortion Worker Suggest “Flushing” Baby in Toilet if born at home? WATCH! The Enemy Only Attacks Your Future and Even that has a Shelf Life; Pastor John Kilpatrick; Abortion Worker Suggest “Flushing” Baby in Toilet if born at home Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad Works to End Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking as Weapons of War WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops WATCH! Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? WATCH! 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? Mr. Rogers Secret to Living a Satisfied Life Mr. Rogers: Graceful receiving is one if the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody. The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.” WATCH! Mr. Rogers’ “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” The Story Behind the Story Abortion Video Game; Goal: Murder Police, Priest, Pro-Life Woman and Baby; What Have We Come to? WATCH! Roe V. Wade The Movie: Dr. Alveda King; Abortion Video Game; VFNKB LOVE Box: Sending Love to the Philippines- Andelynns Story WATCH! Leonard Ravenhill; In Light of Eternity, Modern Day Prophet; Living as a Global Christian; Pure Expression of the Church is Family Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion? Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade WATCH! Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade; Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?; Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer President Trump: 2 Years of Astounding Accomplishments and the Signature Moment of the State of the Union WATCH! President Trump: 2 Years of Astounding Accomplishments and the Signature Moment of the State of the Union How do you see the world? What Percentages of Americans Have a Biblical Worldview and Why it Matters? WATCH! How do you see the world? What Percentages of Americans Have a Biblical Worldview and Why it Matters? Abortion Up to Minutes Before Birth & Killing the Child After Born: Where are we headed? WATCH! Abortion Up to Minutes Before Birth & Killing the Child After Born: Where are we headed? It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians WATCH! It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians + #WisdomMoments God Weighs the Heart + #WisdomMoments God takes the Case of the Poor An Abortionist Prays to Jesus About Guiding Her Hand? WATCH! An Abortionist Prays to Jesus About Guiding Her Hand? + #WisdomMoments: Look After the One Who is Looking After You Family: God’s Original Intent for the Church WATCH! Family: God’s Original Intent for the Church VFN Church is Family Beyond Encouraging! God has Marked Your Seed Prophecy- Pastor John Kilpatrick WATCH! Christmas in the White House + Children Share What Christmas Means to Them + Beyond Encouraging! God has Marked Your Seed Prophecy- Pastor John Kilpatrick + VFN Church is Family + Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians WATCH! It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians + #WisdomMoments God Weighs the Heart + #WisdomMoments God takes the Case of the Poor Dr. Carson on The VIEW “There is a war on what’s inside of a woman.” WATCH! Dr. Carson on The VIEW “There is a war on what’s inside of a woman” + A Gossip Separates Close Friends Team Hoyt Human Trafficking is Happening and What You Can Do About It WATCH! Human Trafficking is Happening and What You Can Do About It The Structure of the Church is Family: Is it time to get back to it? WATCH! The Structure of the Church is Family + Victory, Shield, Guard, Protection and Salvation #WisdomMoments Keys to Success WATCH! Power of Vision Propels all Aspects of Life + Keys to Success + Gloating over the fall of your enemy? NOT GOOD TO DO! Life on the Edge: The Most Critical Decade of Your Life, James Dobson WATCH! Life on the Edge: The Most Critical Decade of Your Life, James Dobson; The Sharpening Effect of Relationships; The Moravians teach us to stand for Generations to Come Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN WATCH! Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN + The Key to a Long Prosperous Life Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance WATCH! Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance + Trusted Wounds LIFE IS WINNING AGAIN IN AMERICA! President Trump Speaks at 45th March for Life Event WATCH! LIFE IS WINNING AGAIN IN AMERICA! President Trump Speaks at 45th March for Life Event 200 Drug Overdose Deaths Every Day: Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad Works to End Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking as Weapons of War WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! WATCH! Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! PROPHECY! Decree – SATAN MY FAMILY IS OFF LIMITS in 2018 In Jesus’ Name- Cindy Jacobs WATCH! Double Open-Door Blessing; Evil Dictators taken Down, Prophetic Words from Cindy Jacobs Uncovering the Truth of Selling Baby Body Parts in America-David Daleiden Values Voter Summit 2018 WATCH! Uncovering the Truth of Selling Baby Body Parts in America-David Daleiden Values Voter Summit 2018 Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops WATCH! Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018 WATCH! Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? WATCH! 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? UNIFIED! Trey Gowdy, God & the Church – Congressman Trey Gowdy, Senator Tim Scott – Challenges Us! WATCH! UNIFIED! Trey Gowdy, God & the Church – Congressman Trey Gowdy, Senator Tim Scott – Challenges Us! Reaching Millennial’s? Authenticity is the Key! WATCH! Reaching Millennial’s? Authenticity is the Key!; Time for the American Church to Wake Up: Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion? Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade WATCH! Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade; Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?; Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer Preparing for the Great Harvest of Souls WATCH! Preparing for the Great Harvest of Souls Father’s Heart Wrenching Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked The Racist History of Planned Parenthood WATCH! The Racist History of Planned Parenthood; Father’s Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked; Women Making Major Contributions in S.T.E.M.; A Movement for Transformational Change; VFNKB – Join the Movement Pure Expression of the Church is Family WATCH! Leonard Ravenhill; In Light of Eternity, Modern Day Prophet; Living as a Global Christian; Pure Expression of the Church is Family Abortion Truth Revealed in All Trimesters! Former Abortionist Dr. Levatino Explains the Procedure for Abortion in Each Trimester of Pregnancy WATCH! Abortion Truth Revealed in All Trimesters! Former Abortionist Dr. Levatino Explains the Procedure for Abortion in Each Trimester of Pregnancy Abortion Video Game; Goal: Murder Police, Priest, Pro-Life Woman and Baby; What Have We Come to? Roe V. Wade The MOVIE: The Real Story is Out- Dr. Alveda King WATCH! Roe V. Wade The Movie: Dr. Alveda King; Abortion Video Game; VFNKB LOVE Box: Sending Love to the Philippines- Andelynns Story Mr. Rogers Secret to Living a Satisfied Life The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.” WATCH! Mr. Rogers’ “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” The Story Behind the Story VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning VFNKB #SuccessSecret: 5 Common Characteristics of Highly Successful People: CEO Fast Signs Catherine Monson Rescuing Sex Trafficked Children in Thailand- The Sex Tourist Capital of the World WATCH! Rescuing Sex Trafficked Children in Thailand- The Sex Tourist Capital of the World Father’s Heart Wrenching Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked The Racist History of Planned Parenthood WATCH! The Racist History of Planned Parenthood; Father’s Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked; Women Making Major Contributions in S.T.E.M.; A Movement for Transformational Change; VFNKB – Join the Movement Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion? Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade WATCH! Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade; Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?; Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer WATCH! First Nation People Forgave American Government ; Christian Men Across the Nation Gather in Washington DC. WATCH! Reaching Millennial’s? Authenticity is the Key!; Time for the American Church to Wake Up: Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner Setting Women & Children Free from Sex Trafficking-Amanda’s Story: Exodus Cry WATCH! Smith Wigglesworth: God’s General; God is Enough; Prophesy: God is Going to Iron the Wrinkles out of America; Setting Women & Children Free from Sex Trafficking-Amanda’s Story: Exodus Cry PURE EXPRESSION OF THE CHURCH: FAMILY WATCH! Leonard Ravenhill; In Light of Eternity, Modern Day Prophet; Living as a Global Christian; PURE EXPRESSION OF THE CHURCH: FAMILY You Are So Much More than Your Gift WATCH! Standing between the Living and the Dead; You Are So Much More than Your Gift Interview with David Daleiden: President of Medical Progress: Over 300 Hours of Undercover Investigated Videos of Planned Parenthood WATCH! Interview with David Daleiden: President of Medical Progress: Over 300 Hours of Undercover Investigated Videos of Planned Parenthood New Poll Released 12 Issues Christians Want their Pastors to Preach About WATCH! New Poll Released 12 Issues Christians want their Pastors to Preach About Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some? WATCH! The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some?; God’s Generals; Smith Wigglesworth and just Maybe You? Family: God’s Original Intent for the Church WATCH! Family: God’s Original Intent for the Church Father Teaches His Children to Change out the Toilet Paper: 63% of those surveyed said they would rather be electrically shocked then learn something new? Is this what it has come to? WATCH! Privacy in the Age of Big Data: “Everything online is Hackable,” author says; Grateful for Public Officials!; Father Teach His Children to Change out the Toilet Paper MISTAKES & PARENTING, what did you learn? Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham, Shares Parenting Wisdom from Mistakes Made WATCH! Ruth Graham Shares Parenting Wisdom on Prodigals and when to let Go RAISING REBELS! PRODigal CHILDren, GOD SPEAKS TO Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham, HOW TO SURVIVE CHILDREN – HOLD EM or FOLD EM, Parenting Wisdom, Ruth Graham, Wife of Billy Graham, knowing when to LET GO! Has SOCIAL Media Made Us ANTI Social? WATCH! VFNKB #SuccessSecret Has SOCIAL Media Made Us ANTI Social? +Toughest Abortion Ban in the Nation Childless By CHOICE; Why Some are NOT Having Children. The MORE Blessed People are the LESS Children They Have-Bill Gates WATCH! The MORE Blessed People Are the LESS Children they Have; Childless By Choice; Shocking Reason Pres. Trump Needs Twitter says Mary Francis Berry How Society Treats Children; Impacted by Jesus and Christianity Overview of Jesus’ and Christianity’s Impact Through Out History WATCH! The Impact that Christianity Has on the World; and VFN Kingdom Business TRUMP MARCHES FOR LIFE! 45th Annual March & 45th President. March for Life, 1st Time Addressed by President Trump; First Time President Address March for Life in 45 Years! #SuccessSecrets – Avoid Frustration and Wasting Time! What Matters Most to You? WATCH! LIFE IS WINNING AGAIN IN AMERICA! President Trump Speaks at 45th March for Life Event #SuccessSecrets – T.D. Jakes, God Wants You to Succeed where You Work, Play, and Live; In LIFE PROPHECY! Blessing and Prosperity! -The Year of the Double Door! – Cindy Jacobs PROPHECY! YEAR OF God’s SUDDENLIES for You in 2018; Cindy Jacobs PROPHECY! Decree – SATAN MY FAMILY IS OFF LIMITS in 2018 In Jesus’ Name- Cindy Jacobs PROPHECY! 2018 Your Struggle Comes to an END Freeing you to Flourish! Hurricane Hit Cities Cleansed for REVIVAL- Rich Vera WATCH! The Coming Harvest of Souls through Cyber Evangelism; and Hackers Advancing the Kingdom of God! It’s Okay to Raise A Family With Godly Values and To Believe God For A Nation Filled With Christians Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society Are You In A Valley Of Dry Bones? What You Speak Out Through Your Mouth Is What You Believe In Your Heart We must Never Forget that “Man’s Business” is Not the Father’s Business It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to believe God for a Nation filled with Christians Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society The Structure of the Church is Family: Is it time to get back to it? Shocking Study! How Competing Worldviews are Influencing Today’s Christians WATCH! What is the World View of Christians in America? WATCH! All about Gratitude: White House Press Conference and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Financial Bonuses Based on Individual Baby Body Parts? Former Procurement Technician with Stem Express, Holly O’Donnell, shares Alleged Events of working with Planned Parenthood WATCH! Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden Interviewing Holly O’Donnell about Selling Baby’s Body Parts It’s Okay Raise a Family with Godly Values and to believe God for a Nation filled with Christians Family: God’s Original Intent for the Church – It’s like the Church of Acts: dreams, visions, miracles, healings Uganda’s Thriving Business; The sacrifice of Children through Witchraft because of Greed- Is there any similarities to the 50 million plus abortions done in America since Roe v. Wade? “America At the Crossroads”; George Barna’s Book Reveals the State of the Church The Structure of the Church is Family: Is it time to get back to it? Civil Christianity Walking Together in LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Chip & Joanna Gaines of HGTV’s “Fixer Upper” Share their Testimony and Encouraging Journey WATCH! “Fixer Upper” Couple, Chip & Joanna Gaines, their story and their business FATHERLESS NO MORE; Pursuing Spiritual Fathering and The Church as Family PROPHECY! Children Saved from Darkness: Sent Back as Missionaries of Light; Influencing Culture for Kingdom of God PROPHECY! God says Enough is Enough; No More Divorce; He is Restoring Families- Health and Wealth Dreams: Language of God – “Don’t say ‘it’s just a dream”, Lou Engle Murder of the Unborn Ending: A Prerequisite for REVIVAL and THIRD GREAT AWAKENING? 5% of the World’s Population and 25% of the Worlds Incarceration Population: AMERICA! ; 100 Top Christian Leaders sign Justice Declaration seeking to bring a restorative process the Criminal Justice System PROPHECY! “The Economy of this Country shall Change Rapidly” Prophetic Word from Kim Clement Fulfilled as President Trump Holds First Cabinet Meeting Protecting Religious Freedom of Faith Based Adoption Groups, Texas Governor Abbott Signs Bill “I’ve Got to Worry About…It Coming Out Looking Like a Baby…”, Most Shocking Planned Parenthood Undercover Video Yet from Center for Medical Progress WATCH! Horrific Undercover Video of Center for Medical Progress w Abortionist; Morality of Abortion What is Wrong with America? Part 2 and George Barna’s “America At the Crossroads” PROPHECY! Hand of God Appears in the Sky as Pastors Gather in Repentance? “The Anointing is on You for Your Assignment!” says Lance Wallnau Advancing the Kingdom of God by Conquering the 7 Mountains of Culture! WATCH! The 7 Mountain Mandate and VFN Kingdom Business COME MAKE HISTORY! Canopy of Prayer over the City of Mobile, Alabama – April 29, Saturday Uganda’s Thriving Business; The sacrifice of Children through Witchraft because of Greed- Is there any similarities to the 50 million plus abortions done in America since Roe v. Wade? Turning a City back to God, The Canopy of Prayer in Mobile, AL; & the Mayor Signing a Declaration of Prayer Encouraging Testimonies of the Faithfulness of God! Two Boys Taken to Heaven and tell of the Amazing Encounters WATCH! Turning a City Back to God: Mobile, Alabama Only 4% of Millennials Have a Biblical World View? Has Leaving God’s Order of Family Increased the Rate of Suicide? What Can the Church Learn from Super Chickens? WATCH! What is Taking Place in Family?; A Biblical World View; and the Increasing Suicide Rate Malcom Muggeridge’s Words from 1970 Ring True today, WATCH! President Trump’s Weekly Address; Politician in Netherlands Fighting for his people; and Tim Tebow Ruby Bridges, an Icon of America’s History, Reveals the Catalyst for Overcoming Racism Rick Joyner and Lance Wallnau Join to Share a powerful Word: Game Time, Church Activation is Essential; Seize the Moment President Trump’s Weekly Address: Time for the Church to be Activated Rick Joyner and Lance Wallnau Join to Share a powerful Word: Game Time, Church Activation is Essential; Seize the Moment President Trump’s Weekly Address: Time for the Church to be Activated WATCH! Senator Ted Cruz talking about Illegal Immigration Down 50%, Franklin Graham Urging for Prayer; and President Trump’s Weekly Address Pastor Saeed Abedini Shares Riveting Testimony at Liberty University “Abortion is Black Genocide” says Pastor Clenard Childress; Speaking out against Planned Parenthood Debunking the Blatant Deception of Planned Parenthood’s claim of “Abortions only make up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s Services” “Planned Parenthood’s Worst Nightmare”, Young Teenage Girl Responds to Teen Vogue’s Article of how to Support a Friend “Post-Abortion” The Passing of Norma McCorvey, “Plaintiff” in the Supreme Court Case Roe V Wade Father Speaks Out Against Sex Trafficking Realities, A Warning to Parents Everywhere “Life is Winning Again!” Vice President Mike Pence Speaks at the 44th March For Life WATCH! The March for Life; The Biased Media; and V.P. Mike Pence Speaking PROPHECY! Major Move of God’s Spirit, Rich Vera PROPHECY! You Tube Millionaires, Cindy Jacobs WATCH! Prophetic Words from Rich Vera, Perry Stone, and Cindy Jacobs Part 2 “My hope does not rest in the various branches of government…but holy lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ, the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand!” Senate Chaplain, Barry Black’s Powerful Speech at National Prayer Breakfast WATCH! The Difference Two Years Make! Senate Chaplain Speaks at National Prayer Breakfast Is Your Phone Controlling You? Are 50 People in Silicon Valley Impacting the Decisions of 1 Billion People? PBS Discussion with Former Google Employee, Tristan Harris President Trump, a Pro-Life President PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer for the People of God, Pastor John Kilpatrick PROPHECY! God is Raising Funds for God’s Television Networks Prophetic Dream, John Ramos PROPHECY! Raining Gold Flakes in the Court Room of God, Provision for God’s People Prophetic Dream Greg Lancaster Childless by Choice in America: Is the Church Making the Same Decision by Not Making Disciples? WATCH! Childless by Choice, Couples choosing Not to have Children; Has the Church Decided to be Childless by Choice? Prophecy: A New John 17 Movement, The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders Has Much of the Church Become Institutionalized? The Price of Freedom! Jesus Came So That We Could Be Set Free! “The Anointing is on You for Your Assignment!” says Lance Wallnau Advancing the Kingdom of God by Conquering the 7 Mountains of Culture! WATCH! The 7 Mountain Mandate and VFN Kingdom Business Alleged Abortionist Thanks God for Guiding Her Hand to Take Child’s Life. “I wanted to express to you the gratitude and humility that I feel as an abortionist” Have We Become Childless by Choice, Believing the Narrative that Children are a Hindrance? WATCH! An Abortionist prays to Jesus about guiding her hand?; Childless by Choice? And a Standing Ovation for Reconciliation Satanist Club in Our Elementary Schools? Over 91,000 have Signed the Petition to Stop It WATCH! Warren Buffet’s Feedback on America; and John Paul Jackson Reveals Prophetic Headlines John Paul Jackson shares Prophetic Headlines of Events to Come What is the Devil’s End Game? “America At the Crossroads”; George Barna’s Book Reveals the State of the Church What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 1 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2 “America At the Crossroads”; George Barna’s Book Reveals the State of the Church WATCH! What is Wrong with America? Part 2 and George Barna’s “America At the Crossroads” What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 1 Is America heading for a demographic cold snap? The fertility forecast is gloomy these days. Childless by Choice in America: Is the Church Making the Same Decision by Not Making Disciples? WATCH! Childless by Choice, Couples choosing Not to have Children; Has the Church Decided to be Childless by Choice? Pensacola Uniting in PRAYER: Be There September 11, 2016 Pensacola Bay Center Children are being Raised to Hate! Palestinian Father tells Israeli Soldiers to Shoot His 4-Year Old Son The temple of satan organization, wants to start a satanist club in every American Elementary School The Progression of Dirt – Humor & Truth – Camping to the Grand Canyon WATCH! Is Turkey’s President Erdogan leading Turkey to become an Islamic Republic?; and Satanists want Satanic Club in every Elementary School in America? “I’m not scared to die…I’m Scared for those that are distracted by the world”, Clayton’s Story ‘Planned Parenthood Never Before have they been so Defensive of these Issues’ says David Daleiden Founder of Center for Medical Progress Compared to X & Y Generation, Is the Z-Generation reportedly “Less Engaged” in the Things of God? A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries WATCH! Five Spiritual Trends for 2016 by Rick Joyner Judge Dismisses Bogus Charge Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood Francis Chan: Don’t Focus on Marriage, Focus on the PURPOSE of Marriage: Making Disciples Update Interview with David Daleiden of Center for Medical Progress and Undercover Videos of Planned Parenthood New Bill in Pennsylvania will End over 1500 Abortions Every Year WATCH! “If you Boycott Israel New York Will Boycott you” NY Governor Cuomo signs Executive Order,and Interview with David Daleiden Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Shares Secret on How She Gets it all DONE You are Called to Be a GAME CHANGER in Society! Right Where You Live, Work, and Play: Kingdom Impact WATCH! Samaritan’s Purse Sends Field Hospital to Ecuador; Jesus Culture shares Game Changers; and VFN Kingdom Business Revival Coming to Cuba, Prophetic Word by Rick Joyner; Could President Obama’s Historic Visit Play a Key Role? WATCH! United in Prayer in NW Florida; President Obama Visits Cuba; and a Prophecy for Cuba Porn Phenomenon – Teens, Young Adults, Youth Pastors & Pastors struggling & Addicted; Hope to Overcome. Study Just Released, by Barna & Josh McDowell & others WATCH! Porn Phenomenon Study Just Released, by Barna and Josh McDowell; Teens, Young Adults, Youth Pastors and Pastors struggling & Addicted; Hope to Overcome Abortion Ends in America? Could this be the headlines after the Supreme Court Hears Biggest Abortion Case in 25 Years, Best Case Scenario 4-4 Resulting in Giving Power back to the States WATCH! Lila Rose speaking about Abortion Case before the Supreme Court; and are people less involved in Mega Churches? He Aborted over 1,200 Babies and Tells all Why He Stopped! Gripping Conversation with Former Abortionist. Plus Medical Animation Videos that Show Abortion Procedures at each Trimester WATCH! Abortion Truth Revealed in all Trimesters! Former Abortionist, Dr. Levation explains the procedure for abortion in each Trimester of Pregnancy. A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries WATCH! Five Spiritual Trends for 2016 by Rick Joyner BITTER COLD DOESN’T STOP 40 THOUSAND from Marching, Standing Up for THE UNBORN who Can’t Stand Up For Themselves, in the March for LIFE, in Washington, D.C. Founder of Center for Medical Progress Indicted David Daleiden: Pray WATCH! March for Life: 40,000 People in D.C.; and See Shaquille O’Neal Play Basketball with School Kids and Police Officers, Links of Kindness It’s Okay Raise a Family with Godly Values and to believe God for a Nation filled with Christians Greg Gives Happy Birthday Shout Out! WATCH! Pastor Saeed Released after 3 years, Missionary Mike Riddering killed in Africa, PM Netanyahu’s Response to the Iranian Nuclear Deal Family Research Council: State of the Family WATCH! Appeal to Heaven movement in Daphne, AL, State of Family by the Family Research Council, and Jerusalem Fortifying Bus Stops? A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries Baby’s Priceless Reaction to Bacon SEX TRAFFICKING: Awareness, Stats, Testimonies and HOPE Dr. Carson on The VIEW “There is a war on what’s inside of a woman” WATCH! Ten Commandments taken Down In Capitol of Oklahoma; Interview with David Daleiden President of Center for Medical Progress Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Planned Parenthood Video “Human Capital” The Time is NOW to Defund Planned Parenthood WATCH! New depths of Planned Parenthood revealed; The time to defund Planned Parenthood is now. Watch! Parental Guidance 9th Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Unashamedly Discussing Babies Ripped Organs? WATCH! Reportedly the 9th Video Exposing Planned Parenthood WATCH! Warning Graphic Content- Planned Parenthood Exposed: Aborting Babies and Allegedly Selling their Body Parts? Is this what it has come to? Dear God, End Abortion Send Revival Part 1 WATCH! Warning Graphic Content- Planned Parenthood Exposed: Aborting Babies and Allegedly Selling their Body Parts? Is this what it has come to? Dear God, End Abortion Send Revival Part 2 WATCH! Planned Parenthood Senior Medical Director Reportedly Discusses Selling Body Parts of Babies WATCH! Planned Parenthood Counselors Reportedly Encouraging Abortions Joe Scarborough, “I’ve found that there is not a government program that has ever been created, and that will ever be able to be created, that will be able to replace a father. One father can do the work of ten thousand bureaucrats” The Structure of the Church is Family: Is it time to get back to it? WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour June 10, 2015 Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN Power of Vision Propels all Aspects of Life The State of the Family in America and how to Get Back to God’s Original Intent Empowering the Next Generation of Kingdom Business Leaders Empowering the Next Generation of Kingdom Business Leaders Let’s Not Walk Off the Mountain Leaving Our Place of Influence for God: Let‘s let Our Light Shine Called to Transform the Culture What does building for a 1,000 years look like? Beast Economy vs. God’s Economy WATCH! VFNtv October 1, 2014 Watch! Father Teach His Children to Change out the Toilet Paper: 63% of Those surveyed said they would rather be electrically shocked then learn something new? Is this what is has come to? The State of the Family in America and how to Get Back to God’s Original Intent State of the Family Praying for Those In Authority; Desire of God, Requirement for Peace & Hope for Salvation BRACE YOURSELF! It’s Coming Baby Alive! House Bill 1129 protects the life of babies born during a botched abortion Former Abortionist Testifies for LIFE before Congress VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/31/13 Fathers are Special VFNRadio’s Timeless Treasures aired on VFNRadio on Wednesday October, 31,2012. It’s Time for The Sex Talk? – 20/50 Crisis Pornography & the Church – 20% of Women, 50% of Men in Church Addicted to Internet Pornography Top 3 on VFN Torch for August 17, 2012 Top 3 Stories on the VFN Torch August 8, 2012 Dripping, Windy and Slippery This is not a Lottery! Dad Screams for his life on ride – while daughter enjoys the ride – SO FUNNY It Was Raining Sideways! Health Care Law and God’s Perspective Gender Confusion, the loss of Masculinity – CBS News Boy Runs into Greg’s Arms to Get a Father Perspective, The 10 Year Malachi Mandate Prophesy Student Pulls Machine Gun My Father’s Day Dream – Humor – Happy Father’s Day Web Stats Prove we need Filters and Accountability DANGEROUS STATS