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Home » Childless By CHOICE; Why Some are NOT Having Children.

Childless By CHOICE; Why Some are NOT Having Children.



Numbers show we are below the replacement rate in America! In 1970 about 1 out of 10 women were childless, and now about 1 in 5 women are childless.  Jonathan Last, author of What to Expect When No One’s Expecting is saying that we are not making enough babies. A falling birth rate will transform the economy, not in a good way.

Jonathan Last also says, “We will have an entire country that looks like Florida, a whole lot of older people who need support and government assistance……we will have a much much smaller number of workers trying to support them.” We need to get a right godly perspective on our children. Whatever you appreciate you enjoy. Are we willing to deny ourselves long enough to have children and to trust God that they will have a great life? We should want to watch them succeed. Also shared in this segment, technology, exponential growth, money, selfishness, culture. Greg and John shared in this segment.

 children playing outside Courtesy of Rawpixel Shutterstock com_305646713 

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