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Home » Compared to X & Y Generation, Is the Z-Generation reportedly “Less Engaged” in the Things of God?

Compared to X & Y Generation, Is the Z-Generation reportedly “Less Engaged” in the Things of God?


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! As each new generation is born into this world, there is more and more technology to be interacted with. Regardless of who we are, we want our lives to make an impact. Nevertheless, Jesus commands us to GO and make disciples. According to George Barna, “95% of American Christians will not lead one person to their Lord in their entire lifetime”. Is this true of the Z-Generation?

As CBN shares, the millennial generation has lower “scores” than previous generations in regards to faith. “According to research, this generation scores low on attending church, praying, and making religion a priority.” Contrary to these suspected reports, the millennials have the greatest perspective of global missions. Director of Urbana15, Tom Lin, shares, “This generation is the most globally engaged generation we’ve seen. They are the most cross-culturally prepared generation.” It is this very perspective that makes them ready to reach the world for Christ. Lin continues, “They are so globally engaged already, I think they are ready to answer the call to missions, to go.”

It is the Urbana conference that gathers all of the intervarsity groups from both Canada and the United States to talk about how better to reach the world through missions. CBN reveals the life of two couples, Jeremy and Katie Daggett and Jake and Jaclyn Blair, who have put their desires to action by travelling to Peru to be missionaries. While Jeremy is helping teachers in the region, Jeremy, Katie and Jake donate their time at a local hospital.

For each of them, it’s not just about public service, it’s about discipleship. Jake Blair highlights the life of Jesus as to why he does what he does. “When you look at Jesus’ life, and what He did, and how He made disciples, He focused on a few guys and He poured a lot into them, and from there, they changed the world.” He continues to share, “When I think of my call to make disciples, I want to have quality influence on a few people, and those can have a quality influence on a few more people, and growth is then exponential.”

It is so exciting to see young people responding to Jesus’ words with actions and making a difference in the world around them. We are called to not just impact culture, but to transform culture for the Kingdom of God. By understanding that each culture is made up of 7 mountains: Church, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business, we can see how transforming a culture is doable. We were created to make disciples, followers of Jesus Christ, not simply converts. So many resources have been made to equip you in the call that Jesus has placed upon your life in order to meet Jesus, spend time with Jesus, and make disciples of Jesus.

Be encouraged as you see how some are responding to the Word of God by picking up their cross and reaching nations, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: evangelism, missions, Great Commission, discipleship, relationship, Church gatherings, fellowship, abiding, and eternity. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

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