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Home » The Passing of Norma McCorvey, “Plaintiff” in the Supreme Court Case Roe V Wade

The Passing of Norma McCorvey, “Plaintiff” in the Supreme Court Case Roe V Wade


LISTEN NOW! When we say the name “Norma McCorvey”, some may recognize the name, but when we say the Supreme Court Case, Roe v Wade, more would recognize the latter than the former. McCorvey was the Plaintiff in the Supreme Court case. Contrary to popular belief, although McCorvey initially sought the ability to have an abortion, she never truly did. Per the Washington Post, McCorvey died on February 18thThe Washington Post briefly shares about the days of struggle that led up to the Supreme Court ruling and the continuing struggles afterwards. In a 1995 interview, she shares, “I’ve been shunned by, uh, quite a few of the national leaders in the Pro-Choice movement. I really get this really strong hint…I just don’t really think that they hear me.”

As bold as she was for the Pro-Choice movement in her beginning years, there was a bold transition when she gave her life to the Lord on August 8, 1995, and became a bold voice for the Pro-Life movement. Taking part in pro-life events, such as the March for Life, she made her voice heard for the voiceless. She expelled any confusion about where she stood on the subject by expressing personally, how valuable life is for her.  “You read about me in history books. But, now I’m dedicated to spreading the truth about preserving the dignity of all human life, from natural conception to natural death.” See this powerful journey of transformation, as well as McCorvey personally sharing her heart about life, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: choice, life, babies, pregnancies, and the media. Greg shared in this segment. 
Image Courtesy of Storyblocks.com




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