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Home » Debunking the Blatant Deception of Planned Parenthood’s claim of “Abortions only make up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s Services”

Debunking the Blatant Deception of Planned Parenthood’s claim of “Abortions only make up 3% of Planned Parenthood’s Services”


LISTEN NOW! Time and time again, Planned Parenthood, and those that support Planned Parenthood, claim that abortions only make up 3% of the services that Planned Parenthood provides. Whether it be in the Senate, on talk show programs, or on the street, it is being repeated without the awareness of truth. Live Action has recently exposed Planned Parenthood’s deceptive statistic.

As Live Action describes, “According to their own Annual Report, Planned Parenthood commits over 300,000 abortions per year. Last year alone, they did 323,999 abortions, which averages to 887 abortions per day, 37 abortions per hour, and 1 abortion every 97 seconds.” Planned Parenthood does provide adoption referrals. But, for every one adoption referral, there are 160 abortions done. So how does Planned Parenthood get the 3% figure? Live Action explains. “Planned Parenthood divides abortions by the number of so-called services, which they describe as a ‘discrete clinical interaction’, and they count all of these services equally, regardless of the cost, time, or effort it takes to render that service.”With this understanding, Live Action further explains then how Planned Parenthood sees a $1000 abortion as equal to a $10 pregnancy test. “This way Planned Parenthood is able to count 9.4 million services. Divide 323,999 abortions by 9.4 million services and they get 3%.”  The understanding of true reality highlights how this statistic is a gross misrepresentation. See how misleading the reporting of Planned Parenthood’s numbers are regarding their abortions, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: abortion, pregnancy test, STI test, birth control, PAP test, breast exam, and lies. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 
screen capture from youtube.com/NBC News 



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