LISTEN NOW! Since the ruling of Roe v. Wade was passed in the Supreme Court, more than 50 Million children have been aborted from their mother’s womb. In order to sustain a nation, the citizens must not abort their own children. Japan is no longer able to sustain their nation because of a lack of babies. In America, the fight for life has not stopped. The Annual March for Life has continually been demonstrated within the streets of Washington D.C. since its first event in 1974. This year, Vice President, Mike Pence was the first Vice President to ever speak at the event.
It appears that America is truly realizing its Josiah Moment. During the reign of King Josiah, the Word of God was found in the temple and brought to the king. When King Josiah understood that God was angry with Israel because of what was taking place within the nation, he tore his garments and brought about radical reform and brought an end to the very travesties that angered the Lord. Because of King Josiah’s repentance AND response in accordance with his repentance, God relented. This is the very same reality as what has taken place in America. So much innocent bloodshed has been shed across America. But, the Church cried out to God in humility and repentance; AND God heard our cry.
During the 2016 Presidential Debate, Donald Trump openly declared his stance as Pro-Life and how his views were regarding partial-birth abortion; “If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the 9th month you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. Now you can say that that’s okay, and Hillary can say that that’s okay, but it’s not okay with me…”
When President of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, spoke about the then approaching 2016 Presidential Elections, she had these comments to say when speaking at a private invitation-only event in Philadelphia. “To be on the stage where we can now talk openly about the fact that abortion is a right that we have to have; and it’s not good to have a right if you can’t exercise it.” She continued to express, “We have to repeal the Hyde Amendmentso that everyone has equal rights.” By understanding these realities, we can better understand the clear difference and stance that the current Trump Administration has taken as they begin their time in Office.
It is a monumental event as Vice President Mike Pence is not only a guest speaker at the 2017 March for Life, but he is also the first Vice President to speak. The Vice President points out the beauty of this moment as he addresses, “It’s a good day and it’s the best day I’ve ever seen for the March of Life in more ways than one.” He also points out how victory is coming to life once again in America. “Because of all of you, and the many thousands who stand with us in marches like this all across the nation, LIFE IS WINNING AGAIN!”
As President Trump began his Presidency, Vice President Pence brings attention to how President Trump responded to the priority of life only days after entering office. “President Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy to prevent foreign aid from funding organizations that promoted to perform abortions worldwide.” He continued to address, “That’s why this Administration will work with the Congress to end taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion providers, and we will devote those resources to healthcare services to women across America.”
This is such a huge contrast to the direction that America was heading only a handful of months ago. We are Josiah! Now, we must respond in accordance with repentance and continue to see the ending of abortion in America. Now, in the 21st Century, we see the reality of owning another human being, slavery, as incomprehensible. Pray that the eyes of the heart of America would open and awaken to the tragedy of abortion and make the end of abortion a reality, just as the end of slavery was realized in America. Be encouraged as you see these powerful sequence of events that God so mercifully turned around, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Roe v Wade, pro-life, Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood, hope, life, restoration, healing, birth, pregnancies, and mercy. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
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