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Home » Abortion Ends in America? Could this be the headlines after the Supreme Court Hears Biggest Abortion Case in 25 Years, Best Case Scenario 4-4 Resulting in Giving Power back to the States

Abortion Ends in America? Could this be the headlines after the Supreme Court Hears Biggest Abortion Case in 25 Years, Best Case Scenario 4-4 Resulting in Giving Power back to the States


LISTEN NOW! The biggest abortion case in nearly 25 years, is being brought before the Supreme Court. According to CBN, the state of Texas is undergoing a hearing that would “require abortion doctors to admit patients to a local hospital. It also requires that abortion clinics meet the same safety standards that ambulatory surgical centers use.” This hearing has now gone to the Supreme Court. Something as basic as the hallways being wide enough to facilitate an ER gurney would be expected. Currently, the Supreme Court judges are in a tie 4-4. If it is dead-locked, then it would go back to the State to decide.


God is the giver of life and the taker of life. Sometimes man takes life. God has much to say about how we are to respond to the murdering of innocent life. When we ignore God’s directions for these truths, it does not turn out well. Hear the full story of what is taking place within the Supreme Court, what happens if this case goes back to the State, how abortion clinics are responding, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Pro-life, Planned Parenthood, Supreme Court, Justice Scalia, and Molech. Greg and John shared in this segment.
courtesy of Brandon Bourdages/shutterstock.com



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