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Home » “Planned Parenthood’s Worst Nightmare”, Young Teenage Girl Responds to Teen Vogue’s Article of how to Support a Friend “Post-Abortion”

“Planned Parenthood’s Worst Nightmare”, Young Teenage Girl Responds to Teen Vogue’s Article of how to Support a Friend “Post-Abortion”


LISTEN NOW! There are so many magazines published each day covering a multitude of topics and lifestyles that range for all age groups. One of these magazines is Teen Vogue. In their recent volume, Teen Vogue published an article titled, “What to Get a Friend Post Abortion”. Autumn and Students For Life responded to this outlandish article with a bold and sobering statement. Responding as one that Teen Vogue targets, teenagers, Autumn introduces herself, “Hello, I’m Autumn, and I’m 16…and since I’m a teen, this was directed at me.” She gives a brief overview of this article by stating, “The point of the article was to make the situation seem as light-hearted, and nonchalant as possible to convince girls my age that abortion is no big deal.” With that being said, she adds this important fact. “…abortion is a big deal, a very big deal.” She challenges Teen Vogue’s fantasy land description of abortion by admonishing with truth.  “No one skips into that room as if they’re getting their hair highlighted or their nails painted.” She continues to express, “The thought of going into a room and having my baby surgically removed from my body is both terrifying and scary.”
If this article were not shocking enough on the surface, the list of ideas that Teen Vogue presents as viable options to the reality of “post-abortion” is additionally shocking. Autumn comments about some of these options, such as becoming an abortion escort, taking a friend to a comedy movie, or getting your friend a “GRL PWR” Hat. It is important that we know the truth behind what is being told to our teenagers. See the entire response from Autumn, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: right to life, choice, abortions, parenthood, adoption, prayer, and support. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 
screen capture from youtube.com/studentsforlife




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