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Home » It’s Time for The Sex Talk? – 20/50 Crisis Pornography & the Church – 20% of Women, 50% of Men in Church Addicted to Internet Pornography

It’s Time for The Sex Talk? – 20/50 Crisis Pornography & the Church – 20% of Women, 50% of Men in Church Addicted to Internet Pornography

LISTEN NOW!  20% Percent of WOMEN and 50% of MEN IN THE CHURCH are allegedly addicted to PORNOGRAPHY reports say.  7 out of 10 lay leaders in the church admitted to visiting adult web sites at least once a week.  4 out of 10 pastors said they did the same.  LORD WE NEED YOUR HELP!    Greg shares about how the Lord has designed us in His image and likeness along with how our imaginations can be used for light or for darkness.  You’ll gain knowledge of this major problem, how it’s a spiritual battle, a strategy to get and stay free and you will see that you or your family member are not the only ones with this struggle.  Sexual desire is of God and can’t be stopped, just like the desire for food (hunger) can’t be stopped, but it can be steered by the power and grace of God.  He shares about how accountability and abiding are some of the key elements of the successful battle plan. We have been found guilty of trying to bring correction to a world who doesn’t know God, when we ourselves are held captive by the same sins while claiming to love God.  We need to understand we are all vulnerable to the assaults of our adversary and should be merciful and quick to help a fellow brother or sister who has been taken captive in this area. Pat Robertson, CBN News shares about the 20/50 Crisis, as well as Freedom Begins Hear ministries shares about the statistics.  Some of what is shared is about Christian singer Jimmy Needham’s victory over pornography, addiction, discipleship, iAbide.org, sin nature, and more.  



Byrson Moore, of Freedom Begins Here says, “It is the secret sin we don’t like to talk about. Yet it is single handedly corrupting our society-destroying marriages, families, careers, and even churches. A startling survey* recently revealed that 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women admit they are addicted to pornography. Not just struggling…addicted!

It doesn’t stop there. Take a look at the statistics below. You may or may not be one of these statistics, but you know someone who is. At some point you will be confronted with this crisis and we all need to be prepared. Be part of the solution by getting the Freedom Begins Here Accountability Pack and walk with someone in ruthless accountability. You’ll be glad you did. *ChristiaNet.com 6/6/07

Shocking Statistics (Why We Do What We Do Bryson Moore says):
• Sex is the #1 thing people search for on the Internet
• There are over 420 million Pornographic Internet pages
• 12 to 17 year olds are the largest consumers of Internet pornography
• 42.7% of Internet users view pornography
• The pornography industry is larger than the revenues of the top technology companies combined: Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink
• 70% of women keep their cyber activities secret
• Women, more than men, are likely to act out their behaviors in real life, such as having multiple partners, casual sex, or affairs.
• 68 million porn search engine requests daily
• 2006 Worldwide Porn Revenues = $97.06 billion
 • 7 of 10 lay leaders in the church admitted to visiting adult Web sites at least once a week
• 4 out of 10 pastors said they did the same.
• 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women are addicted to pornography.
• 60% of the women who answered the survey admitted to having significant struggles with lust;
• 40% admitted to being involved in sexual sin in the past year; and 20% of the church-going female participants struggle with looking at pornography on an ongoing basis.
Christian Singer Jimmy Needham’s Victory Over Pornorgraphy
It’s more than statistics

It’s people.
It’s husbands, fathers, mothers, wives.
It’s children, sons, daughters.
It’s families, friends, co-workers.
It’s churches, ministries, the body of Christ.

Statistics only tell part of the story.
Statistics represent people you know.
People struggling with sexual addiction.

Chuck Swindoll calls it “The #1 secret problem in your church.”

• Of the 10,000 calls, emails and letters Focus on the Family receives daily, this represents their number one incoming request for help overall.

New Man Magazine’s most frequent request from readers is to refer them to a service or ministry that can help them with their sexual temptation. “New Man readers NEED this product.” – from a New Man representative

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New Man (Christian magazine)
Christian Singer Jimmy Needham’s Victory Over Pornography – CBN.com


courtesy of wavebreakmedia/shutterstock.com

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