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Home » “Abortion is Black Genocide” says Pastor Clenard Childress; Speaking out against Planned Parenthood

“Abortion is Black Genocide” says Pastor Clenard Childress; Speaking out against Planned Parenthood


LISTEN NOW! Before there was Planned Parenthood, there was Margaret Sanger. Some may not be familiar with Sanger, but they are familiar with what her ideas and early concepts were eventually realized and became Planned Parenthood. CBN News, has considered the realities of abortion in America as well as how minorities have been effected.

“In many black communities, for every child born, three others are aborted. More than double the rate among whites.” As more and more communities are realizing the devastating effects of these realities, African American ministers are standing up and using their voices to express the urgency to stop this from continuing. Bishop Daniel Robertson, with Mt. Gilead Baptist Church seeks to turn others away from abortion and to adoption options instead. “We go to the abortion clinics and ask people, there are other alternatives, we try to educate people, let them know you don’t have to do this.” As CBN News’ Charlene Aaron additionally highlights, “Black Americans were long ago targets of the abortion industry. In the early 20th Century, Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood; an organization that later became the nation’s largest abortion provider.” Aaron continues, “Sanger encouraged abortion and sterilization to limit the size of black families.”
Pastor Clenard Childress boldly declares, “[abortion] is black genocide.” As Childress explains, Sanger used the African American minister to advance her agenda, because of this Childress points out, “The colored minister, the negro minister, the African American minister is pivotal right now, in addressing the abortion issue because we have been silent due to political ties and due to some misinformation.”
In a miraculous series of events, change is happening in America. A new leadership has entered office and new decisions are being made that are effecting all walks of life. As President Trump and Vice President Pence have taken office, Pro-Life decisions are immediately being made. And, for the first time ever, a Vice President attended the March for Life when Vice President Mike Pence recently attended the event in January of 2017.

The Vice President shared uplifting words when he boldly declared, “Life is Winning Again in America.” He continues to point out this important truth. “That is evident in the election of pro-life majorities in the Congress of the United States of America.” He also points out that President Trump is a Pro-Life President. It is also clearly seen in the recent actions of President Trump reinstating the Mexico City Policy. We are going to end abortion. These very responses to abortion are the beginning signs of God’s bringing an end to the innocent bloodshed.  Be encouraged as your faith is lifted up being reminded of all that God is doing, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Supreme Court Justice, life, eugenics, information, truth, communities, and repentance. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of KonstantinChristian/Shutterstock.com



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