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Home » Father Teaches His Children to Change out the Toilet Paper: 63% of those surveyed said they would rather be electrically shocked then learn something new? Is this what it has come to?

Father Teaches His Children to Change out the Toilet Paper: 63% of those surveyed said they would rather be electrically shocked then learn something new? Is this what it has come to?




People are saying they would rather have physical pain than to learn something new! The dumbing down of our society is happening! Through VFNtv we are here to help you learn something new! A father shares the way that he learned to teach his kids the values of life. Since his kids have not been listening to him in person, he decided to teach them through social media. This may be the way to teach our children.

This is very creative and funny in how he showed his children to change out a toilet paper roll. With technology and a vast amount of information, many children spend much of their time watching videos and searching online for information. This father was able to use social media positively! Also shared in this segment: dictionaries, toothbrush, wallet, door, and google maps. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of BartoszBudrewicz/Shutterstock.com

Father Teaches His Children to Change out the Toilet Paper
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