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Navigating Faith and the Gender Crisis

Mother and Her Sons Navigated Faith and Gender Crises Lisa Bevere, Addison David Bevere, Austin Michael Bevere, Alec James Bevere, and Arden Christopher Bevere.


Raising children in today’s world can be a daunting task, especially when they face identity crises and challenges to their faith. As a mother, it can be heartbreaking to witness your children turn away from God or struggle with their gender identity. In this article, we delve into a conversation with Lisa Bevere and her sons, Addison and Alec, as they share their personal experiences and offer insights on how they navigated these difficult situations. 

The Complexities of Gender Identity Crisis 

In the current societal climate, gender identity has become a major issue, leaving many people confused and feeling the need to self-identify. Lisa acknowledges the challenges faced by young people today, emphasizing the importance of allowing children to grow without imposing self-identification on them. Instead, she encourages establishing healthy boundaries and providing guidance for their development. 

Personal Experiences 

Addison opens up about his struggles during his teenage years, where he faced bullying due to his small stature. He shares how he questioned his own masculinity, wondering if something was wrong with him. However, he eventually realized that these experiences were attempts by the enemy to distort his identity. Addison credits his growth into an amazing husband and father to overcoming those challenges. 

Alec shares a different experience, where a close family friend confessed to having an affair with another man. This revelation led Alec to question his own thoughts and feelings, prompting him to seek guidance from his parents. His father provided valuable advice, explaining the spiritual aspect of such challenges and encouraging him to fight the enemy’s attacks with the Word of God. 

Spiritual Warfare and the Role of Faith 

Lisa and her sons emphasize the spiritual aspect of these crises and acknowledge the presence of demonic forces at work. They stress the need to be watchful and firm in one’s faith, equipping oneself with the Word of God to combat these attacks. Alec shares his father’s analogy of a dog nipping at one’s feet, symbolizing the enemy’s attempts to confuse and harm. By using the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, one can overcome these spiritual attacks. 

Acting Like a Man 

The conversation shifts toward the biblical definition of manhood. Lisa refers to a scripture in 1 Corinthians that emphasizes the importance of staying firm in one’s faith, acting like a man, and letting everything be done in love. Addison and Alec discuss how this scripture reflects the qualities of a man, including stewarding one’s sexuality, receiving discipline, humility, apologizing when necessary, and navigating friendships with wisdom. 

The Impact of Parental Influence 

In response to the question of what made a difference in their faith journey, Addison and Alec mention two crucial aspects. First, they highlight the importance of being involved in their parents’ mission and feeling like an integral part of it. Second, they emphasize the significance of consistency and witnessing their parents’ authenticity both at home and in public. They stress the need for parents to be the same people both inside and outside the home, as children primarily care about who their parents are behind closed doors. 


 Navigating faith and gender crises can be challenging for both parents and children. The experiences shared by Lisa Bevere and her sons provide valuable insights into how a strong foundation of faith, consistent parenting, and a deep understanding of one’s identity in God can help overcome these challenges. By equipping children with spiritual tools and being authentic role models, parents can guide their children through these difficult times and help them emerge stronger in their faith and sense of self. 

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