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Home » WATCH! Warning Graphic Content- Planned Parenthood Exposed: Aborting Babies and Allegedly Selling their Body Parts? Is this what it has come to? Dear God, End Abortion Send Revival Part 1

WATCH! Warning Graphic Content- Planned Parenthood Exposed: Aborting Babies and Allegedly Selling their Body Parts? Is this what it has come to? Dear God, End Abortion Send Revival Part 1



LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! It is a horrific reality when we as a nation have allowed the murdering of innocent children to take place on daily basis. Horrendous events are reportedly taking place behind the closed doors of Planned Parenthood facilities, its affiliates, and within the conversations of its employees. Students for Life have recently released a shocking video that reveals that daily activities carried out through Planned Parenthood is simply a business model with sales quotas and a product. Their product: abortions. According to Student for Life, Planned Parenthood has created customers by simply providing sexual education classes and providing free contraceptives. “According to Consumer Reports, Planned Parenthood produced the lowest quality condoms of all the brands they tested, which means they are going to fail more than any other condom.” Where do people then go when faulty condoms result in pregnancy; to the same place that allegedly provides counseling services? “79% of Planned Parenthood facilities are within 5 miles of a college campus. Because college campuses are huge client bases….For every 1 adoption, Planned Parenthood sells 145 abortions….92% of their prenatal services are abortions.”
Who would have ever thought that we would have arrived at such a day? Today this is legal but that was not always the case. In 1973, abortion was made legal after the passing of the Supreme Court Case ‘Roe v Wade’. This decision has resulted in 57,762,169 murders of innocent life. This travesty has been promulgated loud enough and long enough it is stated as if it was always the norm. President Obama, speaking in his support for abortion for America, even for his daughters, said, “If [my daughters] make a mistake I don’t want them punished with a baby”. We must also consider a term that is also being heard in today’s media: ‘Partial Birth Abortion’. Some may not know what this is. When a baby is born, it is usually delivered head first. For those who are conducting an abortion, ultrasound guidance is used in order to turn the baby around while still in the mother’s womb. The baby is then delivered feet first, abdomen, and then arms. While the head still remains inside the mother, scissors are then forced into the base of the skull and the baby’s brains are sucked out. 
If this couldn’t get any worse, reportedly, high level employees associated with Planned Parenthood not only condone these actions, but they meet beforehand with others to negotiate selling individual body parts of the babies. One particular individual is the Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Deborah Nucatola. With undercover agents posing as buyers, Nucatola discusses the process of how these exchanges take place. In between the bites of her salad, and the sipping of her wine, she expresses how these types of procedures are carried out. The lives of these innocent children are described with words such as “tissue” and “specimens”. When talking about wanting to preserve specific body parts, Nucatola details how this is achieved. “So then you’re just king of cognizant of where you put your graspers, you try to intentionally go above and below the thorax, so that, you know, we’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part. I’m going to basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
The outright evil of these atrocities doesn’t stop. In another conversation with Planned Parenthood Executives, investigators pose as buyers. This time the investigators sit with the President of Planned Parenthood Medical Directors’ Council, Mary Gatter. She haggles over the price of these parts, or “intact tissue”. When a final amount is presented, she replies, “Well let me agree to find out what other affiliates in California are getting and if they are getting substantially more, then we can discuss it then…Let me figure out what others are getting. If this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine. If it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini.”
The Bible highlights the events of what took place under the rule of King Josiah in the book of 2 Kings. When King Josiah learned of the innocent bloodshed happening in the land, he repented and cried out to God. God responded. In light of these truths that are taking place in the land, this is exactly what we must do. We must not let another day pass by with the knowledge that the innocent bloodshed is taking place. Dear God, End Abortion and Send Revival! Watch the intricate details of each of these interviews as you see and hear what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Planned Parenthood, contraceptives, abortion, sex education, STDs, World Health Organization, infant babies, Roe v Wade, medical directors, affiliates, Novogenix, StemExpress, Kermit Gosnell, Supreme Court. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Image courtesy of Steve Allen/shutterstock.com




Partial Birth Abortion Demonstration, Dr. Lile

Alledged Planned Parenthood Medical Director Discussing Selling of Human Baby Body Parts

Alledged Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggling over Price of Human Baby Body Parts

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