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Home » Baby Alive! House Bill 1129 protects the life of babies born during a botched abortion

Baby Alive! House Bill 1129 protects the life of babies born during a botched abortion


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss the alleged reason why according to the Blaze abortionist Gosnell and others like him cut the spines of babies born during a botched pregnancy.  According to the Blaze “Abortion doctors — clearly on a mission to end pregnancies — find themselves with a conundrum when a baby is born alive. With few options, it seems neck snipping is a definite way to end the lives of these children. Plus, as Crutcher also noted, the procedure reduces doctors’ chances of malpractice. Terminating a life once a baby is born is presumably easier and less risky than doing so before birth, although that doesn’t mean these babies were purposefully born in this way.”  They continue to share how recently in FL. Governor Rick Scott signed into law House Bill 1129 Baby Alive.  This is good news for all babies whose lives depend upon us while in their mother’s wombs and in their “doctor’s” hands.  The Infant Born Alive Act Definitions: This is a living, breathing, baby that was conceived as a result of a botched abortion.  This bill entitles an infant born alive as a result of a botched abortion the same rights that a child born through natural birth is entitled to receive.   The Lord is answering the prayers of the Church.  “Dear God, end abortion send revival.”

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