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Home » New Bill in Pennsylvania will End over 1500 Abortions Every Year

New Bill in Pennsylvania will End over 1500 Abortions Every Year


LISTEN NOW! Since the 1973 Supreme Court Decision to pass Roe V Wade, over 50 million children have been aborted in the mother’s womb. We believe that abortion can be completely stopped in our generation! Due to a recent bill, the more than 1,550 babies that are killed every year, would be dramatically reduced in the state of Pennsylvania. 

The Bill would “would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy when scientific evidence shows that unborn babies can feel pain.” When former abortionist Anthony Levatino, shared event by event what takes places in an abortion after 20 weeks, we will get an instant understanding of the brutality that takes place in each of these procedures.


As Levatino demonstrates, a 2nd Trimester Abortion, is called a Dilation and Evacuation, or D & E. When earlier abortions are done through suctions, this method is not applicable because of the size of the baby in the mother’s womb. In order to remove the baby from the mother, the baby is literally pulled out; piece by piece. Levatino then displays a stainless steel, clamp-looking instrument, about 13 inches long. It’s a “Sopher Clamp”. “The business end is about 2 ½ inches long and a half inch wide and there are rows of sharp teeth. This is a grasping instrument. When it gets a hold of something, it does not let go.” Levatino then shares how this is used in an abortion procedure; “The abortionist then uses this clamp to grasp an arm or a leg. Once he has a firm grip, the abortionist pulls hard, in order to tear the limb from the baby’s body.” This is then repeated, limb by limb, and then again until the torso, head, and remains of the baby are completely removed.


The good news is that Levatino is a FORMER abortionist as he no longer does abortions but now educates to the evil of this horrific acts. If God can bring conviction to a single doctor, so that he stops doing abortions completely, He can stop abortions. God can get a hold of this nation. Another upcoming bill in Texas brings another ring of hope of what is happening to end abortion in America.


Due to laws in Texas, “the laws protects women’s health and welfare by requiring abortion clinics to meet the kinds of medical and safety standards that legitimate medical centers meet.” Additionally,,” since the law was passed, the number of clinics providing abortion services in Texas dropped to 19 from 42, and could fall to ten if the state wins. A federal appeals court upheld the law, and a Supreme Court tie would leave that ruling in place, allowing the state to enforce the restrictions”.


Hear the full story of the recent bills that have been discussed, their impact on the abortions being done in our nation, the full comments and demonstration from Anthony Levatino, the encouraging reality of the declining abortions, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: abortions, life, unborn, clinics, Pennsylvania, Texas, legislation, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of VILevi/Shutterstock.com

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