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Home » SEX TRAFFICKING: Awareness, Stats, Testimonies and HOPE

SEX TRAFFICKING: Awareness, Stats, Testimonies and HOPE


LISTEN NOW! When the topic of slavery comes to mind, or in an open discussion, one would think that slavery is not a part of our culture, or in our generation. Some may conclude that slavery is no more. This is simply not true. According to reports, the trafficking of human beings is a $150 billion a year industry. This is more than the sale of drugs and weapons. Right now, in 2015, in the 21stCentury, there are more than 27 million people in slavery; in sex slavery. Even more alarming than this reality is the average age of those who are being trafficked: 12 years old.
When we see someone on a street corner, on the surface, it can be surmised that the individual chose this lifestyle. Founder of Exodus Cry, Benjamin Nolot, describes the brutal breaking down that happens in someone’s life when they are brought into this type of lifestyle. “As a girl is brought into this environment…it begins with a breaking process. It begins with a breaking down of that person’s soul, of that person’s spirit, of that person’s body, of that person’s psyche. They want to completely break that individual so that they are at the mercy and under the control of whoever that trafficker might be.”The women and children who are caught are essentially abducted and kidnapped and then brought into this new lifestyle. Nolot is the producer and director behind the documentary film Nefarious: Merchant of Souls that gives the riveting images and real-life stories of those trapped in the trafficking world. The realities that are exposed in this film is shocking. One man shares from his experiences of ordering women, “…you ask it, and the girl come to you. It’s like you order a pizza, something like that you can compare it.” Another man describes how women could be bought for $10 a night.
Katja was one of these very women. She had aspirations, like many others, to travel and continue her education. When she met with others she was confronted with the reality of being forced into prostitution. According to A21 Campaign, “victims of sex trafficking are forced to service up to 40 clients a day, 14,600 a year”. In Katja’s own words, “I would drink a lot of alcohol so I wouldn’t understand who I was, where I was, or what I was doing. I felt like I was not a person anymore. I had no heart, no soul, no will.” Katja was trafficked for 2 years. Then, Katja was found by A21 Campaign and rescued from sex trafficking.
The goal of A21 Campaign is to end sex trafficking in the 21st Century. In our fast paced world, we get caught up into the things that are happening right in front of us, or the places that we are going, rarely considering the people that are to our immediate left and right or the reality of the suffering they may be enduring. There is hope. A21 is bringing change and restoration to those who are being trafficked.

In cities around the world, and in the United States, people are being activated and empowered to not only be educated and informed of the slavery that is taking place in our generation, but with the awareness of what to do about it. Within Florida, events have been orchestrated to get the word out and shared. These are the realities that empower you, one voice, to do something that will not only impact a life, but many lives. Be stirred and activated yourself as you see the plight and evils that others are suffering, how you can make a difference, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Exodus Cry, Operation Underground Railroad, sex trafficking, sex slavery, Super Bowl, Kentucky Derby, The World Cup, Greece, Europe, restoration, healing, empowerment, truth, love, and hope. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of GongTo/Shutterstock.com



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