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Home » The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some?

The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some?




In today’s segment we discuss Dr. James Dobson’s book, Fatherless. If you want to have healthy fathers you must have healthy sons. Dr. Dobson shares in his book that life has lost its value, and this is tied up with the love of money and power. He shares many different perspectives in his book on how to see that everything matters. The book begins with one perspective of a young man who is suicidal because he didn’t feel that he was able to contribute anything to life and he thought killing himself would bring meaning to his life. American society has created an atmosphere that the world is better without you. The society goes from saying that children don’t need to live and that they are not valuable and now it is turning around to their parents are not valuable and that they don’t need to live. As some express the value of money is to be held to a higher standard than people that are to our left or right, results in decisions being made that would have never been considered in past generations. And with these decisions, people are being treated terribly as if there is no meaning to their life. Hear more about this story and how it applies to today’s generation. We want to hear from you and what you think about the value of life. Also shared in this segment: iAbide, Mothers, Nursing Homes, FDA. Greg and John shared in this segment.

 Courtesy of SergeyNovikov/Shutterstock.com

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