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Home » WATCH! March for Life: 40,000 People in D.C.; and See Shaquille O’Neal Play Basketball with School Kids and Police Officers, Links of Kindness

WATCH! March for Life: 40,000 People in D.C.; and See Shaquille O’Neal Play Basketball with School Kids and Police Officers, Links of Kindness



BITTER COLD DOESN’T STOP 40 THOUSAND From Marching, Standing Up for THE UNBORN who Can’t Stand Up For Themselves, in the March for LIFE, in Washington, D.C.


There have been many voices crying out to God to end abortion in the land of America. These cries have not stopped as March for Life has recently gathered together in Washington D.C. to show their support to be Pro-Life. According to washingtonexaminer.com, “The Post reported that the march drew “thousands,” while the Times said that it attracted only “hundreds.” In all actuality, there were more than 40,000 demonstrators that convened on the streets of Washington D.C., despite the torrential winter storms, to express their support of being pro-life. See the crowds for yourself to see just how massive the turnout was, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: pro-life, march, storm, and capital. Greg and John shared in this segment.



Czech Republic Open their Country to Persecuted Iraqi Christians from Iraq


Persecution against Christians is happening on a wide spread occurrence throughout the Middle East. Christians are seeking refuge from the horrifying acts that are taking place in Iraq, Iran, as well as other regions. Refuge has been found for 153 of these Christians in the Czech Republic. CBN shares the encouraging story of how Majeed Kurdi was the first to arrive with his family. Welcomed by microphones and reporters, Majeed shares about his plans after arrival, “We have come here first to provide a secure life for our families and secondly to get a job and do something here in order to serve society as well as to take care of our families.”


This is such an encouraging moment to be able to witness as he arrives with his family and shares additional comments about what took place in Iraq before he was able to travel to the Czech Republic. Also shared in this segment: persecution, Radical Islam, jizzya tax, and asylum. Greg and John shared in this segment.



Pat Schatzline Tidal Wave of Revival Coming


We have been sharing many prophetic words about what the Lord has been revealing about what is to come in the near days ahead. Many are hearing that there are times of destruction ahead as well as a coming wave of God’s Glory. Sid Roth, host of It’s Supernatural, recently invited Pat Schatzline to his program to talk about what the Lord had been saying and revealing to Pat, what has been revealed to Pat also lines up as well. He shares about a dream that he had with his wife running across the United States and a large wave crashing and following closely behind them. They arrive at Washington holding on to the pillars of the White House. He shares about what the Lord specifically said to him about the dream, “Son, what you saw was not judgment. You saw the next wave of revival that is coming to America and it will be the final awakening that is coming.”


Pat continued to share about how the Lord revealed to him how this revival would take place in America. “I was flying in a place across America, a while back, late at night and I saw lights off in the distance in different places. And the Lord said, “That’s the way revival will hit America. There will be hot spots. Then there will be other places that The Holy Spirit walks past; Churches that He no longer stops at, those that are not preaching truth and standing on God’s Word.”


This next coming move of God will not be like the Revivals or Great Awakenings of history where well known profiles will be the ones leading it. God has reserved this generation and there will be many that God will use to carry out His plans and purposes. Pat continues to share about another dream he had where he saw an explosion in his eyes. He abruptly woke up and laid back down. “I laid back down for a moment and I saw graves opening. Here’s why I would tell you that. God is about to raise up the ones that He has been waiting to use, the ones that the enemy has been trying to throw dirt on, but you can’t throw dirt on somebody God is not finished with yet, just look at Jesus. And what you got to realize is you are the voice that God is raising up…”


He continues to share about how God showed him the waist of Jesus with a ring of keys on them and how they open up doors. You may be surprised as to which keys open up which doors. Now is the time to get involved and rightly related into what God is doing in this day and in this hour. Watch the full report and be greatly encouraged as to what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Joyner, harvest, Third Great Awakening, cutting, Baal, authority, unqualified voice, Perry Stone, John G. Lake, healing rooms, VFNInternship, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.



BIG Shaq Teams up with Local Police Officer to Play with Neighborhood Boys in Basketball


A few days ago, the Gainesville Police Department received a complaint that children were loudly playing basketball in the street. An officer responded to the scene to assess what was taking place. As the kids playing their game stopped to acknowledge the arrival, Officer White responded to them. When he got the ball… he shot for two. He said he would come back with back up to play again with the neighborhood kids.


When the officers were gathered together, for what they assumed was a brief about setting up the rematch, everyone was surprised as to who the actual “back-up” was that arrived. Former NBA player, Shaquille “Shaq” O’Neal, walked into the muster room to ride along for the game himself.


When the multiple squad cars arrived, along with another vehicle, the neighborhood kids were just as surprised as the officers were when O’Neal walked up to them. Not a moment was wasted and the games continued. O’Neal ended the game by speaking to all of the kids and telling them to repeat after him, “I will become whatever I want to be. I will be a leader and not a follower. I will respect my peers, my elders, and especially my parents”.


What started as one act of kindness by one Gainesville Officer, has not only caused Shaquille O’Neal to take notice, but now many others are being challenged to simply respond in these moments. Allow the world to catch you in the act of carrying out a link of kindness and watch how many will be encouraged. Watch the very game take place, see the surprised look on the officer’s faces, as well as the kids playing their own game with Shaquille O’Neal, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: law enforcement officers, COPS, #linksofkindness, and humor. Greg and John shared in this segment.



Franklin Graham and Daughter CissieLynch Graham on 7 Day Tour Part 2- Jerusalem


Franklin Graham and his daughter Cissie Lynch Graham continue their journey through the very streets and historic places of Israel. Where else would one start than the Biblical Holy City of Jerusalem. If you have never seen Jerusalem, this is a picturesque view overlooking the beauty of this city.


After gazing at the city itself, Franklin prompts his daughter, “This is Jerusalem. What do you think Cissie?” She replies, “It’s just incredible how much history is here but how much history is to come.” Franklin continues to share about the many armies that have amassed to march against this city and the amount of blood that has been shed during these battles. The city of Jerusalem still stands. Watch the full video that reveals striking visualizations of this historic city, as well as how the timeline of events regarding the Israelites responding to advancing armies and times of peace is much like many today, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Eastern Gate, The Temple Mount, Babylonians, Persians, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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