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Home » Update Interview with David Daleiden of Center for Medical Progress and Undercover Videos of Planned Parenthood

Update Interview with David Daleiden of Center for Medical Progress and Undercover Videos of Planned Parenthood


LISTEN NOW! After an undercover operation was conducted by David Daleiden and his team, the alleged realities that were being carried out behind closed doors of Planned Parenthood affiliates was brought to the public eye. At the tip of the spear of these operations was David Daleiden, and Center for Medical Progress. It was because of Daleiden’s undercover footage that he has found himself in a trial. The most recent update regarding this trial has added quite a twist to the plot.

In the midst of the trial, “Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast attorney, Josh Schaeffer, reportedly, admitted, under oath that the District Attorney’s Office that indicted Daleiden shared confidential documents and information with Planned Parenthood.” The reality of such an action is the immense illegality. In a discussion with The Blaze’s Dana Loesch, Daleiden shares that “Texas is one of the many states that opened up an investigation into Planned Parenthood after the videos of their senior level officials haggling over the price and selling baby’s body parts for profits surfaced.” In this investigation, as Daleiden shares, “The Texas Attorney General’s Office was the primary entity that was continuing that investigation.” But, it was the investigation at the state level where Planned Parenthood had a few more supporters. “What we’re finding out from Planned Parenthood’s own lawyer in Houston, is that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston and the Harris County’s DA Office actively worked together to undermine the investigation of the Attorney General’s Office has been conducting.”


In addition, this particular DA Office was instructed by the Attorney General’s Office not to provide anything to Planned Parenthood. In response, Daleiden adds, “It’s an incredible egregious act of collusion between Planned Parenthood, who the state has instructed should be the party that should be investigated, and the local authority that was tasked with doing that job. It’s incredibly egregious.”


Loesch brings up the additional events of certain video footage that had allegedly been stolen by California’s Attorney General and asked if anything had been returned to Daleiden. According to Daleiden, nothing has been returned, but he also shares, “The Attorney General’s Office also did not take from me anything that I absolutely need in order to continue to do my work and so I’m happy to confirm that we’re gonna be releasing further videos in the coming weeks and months.”

See the full exchange between Daleiden and Loesch, the intricacies of this case, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: abortion, legal, collusion, Attorney General, Planned Parenthood, judges, court, trial, and law. John and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from theblaze.com

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