LISTEN NOW! The most dangerous reality is the existence of deception. Deception is when we think that we are walking in what is right when, the truth is, we are dead wrong. When we see the recent actions of an alleged abortionist, we begin to see how real deception is.
According to CBN News, Planned Parenthood recently held The North American Forum on Family Planning Conference in Chicago. While a pro-life demonstration was being held outside the event, an abortionist doctor proceeded to kneel on the sidewalk. Her words, simply put, are eerie and downright strange. She begins to pray and thank God for His hand in her life. “My dear Heavenly Father, I’m grateful today to be here at this wonderful meeting, and I wanted to express to you the gratitude and humility that I feel as an abortionist…and to use this in furthering the work of the Lord…” This alleged abortionist kneels and prays these words while standing next to an image of an aborted child. The Lord told us that we would see deception in these last days. Here it is. In his book, The Fear of the Lord, John Bevere writes, “The longer someone is deceived, the thicker the veil of deception gets, the harder it is to convince them they are deceived.”
Since 1973 and the passing of Roe v Wade, the killing of children in the mother’s womb has been made legal. Since then, more than 50 million innocent lives have been murdered. That’s more than the entire population of Canada. Simply put, God is going to hold us accountable for each of the abortions that have been committed in America. As the Church, we must get into the Word of God, the Bible, and see life from God’s perspective. Life is a gift that God has given each one of us, and we must see the lives of others the same. God can forgive this doctor, and any other individual that has chosen to have an abortion. See the full comments of this abortionist, the importance for all of us to value life, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: eternity, innocent blood, deception, pride, and evil. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
screen capture from CBN.com
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