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Home » Gender Confusion, the loss of Masculinity – CBS News

Gender Confusion, the loss of Masculinity – CBS News


LISTEN NOW!  Greg speaks about a recent CBS News Article about “Gender Role Change.” Also in what is happening to the church, men and women, and how the church is not in the place to start talking to the world about gender confusion until we resume our own gender roles the Lord has given us.  He speaks about how it will take time to turn back, but God will help us return to this place He designed.  

Courtesy of 3DProfi/Shutterstock.com


CBS NEWS ARTICLE: As gender roles change, are men out of step?

CBS News Says… “Let’s throw ‘boys will be boys’ out the door.  It doesn’t serve us anymore”  
 Find out  more at: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-3445_162-57454755/as-gender-roles-change-are-men-out-of-step/?tag=showDoorLeadStoriesAreaMain;SunMoLeadHero

CBS News Sunday Morning tries to explain away masculinity


Meta:  men, women, boys, girls, education, college, failing, fathers, father, mothers, children, home work, affirmative action, demographic shift, home school, xbox, playstation, poverty, marriage, bondage, family, vision, hard work, computers, internet, pornography, addiction, distraction, father’s day


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