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Phone Home! Illegal Immigration: A Detailed Plan for Addressing Illegal Immigration Under the Trump Administration (2025)
Prophetic Dream: From Warning to Awakening – Preparing for America’s Future, Rick Joyner
Cory Mills: War, Leadership, and Accountability: Cory Mills on the Path Forward for the U.S.
From Crisis to Courage: How Cory Mills Led Haiti’s Rescue Efforts
Cory Mills: From Humble Beginnings to Serving in the U.S. Military and Representing Florida in Congress
A Global Warning: The Erosion of Freedom and the Rise of Division
‘Boys and Men Must Be Free and Accustomed to Fearing Slavery More Than Death’ Plato
The Christian Foundations of America: A Response to Modern Misconceptions, Charlie Kirk
President Dwight D. Eisenhower Farewell Speech
Desperation: Crying Out for Help
America: How We Got Here & How We Stay Here!- (Part 2 Of 2)
Remembering Our History: The Tuttle Twins Way
Summer Glory Celebration 2022! BE THERE!
War; Power Outage; Famine; IN AMERICA? OH GOD!
Jonathan Isaac: Why He Stood!
The French Connection to Success with the American Revolution
Supreme Court Upholds Religious Rights, Vindicates Football Coach Who Was Fired for Praying
RULE 13 “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Are They Using Tips from #Lucifer to Organize America and the World, but First, Wisdom from the Live of Dr. King, Jr.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “A Role Model for Christians Today” says Eric Metaxes
U.S. Citizenship Test Series: Humor
U.S. Citizenship Test: Humor, Think you can pass? 1-5
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 6-10
VISION FROM GOD: Christians Serving Darkness and Light – Children of the Day OR Children of the Night?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 11-15
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 16-20
Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to Organize America and the world; really?
GLOBAL WARMING! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for Organizing America and the World?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 21-25
DECEPTION! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for organizing America and the World?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 26-30
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 31-35
COMMUNISM’S POLITICAL PARADISE? – Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 36-40
POLARIZATION! – Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 41-45
ALINSKY’S FOLLOWERS: HILLARY, OBAMA AND ____? Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to organize America and the World?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 46-50
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game, Humor: 51-55
PRIDE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for Organizing America and the World?
THE LAW! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to organize America and the world?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game, Humor: 56-60
WWJD or WWJO- Who Would Jesus Organize?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game , Humor: 61-65
MAKING YOU HAPPY TO GET “THEIR” WAY! Are they Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game,Humor: 66-70
RIDICULE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game, Humor: 71-75
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 76-80
SUSTAINED MILITANT INTEREST! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 81-85
PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
ORGANIZE UNCEASING PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 86-90
TERRORIZING THREATS! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor: 91-95
Was Our President Selected Before He was Elected? Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World?
U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 96-100
Saul Saul Why are you ‘Organizing’ Persecuting Me?
Color Blindness; Seeking Justice for Roy Middleton
PUSHING BIPOLAR NARRATIVES: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
CLEAR ALTERNATIVE: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
PICK IT, TARGET IT, FREEZE IT, PERSONALIZE IT AND POLARIZE IT: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world?
Perspective Matters
I want to lead the world…?, President Bill Clinton
PROPHECY! Cold War Rising With China? Prophetic Word From Dumitru Duduman. GOD WINS IN THE END!
Beheading of American Journalist James Foley – From ISIS to the White House?
PROPHETIC DREAM! The China Dragon, Corporate Coup, and President Nixon. Nancy Pelosi’s Defeat, Greg Lancaster
Is there a Strategy Unfolding to Crash the U.S. Dollar? Are we seeing Cloward and Piven’s Strategy? Our Hope and Trust can only be in God
MERRY CHRISTMAS! President Trump Shares the True Meaning of Christmas
Are You being a Watchman? Isis in the Heartland of America?
WATCH! Why is President Obama on the side of a Building in Iran in 2014?; and Prophetic Words from John Paul Jackson
WATCH! What does a war with ISIS in Iraq have to do with FBI director James Comey; and a Coming Physical Battle?
Is America on the Brink of Judgment? Window of Opportunity to Fully Turn Back to God
WATCH! The Humanitarian Crisis on the Border; Illegal Immigrants Being Used for Political Purpose and the Need to Protect the Borders
WATCH! Stephen Mansfield’s new Book “Ask the Question”; and How Your Vote Affects Moral Issues
WATCH! “Capitalism is a necessary condition for freedom but not a Sufficient Condition, “says Milton Friedman. What is the Difference Between Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism?
WATCH! The Devil’s End Game: The Power to Define the Meaning of WORDS; Your One Vote Matters! Your Vote Can Make the Difference- 4% of People Vote in Local Elections
WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2
America LIGHTS OUT! One Electro Magnetic Pulse Bomb from North Korea?
The Return of Guy Fawkes? Riots in America? Congressman on Terrorism Taskforce Warning us to Be Prepared for Terrorist Attack on America?
Revival of Compassion on the Mexico Texas Border; Illegal Immigrant Children Being Embraced by Christians with Open Heart of Compassion, Love, Food, Clothing, Soccer Balls and Teddy Bears!
California Shuts Down Church, BUT GOD had something to say about that!
PROPHECY! God Shows Greg Lancaster DANGER with the 2020 Election, Use of the god Baal, and What a New Religion in America has to do with it? In January 2020
1968 AGAIN! “Riots not that Bad!” says Donald Trump Spokes Person, After Trump Reportedly Says ‘There Could Be Riots, if he doesn’t Get Nomination.’ Prophecy Coming to Pass? Will America See Race Riot, Discord, Violence and Chaos as it did in 1968? President Obama Tells Israel to Go Back to 1967. Did That Turn America back to the 60’s? Chuck Pierce says YES! But Good Will Eventually Come of it.
Blindfolded with an American Flag? Did the Lord Reveal the Strategy of what took Place Regarding Vice President Joe Biden’s statement about the Presidential Race?
WATCH! PROPHECY! “Look and See the Lightning!” and “Saul Will Become Paul” Hank Kunneman
PROPHECY! New Global Order! What Part Does Elon Musk Play in the End Times Beast Economy?
PROPHECY! Economy Falls in 11 Days! Largest Wealth Transfer in the History of Man; Do the Math!
WATCH! PROPHECY! Revival Coming Soon + Economy Falls in 11 Days + New Global Order with End Times Beast Economy
What Will 2020 be About? + ‘Is Jesus a Socialist?’ Charlie Kirk & Jack Hibbs Answer
WATCH! What Will 2020 be About? + ‘Is Jesus a Socialist?’ Charlie Kirk & Jack Hibbs Answer
WATCH! Prophecy! CORONAVIRUS. Hear this powerful word about what God is saying regarding the Coronavirus!
PROPHECY! Baby Boomers Must Arise in 2020 Elections in America! Jeremiah Johnson
PROPHECY! “Mantle of Elijah Dethroning Jezebel Spirit in America,” Jeremiah Johnson
PROPHECY! “President Trump & Baby Boomers Keys to the Ending of Abortion,” Jeremiah Johnson
PROPHECY! “God Dealing with 3 Principalities in Church: Racism, Radical Feminism & Moloch” Jeremiah Johnson
WATCH! PROPHECY! God Deals with 3 Principalities in Church + President Trump & Baby Boomers Keys to a Move of God & Elections and More! Jeremiah Johnson
PROPHECY! God Shows Greg Lancaster DANGER with the 2020 Election and What a New Religion in America has to do with it?
PROPHECY! God Shows Greg Lancaster DANGER with the 2020 Election and What a New Religion Baal in America has to do with it?
PROPHECY! Prophetic Encounter: A.I., Robots and Our Future, Will it Push Human’s Aside?
WATCH! PROPHECY! Prophetic Encounter: A.I., Robots and Our Future, Will it Push Human’s Aside?
Insight, Ideas & Concepts Coming to the Church! Kenneth Copeland
PROPHECY! 2020 a Year of Political Change & Manifested Power! Kenneth Copeland
PROPHECY! We are Moving from One Age to Another! Kenneth Copeland
PROPHECY! “Confusion Coming to the Financial System.” Kenneth Copeland
PROPHECY! A Move of God Exploding Among Young People! Kenneth Copeland
WATCH! PROPHECY 2020, Dreams, Visions Will Increase, Revival Among Young, Political Figure Who Cause Division Will be Removed, Economy Fragile and much more for 2020
Dr. King Personified the Gospel; Hear His Sister-in-Law Explain
PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets: “You Can’t Fight Giants Like They Fight”
PROPHECY! 1000 Barges Filled with 1000-Year-Old Oil to Anoint America! Dutch Sheets
PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets: Decrees Will Blanket the Nation “America Shall be Saved!”
WATCH! PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets: You Can’t Fight Like Giants + America Shall be Saved + 1000 Yr Old Oil to Anoint America!
PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets “Our New Currency is Mercy”
WATCH! PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets “Our New Currency is Mercy”
PROPHECY! President Donald Trump Will Have a Prayer Task Force! Dutch Sheets
PROPHECY! President Donald Trump Will Have a God Encounter in the White House: Dutch Sheets
WATCH! PROPHECY! President Donald Trump Will Have a God Encounter and a Prayer Task Force: Dutch Sheets
PROPHECY! What Happens When the Lord Begins to Shake Governments?
WATCH! Prophecy! What Happens When the Lord Begins to Shake Governments?
You’ve Got to Have Eyes to Discern What is Happening
PROPHECY! A Holy Ghost Revival Will Turn America Around says Pastor John Kilpatrick
PROPHECY! Revival and Evil Happen Simultaneously
WATCH! PROPHECY! Revival & Evil Happen Simultaneously + Revival Will Turn America Around
God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest!
WATCH! God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest!
Israel and America, Where are we now?
WATCH! Israel and America, Where are we now?
2019 Greater Surge of Spiritual Power and Momentum; The King of Glory Positioned Over the United States, Dutch Sheets
WATCH! 2019 Greater Surge of Spiritual Power and Momentum; The King of Glory Positioned Over the United States, Dutch Sheets
Prophecy Fulfilled? Swamp Creatures in Washington D.C. Fighting for Last Little Bit of Water; “It’s going to get Uglier but Don’t be Dismayed”
WATCH! Prophecy Fulfilled? Swamp Creatures in Washington D.C. Fighting for Last Little Bit of Water; “It’s going to get Uglier but Don’t be Dismayed”
Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY!
Gave Their Life, Limb & Self for us – Power, Blessings & Privilege – The Vote
WATCH! Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY!
Bro. John Kilpatrick Prophesy Fulfilled: Truth No longer Falling in the Streets: People are Beginning to Run to Her
WATCH! Pro Golfer Bubba Watson Winning on the Greens and in Life; Judgment First Then then Comes the GLORY; Bro. John Kilpatrick Prophesy Fulfilled: Truth No longer Fallen in the Streets: People are beginning to Run to Her
America is about to Surpass Russia: Number One Producer of Oil; Miracle Oil Boom in America; Prophesy Fulfilled
WATCH! America about to Surpass Russia: Number One Producer of Oil + Chick-Fil-A in NYC Creepy Says The New Yorker Magazine
VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight
WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning
President Trump Meets with Survivors of Religious Persecution
WATCH! President Trump Meets with Survivors of Religious Persecution
Don’t Allow False Threats of Racism Stop You from Standing for the Truth
WATCH! Don’t Allow False Threats of Racism Stop You from Standing for the Truth
Inserting A.I. Into Your Brain: Yes, it’s Really Happening
WATCH! Inserting A.I. Into Your Brain: Yes, it’s Really Happening
5 Stages for Battle Over America – Lance Wallnau
WATCH! 5 Stages for Battle Over America – Lance Wallnau
The Truth of what is Happening in North Korea
WATCH! The Truth of what is Happening in North Korea
Elon Musk – Universal Basic Income – Few and Fewer Jobs that a Machine cannot do Better
Sanctuary Cities and the Bible
WATCH! Sanctuary Cities and the Bible ; Elon Musk – Universal Basic Income – Few and Fewer Jobs that a Machine cannot do Better
Revival Coming to North Korea, Bamboo Curtain Down, Singapore Summit Just the Beginning
WATCH! Revival Coming to North Korea, Bamboo Curtain Down, Singapore Summit Just the Beginning
North Korean Government more Afraid of Christians than Nuclear Weapons
WATCH! North Korean Government more Afraid of Christians than Nuclear Weapons
3rd Annual MADE IN AMERICA Showcase with President Trump at the White House
WATCH! 3rd Annual MADE IN AMERICA Showcase with President Trump at the White House
“President Trump is an Enigma,” says Dr. Lance Wallnau
WATCH! “President Trump is an Enigma,” says Lance Wallnau + PROPHECY! “God Has Turned His Eye Toward Florida…Florida Backbone of the Nation,” Chuck Pierce
Salute to America, Independence Day – President Trump Delivers Remarks
WATCH! Salute to America, Independence Day – President Trump Delivers Remarks
Yisroel Stefansky Founder of ASTI & Yair Netanyahu; P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu’s Son Visits the Glory Zone & Speaks with Pastor John Kilpatrick, CHP
WATCH! Yisroel Stefansky Founder of ASTI & Yair Netanyahu; P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu’s Son Visits the Glory Zone & Speaks with Pastor John Kilpatrick, CHP
Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms!
WATCH! Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms!
Pastor Andrew Brunson, From Turkish Prison to the White House in 24 Hours!
WATCH! Pastor Andrew Brunson, from Turkish Prison to the White House in 24 Hours!
200 Drug Overdose Deaths Every Day: Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response
Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad Works to End Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking as Weapons of War
WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response
Candid, Honest, Supportive Conversation on President Trump: Are We Seeing a Miracle? James Robison and Dr. Brown
Young Black Leaders Welcomed to the White House by President Trump
WATCH! Young Black Leaders Welcomed to White House by Pres. Trump; Are We Seeing a Miracle? President Trump James Robison and Dr. Brown
2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes?
WATCH! 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes?
9/11…Seventeen Years Later Remembering the Fallen, Heroes, and what was loosed on our Nation
PROPHECY! Military Intervention in Venezuela, Senator Marco Rubio & Maduro Coming Down
WATCH! Senator, U.S. Should Consider Military Intervention in Venezuela; VFNKB #SuccessSecret Redefining Failure; VFNKB #SuccessSecret- The Two Marks of Every Leader
God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!
WATCH! PROPHECY! God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!;PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest, Wealth for the Harvest
Vice President Mike Pence: 83% of the World’s Population Live in Nations Where Religious Freedom Threatened or Banned
First Ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Sec. State Pompeo: Defending Religious Freedom All Around the World
WATCH! Pres. Trump Administration Spear Heads Defending Religious Liberty Around the World
February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 2
WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 2
February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1
WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1
Inhuman, Trans-human, Human Enhancement, DNA Modification, Designer Babies, Super Soldier; Not in the Future: It’s NOW
WATCH! Inhuman, Trans-human, Human Enhancement, DNA Modification, Designer Babies, Super Soldier; Not in the Future: It’s NOW
Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens?
WATCH! Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens?
Robots; Artificial Intelligence Is a thing of the Present; Robots Cooking Your Hamburgers?
Facial Recognition Software the Good, the Bad, Microsoft President Asking Government to Regulate to Prevent Abuse
WATCH! Facial Recognition Software the Good, the Bad, Microsoft President Asking Government to Regulate to Prevent Abuse
China Just Four Years Away from Celebrating 100 Years of Communism and they have Serious GLOBAL Plans
WATCH! China Just Four Years Away from Celebrating 100 Years of Communism and they have Serious GLOBAL Plans
Civil Rights and Civil Christianity in America
SAUDI’s SPEND $30+ Billion Dollars CREATES 40,000 JOBS IN AMERICA-Pres. Trump Meets Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince in Oval Office
WATCH! Four Reason Israel will Not Need the United States , Perry Stone, Billions of Dollars Spent in America; Pres. Trump Meets Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince in Oval Office
Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Christianity.Org
Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture
WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil
Interview with David Daleiden: President of Medical Progress: Over 300 Hours of Undercover Investigated Videos of Planned Parenthood
WATCH! Interview with David Daleiden: President of Medical Progress: Over 300 Hours of Undercover Investigated Videos of Planned Parenthood
President Trump Unveils Plan on Modernizing America’s Immigration System
WATCH! President Trump Unveils Plan on Modernizing America’s Immigration System
Abortion is Ending in America; Alabama Strictest Anti-Abortion Law in the Land
WATCH! Abortion is Ending in America; Alabama Strictest Anti-Abortion Law in the Land
PROPHECY! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2
WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2
Vice President Mike Pence 2019 Commencement Liberty University
WATCH! Vice President Mike Pence 2019 Commencement Liberty University
God Gives Americans Authority in the 2nd Amendment: Romans 13:1-5
WATCH! God Gives Americans Authority in the 2nd Amendment: Romans 13:1-5
President Trump Opens White House for Prayer
WATCH! President Trump Opens White House for Prayer
Is America on the Verge of End Time War with Iran? Will Israel attack Iran?
WATCH! Is America on the Verge of End Time War with Iran? Will Israel attack Iran?
President Trump’s National Day of Prayer Included Testimony of Jesus Christ
WATCH! President Trump’s National Day of Prayer Included Testimony of Jesus Christ
90 Hour Bible Reading Marathon on U.S. Capitol
WATCH! 90 Hour Bible Reading Marathon on U.S. Capitol + The Key to Fighting Lukewarmness
WATCH! The 2nd Amendment One of Your Most Important Rights as A U.S. Citizen and The Radical Move President Trump Just did to Protect it
The Humanitarian Crisis on the Border; Illegal Immigrants Being Used for Political Purpose and the Need to Protect the Borders
WATCH! The Humanitarian Crisis on the Border; Illegal Immigrants Being Used for Political Purpose and the Need to Protect the Borders
President Donald Trump Presents Tiger Woods with Presidential Medal of Freedom
Wounded Warriors Welcomed to White House- President Trump 2019
WATCH! Wounded Warriors Welcomed to White House- President Trump 2019
Israel Unmatched in Cyber Security: P.M. Netanyahu; Cyber Tech 2019 Israel
WATCH! Israel Unmatched in Cyber Security: P.M. Netanyahu; Cyber Tech 2019 Israel
Americans wanting Socialism? Have we forgotten the Blood and Treasure Invested in Keeping the World Free?
WATCH! Americans wanting Socialism? Have we forgotten the Blood and Treasure Invested in Keeping the World Free?
President Trump Announces the United States will Lead the World in 5G Dominance
WATCH! President Trump Announces the United States will Lead the World in 5G Dominance
Abortion is Ending in America: Ohio Governor Signs Heartbeat Abortion Ban and Nearly 100 Abortion Quit after Viewing Movie Unplanned
WATCH! Abortion is Ending in America: Ohio Governor Signs Heartbeat Abortion Ban and Nearly 100 Abortion Quit after Viewing Movie Unplanned
America is a Democratic Republic NOT a Democracy
WATCH! America is a Democratic Republic NOT a Democracy
#VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture
WATCH! #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture
All Things Israel: Election of Israel’s Prime Minister, Why the United States Gives Money to Israel, & Pres. Trump Designates Israel’s Enemy, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a State Sponsor of Terror
WATCH! All Things Israel: Election of Israel’s Prime Minister, Why the United States Gives Money to Israel, & Pres. Trump Designates Israel’s Enemy, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a State Sponsor of Terror
Universal Basic Income: Money for Everyone in America, Is This a Reality and Who Will Pay for it?
WATCH! Universal Basic Income: Money for Everyone in America, Is This a Reality and Who Will Pay for it?
WATCH! Loving Your Enemies in a Culture Saturated with Hate, Division and Polar Opposite Opinions
The Truth about HAMAS and the People They Attack- #STOPHAMAS
“We have NEVER had a Greater Friend than President Trump!” P.M. Netanyahu and President Trump Oval Office Visit; Recognition of Israel’s Sovereignty of Golan Heights
P.M. Netanyahu to AIPAC: The Jewish People do not bow down; We Stand up and Fight and We Win! Response to those who attack Israel
WATCH! P.M. Netanyahu at AIPAC 2019 + P.M. Netanyahu and Pres. Trump Oval Office Visit + The Truth about HAMAS and the People They Attack
UNPLANNED: The Abortion Movie Everyone Must See: One Woman Responsible for 22,000 Abortions Eyes Were Opened
Life is Winning in America: President Trump Stops Funding Planned Parenthood and Funds Pro-Life Clinics 1.7 Million
WATCH! Life is Winning in America: President Trump Stops Funding Planned Parenthood and Funds Pro-Life Clinics 1.7 Million; UNPLANNED: The Abortion Movie
Historic Proclamation Signing of Golan Heights: President Trump Welcomes Israel’s P.M. Netanyahu to the White House
WATCH! Historic Proclamation Signing of Golan Heights: President Trump Welcomes Israel’s P.M. Netanyahu to the White House
Abortion Worker Suggest “Flushing” Baby in Toilet if born at home?
WATCH! The Enemy Only Attacks Your Future and Even that has a Shelf Life; Pastor John Kilpatrick; Abortion Worker Suggest “Flushing” Baby in Toilet if born at home
Whoever Gets 5G First Rules the Word: The Race to 5G-The Next Industrial Revolution
WATCH! Whoever Gets 5G First Rules the Word: The Race to 5G-The Next Industrial Revolution
President Trump shares Warning in a Closed-Door Meeting with 100 Evangelical leaders
Prophetic Alert: if America doesn’t stay on our Current Paths Religious Persecution coming to Christians in Three years says Prophet Chuck Pierce
WATCH! Prophetic Alert: if America doesn’t stay on our Current Paths Religious Persecution coming to Christians Prophet Chuck Pierce; President Trump shares Warning in a Closed-Door Meeting with 100 Evangelical leaders
John Voight, Actor, Cries, Grateful for President Trump
WATCH! Celebrating Baptism; Actor in Tears for Trump Presidency, NFL Players Kneeling Again; this time to pray
200 Drug Overdose Deaths Every Day: Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response
Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad Works to End Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking as Weapons of War
WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response
Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops
WATCH! Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops
God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!
WATCH! PROPHECY! God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!;PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest, Wealth for the Harvest
2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes?
WATCH! 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes?
Facial Recognition Software the Good, the Bad, Microsoft President Asking Government to Regulate to Prevent Abuse
WATCH! Facial Recognition Software the Good, the Bad, Microsoft President Asking Government to Regulate to Prevent Abuse
China Just Four Years Away from Celebrating 100 Years of Communism and they have Serious GLOBAL Plans
WATCH! China Just Four Years Away from Celebrating 100 Years of Communism and they have Serious GLOBAL Plans
New Report! Evangelism in the Digital Age Across the Generation- Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers
WATCH! New Report! Evangelism in the Digital Age Across the Generation- Millennial’s, Gen X, and Boomers
Inhuman, Trans-human, Human Enhancement, DNA Modification, Designer Babies, Super Soldier; Not in the Future: It’s NOW
WATCH! Inhuman, Trans-human, Human Enhancement, DNA Modification, Designer Babies, Super Soldier; Not in the Future: It’s NOW
Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY!
Gave Their Life, Limb & Self for us – Power, Blessings & Privilege – The Vote
WATCH! Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY!
Diamond and Silk Prayer for America, Pres. Trump and Students at Liberty University
Bishop Harry Jackson Responds to Haters and Those who Attacked his and other African American Pastors Motives for Meeting with President Trump
Bishop Harry Jackson Shares the Purpose he and other African American Pastors Met with President Trump at the White House
Prophetic Word Fulfilled! Pres. Trump is the Most Pro-Black President We have had in our Lifetime, Pastor Darrell Scott
WATCH! Bishop Harry Jackson shares the Purpose of His Meeting with President Trump and Responds to his Critics: Diamond and Silk’s Prayer for Pres. Trump and America
Abortion Video Game; Goal: Murder Police, Priest, Pro-Life Woman and Baby; What Have We Come to?
Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer
Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?
Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade
WATCH! Norma McCorvey: The Real Jane Roe of Roe v Wade; Teenage Girl Stunning Response to Teen Vogue Article: What to Get a friend Post-Abortion?; Debunking Planned Parenthood Myth: Abortions are only 3% of Services they Offer
President Trump: 2 Years of Astounding Accomplishments and the Signature Moment of the State of the Union
WATCH! President Trump: 2 Years of Astounding Accomplishments and the Signature Moment of the State of the Union
Is America on the Brink of Judgment? Window of Opportunity to Fully Turn Back to God
WATCH! Is America on the Brink of Judgment? Window of Opportunity to Fully Turn Back to God
President Trump Roundtable Discussion with Hispanic Pastors and Leaders: Support President Trump, Safe Borders, and Breakthrough Economy
WATCH! President Trump Roundtable Discussion with Hispanic Pastors and Leaders: Support President Trump, Safe Borders, and Breakthrough Economy
2019 Prophetic Outlook for America and the Church: The Truth will be Desirable Again! Pastor John Kilpatrick
WATCH! Prophetic Outlook for America and the Church: The Truth will be Desirable Again! Pastor John Kilpatrick
WATCH! This is the Greatest Country at the Greatest Time JP Morgan CEO; Missionary to Iraq: What its like to Present Jesus and Minister in Refugee Camps
Abortion Up to Minutes Before Birth & Killing the Child After Born: Where are we headed?
WATCH! Abortion Up to Minutes Before Birth & Killing the Child After Born: Where are we headed?
It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians
NSA Hacked by Shadow Power Brokers? Everything is Hacked by Everyone says Julian Assage
WATCH! NSA Hacked by Shadow Power Brokers? Everything is Hacked by Everyone says Julian Assage + 1963 Kenneth Hagin, Sr. Prophetic Word Regarding America
The Foundation of Christianity and America
How to Be a Civil Christian in Civil Land; Politicians pointing out what is not right
WATCH! How to Be a Civil Christian in Civil Land; Politicians pointing out what is not right
“The Church Has Lost its Voice” says David Barton, looking at the Johnson Amendment and how it affects the Church
WATCH! “The Church Has Lost its Voice” says David Barton, looking at the Johnson Amendment and how it affects the Church
When Law and Morality Collide-Understanding the Present-Day Christian Dilemma in America
WATCH! When Law and Morality Collide-Understanding the Present-Day Christian Dilemma in America
An Abortionist Prays to Jesus About Guiding Her Hand?
WATCH! An Abortionist Prays to Jesus About Guiding Her Hand? + #WisdomMoments: Look After the One Who is Looking After You
IOT? Code Word for What Will Take Over Our Daily Lives? The Internet of Things, IOT: What is it? What does it mean to your present and future? Does this lead to the Mark of the Beast?
WATCH! IOT? Code Word for What Will Take Over Our Daily Lives? The Internet of Things, IOT: What is it? What does it mean to your present and future? Does this lead to the Mark of the Beast?
Capitalism, Communism, & Socialism; What does God’s Word say about it?
WATCH! Capitalism, Communism, & Socialism; What does God’s Word say about it?
The Bible is one of the Founding Documents in America”, Conversation with Rick Green and David Barton on the impact of the Bible in America
WATCH! The Bible is one of the Founding Documents in America”, Conversation with Rick Green and David Barton on the impact of the Bible in America + #WisdomMoments: How to get Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding
“Capitalism is a necessary condition for freedom but not a Sufficient Condition, “says Milton Friedman. What is the Difference Between Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism?
WATCH! “Capitalism is a necessary condition for freedom but not a Sufficient Condition, “says Milton Friedman. What is the Difference Between Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism?
Son of Hamas: “The Green Prince” Double Agent who worked with Israel to Reveal the Operations of Hamas
WATCH! Son of Hamas: “The Green Prince” Double Agent who worked with Israel to Reveal the Operations of Hamas
“Borrowers pay $12 Billion in Fees and Interest Every Year” Revealing a Biblical Perspective on Predatory Lenders
2019 Greater Surge of Spiritual Power and Momentum; The King of Glory Positioned Over the United States, Dutch Sheets
WATCH! 2019 Greater Surge of Spiritual Power and Momentum; The King of Glory Positioned Over the United States, Dutch Sheets
100 Billion Dollar Investment in the Inner Cities of America; President Trump Executive Order- Revitalization Council
WATCH! 100 Billion Dollar Investment in the Inner Cities of America; President Trump Executive Order- Revitalization Council
Christmas in the White House
WATCH! Christmas in the White House + Children Share What Christmas Means to Them + Beyond Encouraging! God has Marked Your Seed Prophecy- Pastor John Kilpatrick + VFN Church is Family + Pray for Pensacola – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough
President Trump Shares the True Meaning of Christmas
WATCH! Little Girl Shows us how to Bless Others this Christmas + President Trump Shares the True meaning of Christmas + VFNKB Love Box: Giving Hope and Spreading Love to the Poor in the Philippines
WATCH! Rick Joyner says the Church will Take on a “Military Demeanor,” & What to do When a Move of God Arrives Part 2 + The Truth of Predatory Lenders
It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians
WATCH! It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians + #WisdomMoments God Weighs the Heart + #WisdomMoments God takes the Case of the Poor
Difference between a Democracy and a Republic
WATCH! HGTV Reality Star Joanne Gaines from the Show Fixer Upper Shares the Amazing Testimony of Trusting God with Her Dreams + Difference between a Democracy and a Republic
First Man to Board Airlines with Embedded NFC Chip in his Hand
WATCH! First Man to Board Airlines with Embedded NFC Chip in his Hand + #WisdomMoments A PROUD Heart Brings You DOWN
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Rejects U.S. Constitution?
WATCH! Supreme Court Justice Rejects U.S. Constitution? + Has the Outpouring of God’s Spirit Historically Come before Great Loss of Life? + Silver Coated Lips
Dr. Carson on The VIEW “There is a war on what’s inside of a woman.”
WATCH! Dr. Carson on The VIEW “There is a war on what’s inside of a woman” + A Gossip Separates Close Friends
New Poll Released 12 Issues Christians want their Pastors to Preach About
WATCH! New Poll Released 12 Issues Christians want their Pastors to Preach About
WATCH! The Price of Freedom + Consider the Ant
Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance
WATCH! Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance + Trusted Wounds
WATCH! The Truth of what is Happening in North Korea + God Takes the Case of the Poor
WATCH! Teaching AI Emotions? Elon Musk says to be Afraid of AI?
America Has Voted: Midterm 2018 Election Results
WATCH! America Has Voted: Midterm 2018 Election Results
LIFE IS WINNING AGAIN IN AMERICA! President Trump Speaks at 45th March for Life Event
WATCH! LIFE IS WINNING AGAIN IN AMERICA! President Trump Speaks at 45th March for Life Event
Values Voter Summit: Gary Bauer- The Fight Over America
The CREEPY LINE! Online Privacy Everything Google and Facebook Have on You!
WATCH! The CREEPY LINE! Online Privacy Everything Google and Facebook Have on You!
Prophecy! America is at a HINGE POINT! A Call for Intercession Nov. 5, 2018, Cindy Jacobs
Is President Trump God’s Man? Candid Conversation James Robison and Dr. Brown
WATCH! Is President Trump God’s Man? Candid Conversation James Robison and Dr. Brown
Candid, Honest, Supportive Conversation on President Trump: Are We Seeing a Miracle? James Robison and Dr. Brown
Young Black Leaders Welcomed to the White House by President Trump
WATCH! Young Black Leaders Welcomed to White House by Pres. Trump; Are We Seeing a Miracle? President Trump James Robison and Dr. Brown
200 Drug Overdose Deaths Every Day: Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response
Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad Works to End Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking as Weapons of War
WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response
Pastor Andrew Brunson, From Turkish Prison to the White House in 24 Hours!
WATCH! Pastor Andrew Brunson, from Turkish Prison to the White House in 24 Hours!
Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms!
WATCH! Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms!
Nancy Pelosi’s District Going to “Crap,” Literally
Values Voter Summit: Congressman Mark Meadows Midterm Elections Vital to Continue Progress in America
America is at The Tipping point, Pastor John Kilpatrick and Former DNC Leader Donna Brazile
WATCH! Tipping Point in America; Value Voters Summit: Congressman Meadows, Pelosi’s District going to “crap”?
Mid Term Elections Gulf Coast Prayer Meeting- November 5th
PROPHECY! NORTH KOREA PULLED DOWN BY GOD, Kim Jong Un Miraculously- Cindy Jacobs
PROPHECY! EVIL DICTATORS FALLING IN 2018! Venezuela’s Maduro OUT! – Cindy Jacobs
WATCH! Double Open-Door Blessing; Evil Dictators taken Down, Prophetic Words from Cindy Jacobs
Joel Rosenberg Ushers Christians Into King of Jordan & President of Egypt – Value Voters Summit 2018
WATCH! Joel Rosenberg Ushers Christians Into King of Jordan & President of Egypt – Value Voters Summit 2018
Real Talk: American Citizenship, Legal and Illegal Immigration and the Importance of Protecting our Borders
WATCH! Real Talk: American Citizenship, Legal and Illegal Immigration and the Importance of Protecting our Borders
Historic! Supreme Court! Brett Kavanaugh Sworn in by President Trump
WATCH! Historic! Supreme Court! Brett Kavanaugh Sworn in by President Trump
Mid-term Election Prayer 2018 Straight from the Courts of Heaven
Florida Schools Celebrate Freedom Week! Schools Read the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence
WATCH! Superintendent of Schools Launches Freedom Week, VFNKB Love Box Philippines Story, Anointed Mid Term Elections Prayer
Uncovering the Truth of Selling Baby Body Parts in America-David Daleiden Values Voter Summit 2018
WATCH! Uncovering the Truth of Selling Baby Body Parts in America-David Daleiden Values Voter Summit 2018
Michelle Bachman, Voting, Fasting, Praying, Midterm Election – A prophetic Deborah
WATCH! Michelle Bachman, Voting, Fasting, Praying, Midterm Election – A prophetic Deborah
Israel’s P.M. Netanyahu Rips the Lid Off Iran’s Secret Atomic Warehouse; You can google the address
WATCH! Israel’s P.M. Netanyahu Rips the Lid Off Iran’s Secret Atomic Warehouse; You can google the address
Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops
WATCH! Baby Body Parts, No Longer Being Purchased by Government, Trump Stops
Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018
WATCH! Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018
Secretary Mike Pompeo – America Must Stand for Religious Liberty; Free America, Free World – Values Voters Summit 2018
WATCH! Secretary Mike Pompeo – America Must Stand for Religious Liberty; Free America, Free World – Values Voters Summit 2018
Secretary Ben Carson: Christians Must Vote; Most important Election of our Lifetime – Values Voter Summit 2018
WATCH! Secretary Ben Carson: Christians Must Vote; Most important Election of our Lifetime – Values Voter Summit 2018
PROPHECY! 2 New SUPREME COURT JUSTICES-A Samuel and a Deborah-Charlie Shamp
WATCH! 2 New Supreme Court Justices; Mid Term Elections Red Tsunami Sign of Coming Revival; Wealth Transfer; God Take Hollywood in Two Years
God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!
WATCH! PROPHECY! God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!;PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest, Wealth for the Harvest
PROPHECY! Military Intervention in Venezuela, Senator Marco Rubio & Maduro Coming Down
WATCH! Senator, U.S. Should Consider Military Intervention in Venezuela; VFNKB #SuccessSecret Redefining Failure; VFNKB #SuccessSecret- The Two Marks of Every Leader
9/11…Seventeen Years Later Remembering the Fallen, Heroes, and what was loosed on our Nation
John Voight, Actor, Cries, Grateful for President Trump
President Trump shares Warning in a Closed-Door Meeting with 100 Evangelical leaders
WATCH! Prophetic Alert: if America doesn’t stay on our Current Paths Religious Persecution coming to Christians Prophet Chuck Pierce; President Trump shares Warning in a Closed-Door Meeting with 100 Evangelical leaders
State of the Nation: President Trumps First 23 months in Office – An Amazing Look Back- Part 1, 2, 3 & 4
WATCH! State of the Nation: President Trumps First 23 months in Office – An Amazing Look Back- Part 1,2,3 & 4
Prophecy Fulfilled? Swamp Creatures in Washington D.C. Fighting for Last Little Bit of Water; “It’s going to get Uglier but Don’t be Dismayed”
WATCH! Prophecy Fulfilled? Swamp Creatures in Washington D.C. Fighting for Last Little Bit of Water; “It’s going to get Uglier but Don’t be Dismayed”
2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes?
WATCH! 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes?
Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens?
WATCH! Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens?
UNIFIED! Trey Gowdy, God & the Church – Congressman Trey Gowdy, Senator Tim Scott – Challenges Us!
WATCH! UNIFIED! Trey Gowdy, God & the Church – Congressman Trey Gowdy, Senator Tim Scott – Challenges Us!
Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY!
Gave Their Life, Limb & Self for us – Power, Blessings & Privilege – The Vote
WATCH! Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY!
Futurist Ray Kurzweil Predicts Technological Advances for 2020 and 2099
WATCH! Futurist Ray Kurzweil Predicts Technological Advances for 2020 and 2099
Women Making Major Contributions in Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Diamond and Silk Prayer for America, Pres. Trump and Students at Liberty University
Bishop Harry Jackson Responds to Haters and Those who Attacked his and other African American Pastors Motives for Meeting with President Trump
Bishop Harry Jackson Shares the Purpose he and other African American Pastors Met with President Trump at the White House
Prophetic Word Fulfilled! Pres. Trump is the Most Pro-Black President We have had in our Lifetime, Pastor Darrell Scott
WATCH! Bishop Harry Jackson shares the Purpose of His Meeting with President Trump and Responds to his Critics: Diamond and Silk’s Prayer for Pres. Trump and America
February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 3
WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 3
February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 2
WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 2
February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1
WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1
President Trump meets with African American Pastor’s
Abortion Video Game; Goal: Murder Police, Priest, Pro-Life Woman and Baby; What Have We Come to?
Vice President Mike Pence: 83% of the World’s Population Live in Nations Where Religious Freedom Threatened or Banned
First Ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Sec. State Pompeo: Defending Religious Freedom All Around the World
WATCH! Pres. Trump Administration Spear Heads Defending Religious Liberty Around the World
President Trump Delivers Overwhelmingly Positive Remarks on Economy 4.1 % Growth
WATCH! Gulf Coast Pastors Conference; Pres. Trump Delivers Overwhelmingly Positive Remarks on Economy 4.1 % Growth
President Trump and America’s CEOs’ Pledge to Help the American Worker; Jobs, Training, and Apprenticeships; Over 4 Million Jobs
WATCH! President Trump and America’s CEOs’ Pledge to Help the American Worker; Jobs, Training, and Apprenticeships; Over 4 Million Jobs
VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight
WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning
America is about to Surpass Russia: Number One Producer of Oil; Miracle Oil Boom in America; Prophesy Fulfilled
WATCH! America about to Surpass Russia: Number One Producer of Oil ;Chick-Fil-A in NYC Creepy Says The New Yorker Magazine
Bro. John Kilpatrick Prophesy Fulfilled: Truth No longer Falling in the Streets: People are Beginning to Run to Her
WATCH! Pro Golfer Bubba Watson Winning on the Greens and in Life; Judgment First Then then Comes the GLORY; Bro. John Kilpatrick Prophesy Fulfilled: Truth No longer Fallen in the Streets: People are beginning to Run to Her
China Just Four Years Away from Celebrating 100 Years of Communism and they have Serious GLOBAL Plans
WATCH! China Just Four Years Away from Celebrating 100 Years of Communism and they have Serious GLOBAL Plans
Facial Recognition Software the Good, the Bad, Microsoft President Asking Government to Regulate to Prevent Abuse
WATCH! Facial Recognition Software the Good, the Bad, Microsoft President Asking Government to Regulate to Prevent Abuse
Small Business is Winning Again America, Linda McMahon, Small Business Administration
President Trump Leadership Paying Off NATO; Nations Starting to Pay their Fair Share
WATCH! President Trump Leadership Paying Off NATO; Nations Starting to Pay their Fair Share
President Trump and Governor Mike Huckabee Discuss Lowest Unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics Ever
President Trump and Governor Mike Huckabee Discuss Historic U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem
WATCH! President Trump and Governor Mike Huckabee Discuss Historic Embassy Move to Jerusalem and Lowest Unemployment Rate for African Americans and Hispanics, VFNKB Success Secret
President Trump Nominates Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court a Strong Constitutionalist
WATCH! President Trump Nominates Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court a Strong Constitutionalist
We have a Window of Time for Revival in America: The Election of President Trump was not the Answer it is the Window
WATCH! We have a Window of Time for Revival in America: The Election of President Trump was not the Answer it is the Window
Google’s Driver-less Cars Waymo, 20,000 to hit the Streets by Year 2020
WATCH! Google’s Driver-less Cars Waymo, 20,000 to hit the Streets by Year 2020; VFNKB Success Secret – Vital Career Advice for Millennial’s- Karen McCullough
Prophesy! Danger Ahead, Lay Low Next Four Months June 10 – Oct. 10, 2018- Chuck Pierce
WATCH! Prophesy! Danger Ahead, Lay Low Next Four Months June 10 – Oct. 10, 2018- Chuck Pierce ; Prophesy! Trump, N. Korea, Iran, Revival Tsunami of God’s Spirit Coming- Kim Clement
Ben Carson-Secretary of HUD Establishes Vision Centers to help Give the Poor Upward Mobility; Economically, Physically, Educationally, and Personally through Character and Leadership Development
WATCH! Ben Carson-Secretary of HUD Establishes Vision Centers to help Give the Poor Upward Mobility; Economically, Physically, Educationally, and Personally through Character and Leadership Development
Happy 4th of July America! Blessing to the Nations Independent from the King of England Dependent on the King of Kings
WATCH! Happy 4th of July America! Blessing to the Nations Independent from the King of England Dependent on the King of Kings; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: It’s Not about Work Like Balance It’s about Work-Life Harmony Amazon’s Jeff Bezos
7 Monumental Victories for Americans in 1 ½ years, Senator Ted Cruz
WATCH! 7 Monumental Victories for Americans in 1 ½ years, Senator Ted Cruz
Anti-Israel Bias last Straw U.S. Pulls Out of Human Rights Council-Nikki Haley
Truth about Political Correctness Well Received at Oxford; Highly Sought-After Author Jordan Peterson shares
WATCH! Truth about Political Correctness Well Received at Oxford, Jordan Peterson shares; Anti Israel Bias last Straw US Pulls Out of Human Rights Council; Nikki Haley
Revival Coming to North Korea, Bamboo Curtain Down, Singapore Summit Just the Beginning
WATCH! Revival Coming to North Korea, Bamboo Curtain Down, Singapore Summit Just the Beginning
Elon Musk – Universal Basic Income – Few and Fewer Jobs that a Machine cannot do Better
Sanctuary Cities and the Bible
WATCH! Sanctuary Cities and the Bible ; Elon Musk – Universal Basic Income – Few and Fewer Jobs that a Machine cannot do Better
Rescuing Sex Trafficked Children in Thailand- The Sex Tourist Capital of the World
WATCH! Rescuing Sex Trafficked Children in Thailand- The Sex Tourist Capital of the World
Women Making Major Contributions in Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
WATCH! U.S. Marines Worship-Days of Elijah; How Does Your Vote Affect Society?
The Truth of what is Happening in North Korea
WATCH! The Truth of what is Happening in North Korea
Your One Vote Matters! Your Vote Can Make the Difference- 4% of People Vote in Local Elections
WATCH! The Devil’s End Game: The Power to Define the Meaning of WORDS; Your One Vote Matters! Your Vote Can Make the Difference- 4% of People Vote in Local Elections
First Nation People Forgave American Government for Broken Treaties in Washington, D.C.
WATCH! First Nation People Forgave American Government ; Christian Men Across the Nation Gather in Washington DC.
You a Leader? God Can Call You at any moment: Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Heard and Responded to God’s Call
WATCH! You a Leader? God Can Call You at any moment: Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Heard and Responded to God’s Call; Prophesy: I will Begin to Redeem the Media Airwaves
2 Billion People Around the World Blessed by the Magna Carta Hundreds of Years Later
Honest Conversation Exploring Communism, Socialism, Capitalism and Freedom Milton Friedman
WATCH! Honest Conversation Exploring Communism, Socialism, Capitalism and Freedom Milton Friedman; 2 Billion People Around the World Blessed by the Magna Carta Hundreds of Years Later
Futurist Ray Kurzweil Predicts Technological Advances for 2020 and 2099
WATCH! Futurist Ray Kurzweil Predicts Technological Advances for 2020 and 2099
Equally Funded Education; Time to Reexamine Education in America including Christian Education
WATCH! Equally Funded Education; Time to Reaxamine Education in America including Christian Education; We Support Israel! Let’s Stand Together
4th Amendment! Know Your Rights; Educate Yourself on the 4th Amendment
WATCH! Maya Angelo made Rapper Tupac Shakure Cry; Know Your Rights; Educate Yourself on the 4th Amendment ; American Idol’s Former Contestant Jason Castro’s Testimony
70th Year Anniversary of Israel being a Nation and the Prophetic Significance
May 14 – the moving and celebration of the U. S. Embassy moving to Jerusalem and the prophetic significance
IRAN NUKE DEAL NIXED! President Trump Puts an End to the Bad Nuclear Deal
N. KOREAN HOSTAGE RELEASED!! Sec. of State Mike Pompeo, Flying Back With all Three
Prophecy Three Dragons over America?
End Times, Turkey, and the Muslim Brotherhood
What are Americans willing to Give Up for Comfort and Convenience? RFID Chip
WATCH! What are Americans willing to Give Up for Comfort and Convenience? RFID Chip; End Times, Turkey, and the Muslim Brotherhood; and Prophecy Three Dragons over America?
What’s Inside President Trump’s New Religious Freedom Executive Order
How Vulnerable are we as a Nation?
WATCH! How Vulnerable are we as a Nation?; A Wise Man Sees Danger and Prepares: Possible Disaster Coming to Center of America
“That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” If You “Josiah” Awaken to Your Role?
WATCH! “That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” If You “Josiah” Awaken to Your Role?
Brigitte Gabriel Testimony Islamic Terrorist Survivor; A Trumpet Alerting us to the Danger of Radical Islam and the Survival of America
WATCH! Brigitte Gabriel Testimony Islamic Terrorist Survivor; A Trumpet Alerting us to the Danger of Radical Islam and the Survival of America
Undercover Investigation College Administrators Shredding the U.S. Constitution?
Giving the WORLD a Global Bio Metric Digital ID: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast
WATCH! Giving the WORLD a Global Bio Metric Digital ID: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast; Undercover Investigation College Administrators Shredding the U.S. Constitution?
Interview with David Daleiden: President of Medical Progress: Over 300 Hours of Undercover Investigated Videos of Planned Parenthood
New Poll Released 12 Issues Christians Want their Pastors to Preach About
WATCH! New Poll Released 12 Issues Christians want their Pastors to Preach About
Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today-
Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture
WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil
When Law and Morality Collide; Understanding the Present-Day Christian Dilemma in America- Part 2
WATCH! When Law and Morality Collide; Understanding the Present Day Christian Dilemma in America- Part 2
When Law and Morality Collide; Understanding the Present Day Christian Dilemma in America
WATCH! When Law and Morality Collide; Understanding the Present Day Christian Dilemma in America
Bernice King, Daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. says she is Profoundly Responsible for Carrying Father’s Legacy to the next Phase as Should We
Privacy in the Age of Big Data: “Everything online is Hackable,” Author says
Grateful for Public Officials Who Serve Us; Thanks for Standing Watch, “I love ya’ll” Messenger says
WATCH! Privacy in the Age of Big Data: “Everything online is Hackable,” author says; Grateful for Public Officials!; Father Teach His Children to Change out the Toilet Paper
SAUDI’s SPEND $30+ Billion Dollars CREATES 40,000 JOBS IN AMERICA-Pres. Trump Meets Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince in Oval Office
WATCH! Four Reason Israel will Not Need the United States , Perry Stone, Billions of Dollars Spent in America; Pres. Trump Meets Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince in Oval Office
GUNS & POSERS! NO 2nd Amendment, MEANS NO 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion & Speech
WATCH! VFNKB #SuccessSecret THREE KEYS to SUCCESS, Jentezen Franklin, , No 2nd Amendment, there is No 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech
NUCLEAR REACTOR FOUND IN SYRIA! Israel Obliterates in Covert Mission, MASSAD, IDF
WATCH! Israel Obliterates Syrian Nuclear Reactor Covert Mission
#Pay2Slay IS OVER! Taylor Force MURDERED by Palestinian Terrorist, 2 Years Later, TAYLOR FORCE ACT LAW in USA PASSED!
WATCH! Pay to Slay is Over! Taylor Force Law Passed Ends Funding Palestinian Murder with Tax Payers Money
WATCH! How to Steer Your Life Destiny; Understanding the Times and Seasons, Proper Lens for the Church to Interpret World Events, Lance Wallnau
President Trump to U.S. Marines “WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE YOUR BACK” Speech
WATCH! Pres. Trump to Marines; We will Always have your back, VFNKB #SuccessSecret Daymond John, Shark Tank; Don Potter: Don’t “ Merchandise the Anointing” It will hinder the move of God
BILL GATES; Microsoft – OPTIMISTIC ABOUT AMERICA Under President Trump
Bill Gates; Microsoft- CLIMATE CHANGE Innovation and the Public Sector Will Provide Solutions for Climate Change Not Government
TECH & BORDER SECURITY Constitutional #1 JOB of U.S. President Trump; Technology and Border Agents Making America Safe Again
WATCH! VFNKB #SuccessSecret, Border Security Merging with Tech., Bill Gates Okay with America First Policy
Abortion BAN; Toughest, Historic in the Nation, 15 Weeks, ST. of Missississippi
WATCH! VFNKB #SuccessSecret Has SOCIAL Media Made Us ANTI Social? +Toughest Abortion Ban in the Nation
Present Day Banking Will Not Survive
‘DriverLESS CARS 200% Safer then HUMANS’ Elon Musk-They Will Take over by the END of 2019
WATCH! Jobs are Going Gone? Globalization, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence Coming Like a Freight Train- Not Future its NOW; Driverless Cars 200% Safer says Elon Musk; They will Take Over by end of 2019; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: Readers are Leaders: Dolly Parton
Hitler, Mohammed, Iran, and Israel have WHAT IN COMMON? THE MONTH OF APRIL!
WATCH! What does Hitler, Mohammed, Iran and Israel have in Common; VFNKB #SuccessSecret:the Power of Knowing Your Why; Glenn Beck
TWITTER & TRUMP! Shocking Reason Why President Trump HAS To Have Twitter, Mary Francis Berry
WATCH! The MORE Blessed People Are the LESS Children they Have; Childless By Choice; Shocking Reason Pres. Trump Needs Twitter says Mary Francis Berry
ISRAEL! Booming Economy, Superior Surveillance, Leading Innovation-P.M. Netanyahu AIPAC 2018
What’s Bad is Getting Worse, Iran’s Influence in the Region-P.M. Netanyahu AIPAC 2018
WATCH! Booming Economy, Superior Surveillance, Leading Innovation; P.M. Netanyahu AIPAC 2018; What’s Bad is Getting Worse, Iran’s Influence in the Region; P.M. Netanyahu AIPAC 2018
No Wallflower or Talking Head-Nikki Haley, U.S. UN Ambassador AIPAC
NO Israel Bashing or Bullying on My Watch-Nikki Haley, U.S. UN Ambassador AIPAC 2018
WATCH! No Wallflower or Talking Head; NO Israel Bashing Or Bullying On My Watch, Nikki Haley, U.S. UN Ambassador AIPAC 2018;
LIBERTY IS BEING USED TO DESTROY LIBERTY! Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
GOVERNMENT LEGALIZES THEFT; Americans Love Living at the Expense of Someone Else? Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
‘POLITICAL SUICIDE REQUIRED to deal with the Surmounting Debt due to TOUCH CHOICES’, Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
TOTALITARIAN! ‘America is Moving Closer to Totalitarian form of Government’ Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
PROPHECY! Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro is Out! Could A Christian Pastor Replace Him?
WATCH! What is Liberty? Are We Placing the Nation’s Debt on our Grandchildren?
NEW EMPEROR IN CHINA? Present Xi voting to remove presidential term limits; President Xi Jinping
Promise Kept; Recognized Jerusalem Capital of Israel, President Donald Trump
EPA’s – Headed by Former Sunday School Teacher and Deacon; Sec. of Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt
Previous Administration Meddled in Americans Livelihood, went too Far in Regulation; Sec. of EPA, Scott Pruitt
EPA PRUITT’s Response to Global Warming and Climate Denier Accusations; Sec. of EPA, Scott Pruitt
WATCH! President Trump shares at CPAC 2018; US Embassy moved in May 2018; and Scott Pruitt Head of EPA
WATCH! Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos; We are Winning, Fairness, and Vouchers in Education
FIND OUT HOW “70”, President Trump & Israel Relate-Pastor John Kilpatrick
THE SWAMP WARS ARE OVER; New Season of Breakthrough is Now; Cindy Jacobs and Dutch Sheets
WATCH! Anniversaries in Israel; Significance of President Trump and 70; 10 Months of Swamp Wars are Over!
THE VIEW, Joy Behar Mocks Christianity, Vice Pres. Mike Pence; Omarosa does the same
WATCH! Former WH Staffer & ‘The View’ Speaking against VP Pence?; Prophetic Word for ‘The View’
How Government has specifically been impacted by Jesus and Christianity
Human Rights and Equality before and after Jesus and Christianity
Overview of Jesus’ and Christianity’s Impact Through Out History
WATCH! The Impact that Christianity Has on the World; and VFN Kingdom Business
WATCH! President Trump at 66th National Prayer Breakfast; Who does Google say Jesus is?
CHAIN LINK MIGRATION, FACTS & NUMBERS: Truth, DACA, & Compassion without the Politics
WAR? Hamas & Israel Reportedly Days Away?
WATCH! Hamas at War with Israel; VFNKB Success Secrets; Rick & Bubba at the White House
Americans are Dreamers too; President Trump’s Vision for America, State of the Union Address
North Korean Defector Given Standing Ovation with raised Crutches; State of the Union
MS-13 Murder Victim’s Parents Honored and Dishonored at State of the Union
WATCH! The American Dream being Restored; N. Korean Defector; and Parents of Murdered Daughters
Christian Leaders Respond with Petition, in Response to President Trump’s Decision on Immigration
U.S Embassy in Jerusalem; This Year 2018; President Trump and P.M. Netanyahu
ISRAEL GOVERNMENT STANDS FOR VP Pence Bold, Strong, Unified Support for the State of Israel
WATCH! Vice President in Israel; President Trump & Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
“In God, We Trust” Motto BACK IN SCHOOLS LAW, FL State Rep. Kim Daniels
Trillions of Dollars Back, Record Growth, President Trump in Davos Switzerland
Making America Safe, Healthy, Prosperous, and Faith Protected Again; President Trump
WATCH! President Trump at Switzerland Summit; and #SuccessSecrets from T.D. Jakes
TRUMP MARCHES FOR LIFE! 45th Annual March & 45th President. March for Life, 1st Time Addressed by President Trump; First Time President Address March for Life in 45 Years!
#SuccessSecrets – Avoid Frustration and Wasting Time! What Matters Most to You?
WATCH! LIFE IS WINNING AGAIN IN AMERICA! President Trump Speaks at 45th March for Life Event
President Trump Honors Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Weekly Address
#SuccessSecrets – T.D. Jakes, God Wants You to Succeed where You Work, Play, and Live; In LIFE
PROPHECY! Blessing and Prosperity! -The Year of the Double Door! – Cindy Jacobs
PROPHECY! YEAR OF God’s SUDDENLIES for You in 2018; Cindy Jacobs
PROPHECY! EVIL DICTATORS FALLING IN 2018! Venezuela’s Maduro OUT! – Cindy Jacobs
PROPHECY! NORTH KOREA PULLED DOWN BY GOD, Kim Jong Un Miraculously- Cindy Jacobs
PROPHECY! 2018 Your Struggle Comes to an END Freeing you to Flourish! Hurricane Hit Cities Cleansed for REVIVAL- Rich Vera
PROPHECY! The White House filled with Signs, Wonders and Prophets! And Sexual Revolution Reversal in 2018 – Rich Vera
President Trump Makes HISTORIC Statement Acknowledging Jerusalem as Capital of Israel and Pastor John Kilpatrick speaks Blessing over President in Response
173 ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 353 DAYS! Looking Back on the First Year of the Trump Administration
WATCH! Pres. Trump moves U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem; Blessing over the President; and 173 Accomplishments in 353 days
Is Kentucky About to Be the First ABORTION FREE STATE?!?!?
WATCH! The Coming Harvest of Souls through Cyber Evangelism; and Hackers Advancing the Kingdom of God!
FREEDOM MARCH IN IRAN, Pres. Trump & Ambassador Haley Openly Declare their support for the Oppressed People of Iran, for Freedom
“We Will Never Accept a Nuclear North Korea” says US Ambassador to United Nations Nikki Haley
USA $255 Million DENIED for Pakistan, They’re Refusal to Stop Funding & Giving Refuge to Terrorists!
PROPHECY! Cold War Rising With China? Prophetic Word From Dumitru Duduman. GOD WINS IN THE END!
Is Hezbollah Positioning Itself For A Leadership Position Over A Tumultuous Venezuela?
WATCH! Is China North Korea And Russia Strategizing Against America? Prophetic Word Of Coming Days Confirmed By Navy Seal?
Cindy Jacobs Vision of Draining the Swamp: Hold on it may get Tougher before it gets better
Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society
Are You In A Valley Of Dry Bones? What You Speak Out Through Your Mouth Is What You Believe In Your Heart
WREAKING HAVOC – President Trump; The Breaker Anointing; Historic Change First Six Months of his Administration – POTUS Shield
We must Never Forget that “Man’s Business” is Not the Father’s Business
What Does the Bible says about Sanctuary Cities?
Stand for what you BELIEVE: Speech by Congressman Trey Gowdy at Liberty University
JERUSALEM THE ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL; Trump’s Bold Stand for Israel TODAY, Etched his name in the history books of eternity, right beside Truman’s – Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel!
WATCH! President Trump, Pastor John Kilpatrick, President Truman & Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu- Kilpatrick Blesses President Trump as Trump declares Jerusalem Eternal Capital of Israel
JERUSALEM THE ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL; Trump’s Bold Stand for Israel TODAY, Etched his name in the history books of eternity, right beside Truman’s – Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel!
Murdered American, Moves U.S. House to Stop Funding Terrorism, by stopping to fund the Palestinians; Taylor Force Act
Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society
Shocking Study! How Competing Worldviews are Influencing Today’s Christians
WATCH! What is the World View of Christians in America?
Beautiful Expressions of Gratitude; from the White House to the Homeless: Everyone has something to be Grateful for
WATCH! All about Gratitude: White House Press Conference and Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Christianity’s AMAZING Impact on Women, Education, and Government
Financial Bonuses Based on Individual Baby Body Parts? Former Procurement Technician with Stem Express, Holly O’Donnell, shares Alleged Events of working with Planned Parenthood
WATCH! Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden Interviewing Holly O’Donnell about Selling Baby’s Body Parts
WATCH! Is North Korea Planning an EMP Attack on America? How do we Prepare for it?
“The Greatest Threat Our Civilization Faces” says Chief of Staff for EMP Commission; Is North Korea Planning a Strategic Electro Magnetic Pulse Attack on America? What is it and how You can Prepare!
President Trump Delivers Uplifting Words of Economic Encouragement and Hope during Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
WATCH! President Trump’s 5 Country Asian Tour visiting Vietnam & Philippines
Strengthening Peace and Promoting Security to Southeast Asian Nations, President Trump Wraps up 5 Country Asian Tour
FDA Approves First-Ever Digestible Microchip? Health and Healthcare, Why does Mankind want to Live Forever?
VFNtv’s Unofficial Field Reporter, Hananya Naftali, Reveals Reality of Hamas and Palestinian lies about Peace Proclamations with Israel
“I Want Peace Through Strength!” President Trump Puts North Korea on Notice, Addresses the National Assembly in South Korea
Election of Donald Trump: One Year Anniversary of God Showing Mercy on America
“Our Alliance is More Important than Ever”, President Trump Press Conference with President Moon of South Korea
Balancing the Trade Deficit and Bringing Jobs to America! President Trump Shares RECORD BREAKING numbers with Business Leaders from America and Japan
A MODERN DAY MIRACLE FOR ISRAEL! 100 Year Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
Freedom is NOT FREE! President Trump Restoring, Honoring, and Respecting America’s Troops during Speech Yokota Air Force Base
Companies are “Coming Home to America Again”! President Trump Delivers Exciting Jobs Announcement
Strengthening Alliance with Japan! Press Conference with President Trump and Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzō Abe
Just Following Orders Experiment: To Obey or Not to Obey- Why People Convinced Themselves it was Okay to do Evil
Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society
Are You Stealing your own Reward?
What does building for a 1,000 years look like? Beast Economy vs. God’s Economy
Lessons Learned from the Vietnam War: We Can Win a Nation with the Gospel
Prophecy “There’s Another Level About to Happen”, Prophetic Word Delivered before Escambia County Commissioners of the Days we are Living in
THE TRUMP PROPHECIES! “For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to Israel, So shall [President Trump] be to the United States of America”, says Mark Taylor
President Trump Demonstrates Care and Compassion as he Visits Puerto Rico in Wake of Hurricane Maria
MIRACLE! Republican Representative Steve Scalise Survives Assassination attempt on Congressmen and Testifies before a United Congress
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