Another year has gone by and members from both parties of our government have once again gathered together for the National Prayer Breakfast. This year marks the 66th annual event, which is also now the second Prayer Breakfast that President Trump has attended. There has been so much division that was been demonstrated between our two parties of government. But, this event demonstrates how this is not always true. Franklin Graham, who also attended the event, shares the significance of the event.
“It was a privilege to be at the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday. Many powerful testimonies to God and prayers for our country were shared by different individuals. The Prayer Breakfast is a bipartisan event co-chaired by a Democrat and a Republican. This just goes to show you that both parties in Washington can work together–when we come together in Jesus’ Name.”
This is such a powerful truth to understand and realize. Franklin Graham understands the important role of leadership in our nation, and the need for godly leadership. During the Presidential race of 2017, Graham traveled to all 50 state capitals in America and cried out in repentance for our nation. It wasn’t about politics, it was simply about believing God for godly leadership.
When we look at this year’s National Prayer Breakfast, it is important to remember where we came from to recognize the beauty of where we are now. President Trump recognizes how the founders of our nation acknowledges God. “Each year this event reminds us that faith is central to American life and to liberty. Our founders invoked our Creator four times in the Declaration of Independence. Our currency declares ‘In God We Trust.’ And we place our hands on our hearts as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance and proclaim we are ‘One Nation Under God.” When our previous president said words during past prayer breakfast events that were in direct contradiction to what our Founders believed, President Trump acknowledges the reality of our nation. “America is a nation of believers and together we are strengthened by the power of prayer.”
We recognize that America is a nation of laws, in addition, we all have rights. What is beautiful is how President Trump recognizes where these rights come from. “Our rights are not given to us by man; our rights come from our Creator. No matter what, no earthly force can take those rights away. That is why the words, ‘Praise be to God’ are etched atop the Washington Monument, and those same words are etched into the hearts of our people. So today we praise God for how truly blessed we are to be Americans.” Is this not beautiful!? This our President acknowledging our Creator.
When we look at the Washington Monument, the apex of this monument has words etched into it, “Praise Be to God”. So many people are arguing that God doesn’t belong in the public square. This refutes every one of those claims as God is literally in the middle of our public square.
The President continues to talk about how God’s handiwork can not only be seen in our nation’s monuments, but all throughout the fabric of our society. “On our land, we see the splendor of God’s creation. Throughout history we see the story of God’s providence and in every city and town we see the Lord’s grace around us through a million acts of kindness, courage and generosity. We love God.” The President also highlights how we live our lives greatly impacts those around us. “We see the Lord’s grace in the service members who risk their lives for our freedom. We see it in the teachers who work tirelessly for their students and the police who sacrifice for our communities. And we see the Lord’s grace in the moms and dads who work two and three jobs to give their children the chance for a better and much more prosperous and happier life.”
One of the things the Lord revealed to Greg Lancaster is that the Church needs to pay attention to what this man is doing. The President is confident. He doesn’t care about the negative press. He continues in the vision that he has spoken over the nation. As the Church, we should be more confident than anybody else. What are your thoughts on this? How were you impacted by the President’s words during this year’s National Prayer Breakfast?
See the whole story about this year’s National Prayer Breakfast, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Franklin Graham, Democrats, Republicans, President Trump, Trump Administration, 66th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, The Washington Monument, Founding Fathers of America, the Declaration of Independence, Creator, God belongs in the public square, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
In our culture, we have so many devices and technology at our disposal, providing endless information. Devices like Google Assist and Siri are nothing more than Artificial Intelligence (AI) providing information from data bases. Just because we have access to this knowledge, doesn’t necessarily mean that we have wisdom. We should not be submitting to these devices. On the contrary, these devices need to be submitting to us.
How often do we find ourselves reaching out to Siri for information? Have you ever asked Siri who God is? Well, one woman did this very thing. The results that she found may surprise you. Wanting to know what Google says about Allah, Buddha, and Jesus, a woman begins to ask Google Home who Allah is. Without skipping a beat, the device begins sharing information “according to Wikipedia”. Okay, next question. “Hey Google, who is Buddha?” Once again, Google Home shares information “according to Wikipedia”. But, when she asks who Jesus Christ is, it appears that Google Home doesn’t have an answer for that. “Sorry, I don’t know how to help with that yet.” Maybe it was how she pronounced His name. She tries again. “Hey Google, who is Jesus?” “Sorry, I’m not sure how to help” is the response.
The woman continues down her list as she asks, “…who is New Age?” Once again, information “according to Wikipedia” is rattled off instantaneously. She tries again and asks about Jesus Christ. Once again, Google Home is stumped. “My apologies. I don’t understand.” So, according to Google Home, Wikipedia doesn’t have any information about Jesus Christ. But, this isn’t true. According to Wikipedia, ‘Jesus, also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ, was a Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity. Most Christians believe him to be the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament.’ Hmmm…why wouldn’t Google Home share this?
Why is Google afraid of the information and truth about Jesus Christ for it to be blocked? This means Jesus is the REAL DEAL! Simply put, what Google has done is block the way for all of their customers to know the truth about Jesus. Google is blocking the knowledge of the Son of God. Jesus said plainly in John 14:6 who He is. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” What is Google so scared about that they would purposely omit this truth? Jesus Christ loves you and He has a plan for your life.
No matter how advanced technology gets, it cannot replace true relationships. What are your thoughts about the decision from Google to omit any information about Jesus? We want to hear from you. See the full event unfold as Google Home instantly shares information about every other individual who claimed to be god, while omitting any recollection of the One who is God. Also shared in this segment: information, knowledge, Google Home, Siri, Alexa, truth, freedom, and the love of God. Greg and John shared in this segment.