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Home » WATCH! President Trump shares at CPAC 2018; US Embassy moved in May 2018; and Scott Pruitt Head of EPA

WATCH! President Trump shares at CPAC 2018; US Embassy moved in May 2018; and Scott Pruitt Head of EPA


Promise Kept; Recognized Jerusalem Capital of Israel, President Donald Trump
It is so exciting to see all that God is doing upon the Earth and within America in this hour. Like many of his peers during the Presidential Campaign, Donald Trump made many promises on what he would do if he were elected President. Now that he is President, he is going above and beyond what he has promised. For example, contrary to what many advised him, President Trump insisted on moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This was an unprecedented decision. He recently spoke on the matter at the CPAC 2018 Conference.
By declaring to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, bold statements were made. As the President said, “we officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.” He continues to share why he now understands why so many went back on their word of promising to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. “I was hit by more countries, and more pressure, and more people calling, begging me, ‘don’t do it! Don’t do it! Don’t do it’. I said we have to do it. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the right thing to do. We have to do it; and I did it.”
This is not just about moving a building from one city to another city. This is about honoring God! The President might not have known the significance of what he has done, but a colossal blessing is about to be poured out upon America. What are your thoughts on the President’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy? We want to hear from you. It is so powerful to see how President Trump is being used by the Lord for the betterment of Israel, just as President Truman did. See the full story from President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: President Trump, The Trump Administration, John Kilpatrick Ministries, Pastor John Kilpatrick, prophecy, prophetic word, Holy Spirit, Jerusalem Israel, Israel, President Harry Truman, CPAC 2018, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
EPA’s – Headed by Former Sunday School Teacher and Deacon; Sec. of Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt
When we elect a President over our nation, our President also nominates leaders to be in leadership positions throughout our nation. One of those positions is the Administrator of the EPA, Scott Pruitt. As a man who is a former Sunday School teacher and former deacon, we can see how he is bringing a godly influence to this position.
Many understand that those who are elected into leadership are called to serve the people. Scott Pruitt is one of those leaders who understands this important value. When he recently sat down with CBN News, he shared this important perspective on his take of being Administrator of the EPA. “As I serve, and as we seek to make decisions, I want to do so based upon an attitude that we’re here to minister to people, to serve people, and have a light and cheerfulness as we do it.”
This is such a powerful and beautiful perspective. Many people in elected positions that we see on C-SPAN are carrying out a call of God that has been placed upon their lives. Is God calling you to serve in a role in our nation’s government, or in your region? We want to hear how this is encouraging you. See the full story and interview with Administrator Pruitt, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: EPA, CBN News, President Trump, Scott Pruitt, CSPAN, and faith. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Previous Administration Meddled in Americans Livelihood, went too Far in Regulation; Sec. of EPA, Scott Pruitt
When we look back at the 8 years of our previous Administration, many believe that the Obama Administration was far too involved in the affairs of the nation. One of the Administration’s advisors was Cass Sunstein. Sunstein was the author of Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. According to Sunstein, “once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them then there’s a lot that can be done to manipulate them.” It is a scary thought to know that those in leadership are looking to manipulate the people of America.
During the Obama Administration, America witnessed a flurry of regulations being written. The good news is that those days are now over. As Scott Pruitt has now taken office of the EPA in the Trump Administration, we are seeing a much different approach. When speaking to CBN News, Pruitt shared his take on the Obama Administration. “Actions taken by the Executive Branch really were actions that the Legislative Branch should have been taking or addressing. And it did what, it impacted liberty.” When looking at the Obama Administration’s take on the coal industry, Pruitt asks this applicable question. “Where did Congress empower the EPA to declare war on coal?”
Pruitt understands that the previous way the EPA was used by former Administrations is not the way that it was designed to be. “There’s a role for the EPA. There is a very important role for the agency. The problem is, the last several years, that role has been morphed and evolved into something that it’s not.”
While the Obama Administration created regulations compiling the total number of Federal Regulations near 185,000 , the Trump Administration has cut regulations to take us back to the 1960’s level of approximately 20,000. When there was a “war on coal” during the Obama Administration, President Trump brought that to a screeching halt.
What are your thoughts on how the Trump Administration and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is handling the issues in our nation? We want to hear from you. See the full report and interview with Administration Pruitt, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Cass Sunstein, Homer Simpson, Obama Administration, Federal Regulations, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, West Virginia, the War on Coal, Vietnam, and liberty. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Our U.S. Constitution reveals that our government is formed by the people and for the people, we expect those who have been elected to leadership, to understand their role is to serve the American people. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the EPA greatly understands that value. When he recently sat down with CBN News, he shared how important it is to also be a faith steward of the resources in our nation.
“The environmental left tells us that though we have enough natural resources like natural gas, and oil, and coal, and though we can feed the world…we should just keep those things in the ground, put up fences, and be about prohibition.” He continues his point, “That’s wrongheaded and I think it’s counter to what we should be about.”
As a former deacon and former Sunday School teacher, Administrator Pruitt also explained how the Bible commands us to steward God’s resources in the Earth. “The Biblical World View, with respect to these issues, is that we have a responsibility to manage and cultivate, harvest the natural resources that we’ve been blessed with; to truly bless our fellow mankind.” It is a beautiful sight to see when an elected leader looks at their position from the eyes of God and how it matters how we steward the resources.
What are your thoughts on this awesome appointment of Scott Pruitt over the EPA? We want to hear from you. See the full conversation and interview with Scott Pruitt, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Trump Administration, faithful stewardship, blessed to be a blessing, EPA, and CBN News. Greg and John shared in this segment.
EPA PRUITT Response to Global Warming and Climate Denier Accusations; Sec. of EPA, Scott Pruitt
In our present culture, the term climate change is well-known to many. As the new Administrator of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, understands that the climate does change. But, the question is, how much, and what do we do about it? He recently sat down with CBN News and he shared his perspective on the matter.
“For someone to say that someone is a skeptic or a climate denier about the climate changing, that is just non sensical.” As he continues to point out, “we see that throughout history. We impact the climate by our activity. How much so is very difficult to determine with respect to our CO2, or carbon footprint.” Administrator Pruitt also shares some shocking statistics about our nation’s carbon footprint that many may not be aware of. “We, as a country, have reduced our carbon footprint by almost 20%, from the year 2000 to 2014”. Contrary to what some would assume the answer to be, he additionally shares that this was accomplished through “innovation and technology, not government mandate.”
It’s important that we dialogue on the importance of how we steward God’s resources. How does this matter to you? What are your thoughts on how Scott Pruitt is leading the EPA? See the full discussion and interview with Administrator Pruitt, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN News, climate change, carbon footprint, how do I reduce my carbon footprint? how to lower emissions, Administrator of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, and Trump Administration. Greg and John shared in this segment.
As Scott Pruitt has now taken over the Administration of the EPA, he understands that he needs outside direction and wisdom to carry out the leadership role that he has been assigned. When he recently sat down with CBN News, he shared where he gets his wisdom and direction from.
Before Pruitt found himself at the helm of the EPA, he deeply sought the Lord on the direction the Lord had for him to go. It was in the book of Isaiah that God spoke to him. “Specifically, in the latter part of chapter 1, where God says to Israel, I will restore your leaders as in the days of old, your judges as in the beginning”. It was reading this particular verse of scripture that greatly impacted Pruitt. “There was just a desire that welled up inside of me to say that I wanted to be like those leaders that we had at the founding, at the inception of our country.”


Pruitt has taken this role of leadership because of the need to preserve the values that our founding fathers instituted at the birthing of our nation. “There’s never been more of a threat to liberty…to what we know is the protections that are inherent in our Constitution, than what we live today.”

David Barton, with Wallbuilders, is another man that understands the importance of standing up for the values and beliefs that America was built upon. People are using all of the methodologies they can muster to undo America from the inside. It matters who our leaders are, and it matters what their perspective is on America’s founding documents. See the full conversation and interview with Scott Pruitt, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN News, US Constitution, liberty, Saul Alinsky, David Barton, Wallbuilders, Administrator of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, Trump Administration, and living green. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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