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Home » WATCH! What are Americans willing to Give Up for Comfort and Convenience? RFID Chip; End Times, Turkey, and the Muslim Brotherhood; and Prophecy Three Dragons over America?

WATCH! What are Americans willing to Give Up for Comfort and Convenience? RFID Chip; End Times, Turkey, and the Muslim Brotherhood; and Prophecy Three Dragons over America?



What are Americans willing to Give Up for Comfort and Convenience? RFID Chip

In India, there is a population of over 1 billion people, and much of our technology in the world has come from that country. Greg talks about how he has been studying India and how their culture operates, which many follow Buddhism. The Indian people are desperate to find God, and they need the gospel of Jesus Christ shared with them, for them to know that each person matters. At VFNKB, we love the people of India and want to thank all of our listeners and viewers in India and we would love to hear from you! 

We continue the conversation with a discussion about RFID chips. Today our world is focused on what is convenient and quick, sometimes called the ‘microwave generation.’ A company now has an armband for sale that has all your information stored including payment information on the bracelet. It sounds like the mark of the beast talked about in the book of Revelation, and the RFID chip is all about money. If money is not your God, then you won’t need to have the “mark” or a chip to buy food because God will take care of His children! We would love to hear from you and what you think about the discussed topics. Also shared in this segment: Dragon, Beast Economy, Raven, Reincarnation, Classes, Business, Tracking. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.

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End Times, Turkey, and the Muslim Brotherhood

Three dragons are over America right now, and Turkey could be one of them. Turkey has gone back to an Islamic nation, and in Turkey, it seems the president is setting things up for something to take place. Why did America help Turkey? There is one thing about satan, he can take his time and is a lot more patient than God’s people are. Because he is patient, it is easy for believers to get lost in the blessing. As believers, we can study those that have gone before us and borrow from other’s experiences. Many times, when there are terrible things going on in the world, at the same time there have been huge moves of God. In America, we may have a distorted view of how things should be for there to be a move of God, but things do not have to be perfect for God to move on the earth. He will move when and how He wants to move so that people will turn back to Him. In Paul’s time of ministry, they were under Roman oppression, but there was a huge move of God! Don’t limit God on when and how He can move. The storm can be a good thing to turn people back to God. At VFNKB we are helping you to prepare for the coming storm and the coming move of God. We want to hear from you and what you think about the coming move of God. Also shared in this segment: Food, Money, Salvation, Repentance, Government, Iron Curtain, Dragon, Generals. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.

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Prophecy Three Dragons over America?

As a believer you shouldn’t follow the mass media and the mass crowd, the wide road. We should choose only to follow Jesus and what He has said to us, taking the narrow path. The mark of the beast is written about in Revelation 12:16-18, “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”  This is why it is important to abide with the Lord and is why at VFNKB we teach others how to hear from God and spend time with Him and how to pray. Abiding with the Lord will help you get the wisdom you need, and you will learn to follow His voice. You can find a plan for abiding at iAbide, check it out and sign up today! God is speaking to us, and we need to be prepared for the times that are coming to pass. It is not the end of the world; it is the fulfillment of what God said will happen, and it is leading up to the rapture of God’s people. We want to hear from you and what you think about the mark of the beast and the importance of spending time with God. Also shared in this segment: Dragons, Abiding, Prayer, RFID Chip, Technology, Facial Recognition. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Shutterstock.com/nopporn

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