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Home » EPA’s – Headed by Former Sunday School Teacher and Deacon; Sec. of Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt

EPA’s – Headed by Former Sunday School Teacher and Deacon; Sec. of Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt

LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! When we elect a President over our nation, our President also nominates leaders to be in leadership positions throughout our nation. One of those positions is the Administrator of the EPA, Scott Pruitt. As a man who is a former Sunday School teacher and former deacon, we can see how he is bringing a godly influence to this position.


Many understand that those who are elected into leadership are called to serve the people. Scott Pruitt is one of those leaders who understands this important value. When he recently sat down with CBN News, he shared this important perspective on his take of being Administrator of the EPA. “As I serve, and as we seek to make decisions, I want to do so based upon an attitude that we’re here to minister to people, to serve people, and have a light and cheerfulness as we do it.”

This is such a powerful and beautiful perspective. Many people in elected positions that we see on C-SPAN are carrying out a call of God that has been placed upon their lives. Is God calling you to serve in a role in our nation’s government, or in your region? We want to hear how this is encouraging you. See the full story and interview with Administrator Pruitt, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: EPA, CBN News, President Trump, Scott Pruitt, CSPAN, and faith. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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