Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shares about Israel’s booming economy. The economy was made stronger by moving Israel to free-market principles, which unleashed the spark of genius in the Israeli people. In entrepreneurship – there’s a revolution taking place, this couldn’t happen at a better time. Look at the top companies in 2006 there were five energy companies and one IT. A mere 10 years later, in 2016 it’s completely reversed.
Five IT companies at the top, one energy company left. The true wealth is in innovation which all the top 5 companies have major research centers in Israel. Israel has always been great at agriculture now they are in precision agriculture. Take these two things – agriculture, water – and the other technology they apply in both which can change the world. Israeli technology is bringing millions of people water in Africa by bringing water out of thin air. These are the old industries and now Israel is literally driving the world with autonomous vehicles. P.M. Netanyahu talks about cybersecurity, which Israel is a world leader in cybersecurity. Israel is very strong in cybersecurity and because they have this capacity many countries are coming to Israel because they want to share in the benefits which also helps build diplomatic relations around the world. He continues to say of those who talk about boycotting Israel, Israel will boycott them! It is amazing how Israel is being an example to believers of how we should share our blessings with the world. Israel is a blessing to the nations of the world! Also shared in this segment: Artificial intelligence, driverless cars, India, farmers. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses 2018 AIPAC
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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