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Home » President Trump Honors Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Weekly Address

President Trump Honors Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Weekly Address



It is so exciting to have a President carrying out the very promises that he has stated since he ran for the Presidency. President Trump is cutting taxes and bring significant increases to our economy. In a recent weekly address, President Trump honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his “I have a Dream” speech that was delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.



“It is the American dream. It’s the promise stitched into the fabric of our nation, etched into the hearts of our people, and written into the soul of humankind. It is the dream of the world where people are judged by who they are, not how they look or where they come from.” Acknowledging the tragic death that Dr. King, Jr. suffered nearly 50 years ago, President Trump also shares about how his life and legacy continue today. “His words, his deeds, they live on forever. And the cause for which he gave his life only gained strength and force and power with the passage of time.”

What is so beautiful to recognize about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was his impact on our culture, not only as a Civil Rights Leader, but that he was a minister of the Gospel. He lived his life as a calling from the Lord, but his assignment was to civil rights. It matters how we live our lives. See the full address from President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Trump Administration, President Donald Trump, Civil Christianity, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, I have a dream speech, civil rights, and Alveda King. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from youtube.com/The White House



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