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Home » WATCH! Alabama beats Georgia, Interview with Tua Tagovailoa; and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

WATCH! Alabama beats Georgia, Interview with Tua Tagovailoa; and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr



#SuccessSecrets Tua Tagovailoa, ROLL TIDE!  SHARES SECRET, Alabama National Champ QB

Some may not know of the devastating surprise upset that Alabama did in the last seconds of the National Championship game against Georgia. At the half, Alabama was down 13-0. Alabama Coach Nick Saban did the unthinkable by placing freshman quarterback, Tua Tagovailoa, into the game. At the end of regulation play, the game was tied 20-20. Entering overtime, Georgia was the first to score with a field goal, pushing them up by three. When Tagovailoa was then sacked for nearly a 20-yard loss, it seemed that the favor was leaning towards Georgia. That was until Tagovailoa responded with a nearly 50-yard touchdown pass putting Alabama ahead 27-23 making them the 2018 National Champions!

Speaking to the press, Tagovailoa carried himself very well, with humility, considering he is a freshman and demonstrating exemplary athleticism at the highest caliber. The Press asked him multiple questions, asking how he has been since being away from his home state of Hawaii?  What has brought additional attention to Tagovailoa, was his response when the press asked him where his poise comes from. “I would say my poise comes from my faith”. He continues, ‘Just being able to come onto the sideline every time, after I go into a drive, I just pray for peace. I just pray, asking God, let your will be done in me and the rest will follow’. He additionally shares how much of a blessing it is for him to represent his home state of Hawaii.

It is so beautiful to see Tua using this moment in the spotlight to turn the attention to the Lord and acknowledging Jesus Christ. Maybe you’re playing a sport and wondering what it takes to make it happen. Be faithful where you are and dedicate every action that you do to the Lord, and He will promote you in His timing. When God brings you to a place of success, it’s important for you to point to the Lord.

Does this bring you encouragement? How does it make you feel seeing such young men of character acknowledging the Lord? We want to hear from you. See the full interview with Tua, as well as other players on the team, Coach Nick Saban, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Alabama, 2018 National Champions, Alabama Crimson Tide, Georgia Bulldogs, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.

#SuccessSecrets Nick Saban, SHARES SECRETS to SUCCESS for Players that can help you! Don’t be a “but” Be an “And”

Coach Nick Saban is well known for his leadership and success as he has been the head coach of the University of Alabama’s football program. After winning the 2018 National Championship game against the Georgia Bulldogs, Coach Saban was asked how he fosters teamwork for everyone works together to achieve the same goal for the team.  

As Coach Saban begins sharing about desiring to know his players goals and dreams, he also talks about how important their behaviors are to reach these goals. As he points out, personal goals should never be held higher than the goals of the team. What is additionally intriguing is how he teaches his players to live their lives in a way that the word “but” should never be placed after their name.

“The two most compelling words in a draft, in my eight years in the NFL, in a draft report, when they read a player, was always “and” and “but” …which guy do you want to put on your team?” He adds, “why would anybody give anybody a reason to say “but” about what they do; and that’s what we try to get our players to do so that they create value for themselves and their future.”

Is there an ‘and’ or a ‘but’ after your name? Does those who know you best describe you with an ‘and’ or a ‘but’? You constantly want to live your life to add value to whatever it is that you do. See the full interview with Coach Nick Saban, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Alabama, 2018 National Champions, Alabama Crimson Tide, Georgia Bulldogs, character, integrity, NFL Draft, and life principles.

Elite 11 COACH WRONG & Apologies to Tua Tagovailoa for doubting his Skills as Quarterback; ROLL TIDE!

As Alabama may have surprised many with overtaking the Georgia Bulldogs to be the 2018 National Champions, Alabama’s freshman quarterback, Tua Tagovailoa’s journey began a long time before that. He was also turning heads when he competed in Nike’s Elite 11 camp where he competed against some of the top quarterbacks at his level. One of the coaches in the coaching staff took the time to recognize Tagovailoa as MVP, but also to apologize for doubting his skills.

“You’re a heck of a football player. You’re a heck of an athlete. But, I didn’t see the discipline in your game, to be a quarterback. I could not have been more wrong, and I’m so happy I was wrong. Of all the kids I’ve ever coached, I’ve never seen one improve more rapidly than you.”

It is so beautiful to Tagovailoa remain humble amidst the demonstration of such talent and attention. What are your thoughts of Tagovailoa? Share your thoughts of Tagovailoa composing himself at such high levels. Also shared in this segment: athleticism, NCAA, Nike Elite 11 Quarterback Camp, NFL training, and sports. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Pres. Trump Honors Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekly Address

It is so exciting to have a President carrying out the very promises that he has stated since he ran for the Presidency. President Trump is cutting taxes and bring significant increases to our economy. In a recent weekly address, President Trump honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his “I have a Dream” speech that was delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

“It is the American dream. It’s the promise stitched into the fabric of our nation, etched into the hearts of our people, and written into the soul of humankind. It is the dream of the world where people are judged by who they are, not how they look or where they come from.” Acknowledging the tragic death that Dr. King, Jr. suffered nearly 50 years ago, President Trump also shares about how his life and legacy continue today. “His words, his deeds, they live on forever. And the cause for which he gave his life only gained strength and force and power with the passage of time.”

What is so beautiful to recognize about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was his impact on our culture, not only as a Civil Rights Leader, but that he was a minister of the Gospel. He lived his life as a calling from the Lord, but his assignment was to civil rights. It matters how we live our lives. See the full address from President Trump, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Trump Administration, President Donald Trump, Civil Christianity, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, I have a dream speech, civil rights, and Alveda King. Greg and John shared in this segment.


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