LISTEN NOW! Greg shares how there are risks involved in doing the right thing. Often times the difference between success and failure is just 5 more minutes. The difference between a hero and enemy is just as close. Today we celebrate George Washington as our first president, a founding father and great General but if George Washing ton had not had victories in battle then King George would have had him hung and history books would have recorded him as traitor. Brother John Kilpatrick says that, “opportunity is an uncertain event with a positive probable outcome”. Opportunity always requires risk. There is a risk involved in doing what is right; will you be one who will stand up? The founding fathers said that this country will not work without values. It is going to take heroes to stand up. If you are within the law and with God, stand up. Either government is God or God is God. You can be a hero in the making are you willing to take the risk and stand up.
Courtesy of nasirkhan/