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Home » God hasn’t given up on you maybe you have given upon on God: It’s not over, believe again!

God hasn’t given up on you maybe you have given upon on God: It’s not over, believe again!



LISTEN NOW!  John, Greg, and Pat share about how God hasn’t given up on you but maybe you have given up on God.  They continue to talk about Abraham’s life and how God told Abraham to go, leave his country and family and God would bless him.  They continued to discuss how Abraham heard God’s voice and obeyed Him and how God greatly blessed Abraham.  However, towards what looked like the end of Abraham’s life he was saddened because he didn’t have any children to leave an inheritance.  The truth is that God didn’t give up on Abraham; Abraham had given up on God.  God had so much in store for Abraham so many blessings and was getting ready to take his life into another dimension.  Abraham needed to accept God’s vision for his life and not allow his natural circumstances dictate what a supernatural God can do.  They encourage us not to give up on God but to believe again for all the Lord can do in and through our lives. 


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