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Home » Evil in the Holy Land, Prophetic Insight and Prayer, John Kilpatrick

Evil in the Holy Land, Prophetic Insight and Prayer, John Kilpatrick

War Waged on Israel, Israel Wages War October 8, 2023 - Paraphrased


Concern for Israel

Boy, aren’t we praying for Israel. Jesus, when I got the call yesterday morning early, somebody called and woke me up. And when I saw it, I was just sick. Oh my goodness, I know that you’ve seen some of the pictures we’ve seen, but they killed one Jewish lady and tied her to chains on the back of a car, pulling her through the streets of Israel. Mothers killed, children killed, elderly killed. This morning, before I came to church, they said the death toll of those murdered is up to over 650 people. It’s up from yesterday, so there’s no telling how many people they’re going to find that has been killed because of the demolition of so many buildings through bombings.

Situation Analysis

But I want to talk to you for a little bit today about what I think is going on in Israel. You know, I always try to stay in contact with Israel and talk about it when things happen there. The thing that’s been on my mind for weeks is the Saudi Arabia Israeli peace deal. Last month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Israel was close to signing a historic peace deal with Saudi Arabia. He was excited, standing there, holding a microphone, talking about how the Middle East would change with this peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. He used the word “peace” so much in just a few sentences, I was surprised. It felt like a red flag. He seemed almost giddy about the peace deal he was about to enter with them. But then I read that Saudi Arabia required Israel to give up East Jerusalem to the Palestinians for the deal to go through. When I heard that, I said, ‘Oh my God.’ The Bible, in Thessalonians, says, ‘For when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them.’ So, Israel was willing, evidently, for the talks to go as far as they did. Prime Minister Netanyahu was trying to secure this peace deal as part of his legacy for Israel. But they required that the Palestinian State have a capital in East Jerusalem.

Jerusalem’s Importance

I looked back at things I’d preached over the years and saw notes about Jerusalem. I want to remind everyone of a few things about Jerusalem. Jerusalem has a prophetic destiny. The Bible says ‘Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.’ It doesn’t say to pray for the Peace of Los Angeles, Moscow, or Washington. Jerusalem is known as the city of David, city of God, city of Judah, city of Joy, city of Peace, city of Praise, city of righteousness, city of the great king, city of the Lord, city of Truth, faithful city, gate of my people, green olive tree, holy city, holy mountain, throne of the Lord in Zion, and in Psalms 132:13-14 (King James), it says the Lord chose Zion, desired it for his habitation. God said this would be his resting place forever, where he would dwell because he desired it. Obadiah said that upon Mount Zion, there would be deliverance, holiness, and the house of Jacob would possess their possessions. Chronicles says God chose Jerusalem for his name to be there and David to be over his people Israel. Zechariah said the Lord returned to Zion and would dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Psalms 48 says that God will establish Jerusalem forever. The Bible emphasizes that God will establish it forever. God told Abraham in Genesis 17 about an everlasting covenant and gave him and his seed the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession.

The Current State of America

Right now, in the state of America, the nation is in dire straits. Just yesterday, I heard Prime Minister Netanyahu say that at a time when he genuinely needs America’s support, he feels he’s navigating these challenges alone. He expressed his concern that due to the turmoil in America, he doesn’t have the support he once expected. With the escalating events in the Middle East, there’s no speaker to rally both the Democrats and Republicans to draft a resolution supporting Israel. Without a speaker to unite the two sides, there’s no way to pledge financial aid to Israel for their war. They need parts to support and replace the Iron Dome, especially since it was overloaded with missiles, causing some to penetrate and result in the death of many Jews. Currently, the U.S. can’t even amass the necessary funds that would pass Congress because there’s no speaker to structure such vital legislation. Our nation is in a state of alarming disarray with seemingly no resolution in sight.

Israel, more than ever, needs a powerful America backing them. They require a robust U.S. president, a leader in Washington that doesn’t merely offer verbal encouragement but genuinely stands with them, especially during these trying times. America’s internal challenges, from a rising tide of sexual confusion and gender identity issues to a pressing border crisis, are making international support even more challenging. The border situation has allowed countless terrorists and criminals to infiltrate, reminiscent of Israel’s recent security lapses where over 3,000 terrorists reportedly entered their territory. The U.S., due to its open borders, has inadvertently allowed millions, including potential threats from countries like China and Russia, to flood in.

It’s deeply concerning to many, including myself, that these individuals have entered the U.S., posing a potential threat to our national security. And in light of these challenges, it’s hard not to place the blame squarely on the president of the United States.

US-Israel Relations

I remember when President Bush entered into a peace deal requiring Gaza to be given to the Palestinians. [The Day That [President George W. Bush Took Gaza.] That’s when Hamas made Gaza their headquarters. I said then that Gaza would become a place for terrorist activities. When President Bush made Israel give up the Gaza Strip, they had to remove Jews from their homes. Just days later, Hurricane Katrina hit America, specifically New Orleans’ West Bank. There’s a clear message: you don’t mess with Jerusalem.

America’s Turmoil

Right now, America is in turmoil. I heard Prime Minister Netanyahu say he doesn’t have much support from America. With all that’s happening in the Middle East, there’s no speaker to rally both sides of the aisle and pledge money to Israel. Our nation is in disarray, and Israel needs a strong America. Our country is unraveling with sexual confusion, gender identity issues, and a border crisis. We’ve had millions of terrorists enter due to an open border. We have a nation that won’t prosecute serious crimes but will prosecute former President Trump. The Bible said lawlessness would abound in the last days.

Preparing for the Antichrist

As the world prepares for the Antichrist, society and culture are getting ready. The nations of the earth are gearing up for the Antichrist, but the church is preparing for the advent of Jesus Christ. We witness unparalleled corruption in governments worldwide, with both Democrats and Republicans involved. We see a biased media I can hardly stand to watch anymore, record levels of homelessness in once-beautiful American cities, and a divided America that seems to have lost its ability to govern. The global scene also suggests external influences; Russia’s fingerprints are all over the missiles that Hamas has been launching at Israel, with both Russia and Iran forming alliances and having their hands in Middle East affairs.

The Antichrist and the Path Forward

Where are we headed? It’s evident; we’re moving towards a world where no government can establish peace. The only one who will bring it will be the Antichrist. He will befriend Israel, make them believe their Messiah has come, and they will believe it. [You will receive him] This sets the stage for the time of Jacob’s trouble – the Tribulation period. As we witness America fall deeper into chaos and divisive issues, I find myself increasingly looking to the scriptures for understanding. The rise of the Antichrist seems closer, but for those of us in the church, we prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.

  • Daniel 9:24-27
    • This passage mentions a period of “seventy weeks” decreed for the people of Israel, with the final “week” (often interpreted as seven years) being particularly significant in eschatological discussions. The second half of this week is the Great Tribulation.
  • Matthew 24:4-31
    • Jesus describes the signs of the end times in this passage. Verses 21 and 22 specifically mention the Tribulation: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
  • Mark 13:14-23
    • This is Mark’s account of Jesus’ eschatological discourse, similar to the one in Matthew. Verse 19 states: “For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.”
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
    • Paul discusses the “man of lawlessness” (the Antichrist) who will be revealed before the Day of the Lord. This figure plays a central role in many interpretations of the Tribulation period.
  • Revelation 6-19
    • The book of Revelation provides the most detailed account of the end times, including the Tribulation. Chapters 6-19 describe a series of judgments and events that take place on the earth, including the breaking of the seven seals, the sounding of the seven trumpets, and the pouring out of the seven bowls of God’s wrath.
  • Revelation 7:14
    • John is told about those “who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

The Rapture: Jesus is Soon to Come!

I want to leave you with this: God sees you, and He sees your family. He knows who you are, and He knows that you trust Him. The Bible says we have not been appointed to wrath, and I believe we’re going to get out of here very soon. So, yes, I still believe in the Rapture of the church. And yes, I do believe that the trumpet will sound, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then, those of us who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. I believe that the Rapture [the taking away] is right at the door. You may mock me for believing in that, but I’m going to hold onto that belief until you see me ascending. And when you witness that, you’re going to exclaim that the old preacher was right. But remember, Jesus is coming back really soon, and I know you believe that too.

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
    • “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will be with the Lord forever.”
  • 1 Corinthians 15:51-53
    • “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.”
  • Matthew 24:30-31
    • “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
  • John 14:2-3
    • “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:1
    • “Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers…”

A Call to Prayer

Let’s remember to pray for Israel. They’re in the midst of a storm. Let a blanket of God’s glory overshadow Israel and keep them safe. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. In times of turmoil and uncertainty, let us be steadfast in our faith, praying for peace and protection for all. Can I get an amen? Let’s stand united in our prayers for Israel, understanding the importance of Jerusalem and trusting in the promises of God.

In these trying times, our collective strength and unity in prayer can make a significant difference. We may not understand every detail of what’s unfolding, but our faith assures us of God’s hand in every situation. Jerusalem, a city of immense significance, has always been in the heart of divine prophecies. Our duty is not just to stand by but to fervently pray for its peace and prosperity.

We remember the leaders, the soldiers, and the innocent families in Israel, trusting God to comfort and strengthen them. Our prayers ascend, hoping for divine intervention in these rapidly changing global scenarios. We believe in a God who hears, who sees, and who acts. Even in the darkest moments, we can trust in His plan and purpose. As believers, let’s hold onto the hope of the return of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Our world needs peace more than ever, and as we close today, let’s make a commitment to consistently pray for Israel, Jerusalem, and for peace to reign in our world.

In closing, it’s vital to remember that even in the face of adversity, uncertainty, and the looming shadows of prophecy, our faith remains the beacon that lights our way. Israel, as the epicenter of so many of these prophecies, is not just a distant nation in the news; it’s the heartbeat of God’s unfolding plan. As we navigate through these tumultuous times, let us anchor ourselves in prayer, unity, and the unwavering belief in God’s promises. Our role is to stand firm, be vigilant in our prayers, and always be prepared for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us not be swayed by the world’s chaos, but rather find solace in the eternal truth of God’s word.

May God’s grace and mercy be with us all. Amen.



Read raw transcript taken from YouTube Transcripts

Raw Transcript – Evil in the Holy Land Pastor John Kilpatrick

From: https://youtu.be/iGn9K8GpsW0?si=6wcMy1uvN8YeYFmH

boy aren’t we praying for Israel Jesus when I got the call yesterday

morning early somebody called and woke me up and when I saw it I was just

sick oh my goodness I I know that you’ve saw some of the pictures we’ve saw but they

killed one Jewish lady and they tied her to chains on the back of a car and was pulling her through the streets of

goel and um mothers killed and their children

killed elderly killed they said this morning right before I came to church that the death toll now of those

murdered is up to over 650 people it’s up from

yesterday so there’s no telling how many people they’re going to find that has

been killed because they had the demolition of so many buildings through

bombings but I want to talk to you for a little bit today about what I think is going on in

Israel you know I always tried to stay in contact with Israel and talk about it

when things happen there but the thing that’s on my mind and has been on my mind now for some weeks is the Saudi

Arabia Israeli peace deal last month prime minister Benjamin

nanahu announced that Israel was on the cusp of signing a historic PE peace deal

with Saudi Arabia and he was excited about it he even was standing there talking holding

a microphone talking about how the Middle East is going to be changed with this peace deal between Saudi Arabia and

Israel and he used the word peace so much in just a few sentences in just a

few paragraphs I was really surprised to hear that he used peace so much and it

just was sort of like a red flag went up in my mind and he was almost giddy at the

seeming peace deal that he was about to enter into with them but then I

read that Saudi Arabia was requiring that Israel give up

East Jerusalem to the Palestinians in order for the deal to go through when I heard that I said oh my

God the the Bible says in Thessalonians it says for when they say peace and

safety then sudden sudden destruction shall come upon

them and so Israel was willing evidently

for the talks to go as far as they did and prime minister Netanyahu was

willing to go and try to secure this peace deal as part of his legacy for

Israel but they did require that the Palestinian State have a capital in East

Jerusalem and I begin to look back and see some things that I had preached Through The Years in my

notes and I was looking at Jerusalem and I just want to tell you a few things about Jerusalem that I want to remind

everybody and I want to speak it into your hearing Jerusalem has a prophetic

Destiny and the Bible says pray for the Peace of Jerusalem it never said pray for the Peace of Los

Angeles it never said pray for the Peace of Moscow or the Peace of Washington said

pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Jerusalem is known as the city of David the city of God city of Judah

city of Joy the city of Peace the City of Praise

the city of righteousness the city of the great king the city of the Lord the

city of Truth the faithful City the Gate of my people the Green Olive Tree the

holy city the Holy Mountain the Throne of the Lord in

Zion and in Psalms 132 and: 13 through 14 King James it says the Lord has

chosen Zion he has desired it for his habitation for God’s

habitation and he said this will be my rest forever here I will dwell for I have

desired it Obadiah said but upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance and there

shall be Holiness and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions in

Chronicles it says I have chosen Jerusalem that my name might be there

and I have chosen David to be over My People Israel Zachariah said thus sayith the

Lord I am returned Des Zion and I will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem and Jerusalem shall be called

a city of truth and the mountain of the Lord of hosts the Holy Mountain Psalms

48 says as we have heard so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts in the

city of our God God will establish it forever I want to

emphasize the Bible says that God will establish it forever Sila

God said to Abraham in Genesis 17 I will establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy

seed after thee and their generations for an Everlasting Covenant to be a god unto thee and to

thy seed after thee and I will give unto thee and unto thy seed after thee the

land wherein you are a stranger all the land of Canaan for an everlasting

possession and I will be their God

I remember when President Bush required in order to get a peace

deal he entered into a was entering into a peace deal and he got the brilliant

idea that he was going to require Gaza which was part of Israel he required

that that was going to be given over to the Palestinians and whenever he required

that he surrendered Gaza

to the Palestinians and that’s where Hamas came in and made Gaza their devilish

headquarters and I said back then publicly like I’m doing right now I said

that Gaza will become a place where they’ll lob Rockets

into Israel consistently it will be a place that will be a nest for

terrorists and then when President Bush made Israel give up the coastal strip

the Gaza Strip Israel was removing Jews because they didn’t want to leave their homes they didn’t want to leave their

synagogues that was their home that was their Jewish Home and the Word was sent out that the

troops was going to be coming in and removing people from their Dwelling Places and Israel was removing Jews and

it showed it on camera from their homes and their synagogues forcing them to leave against their will

and just a matter of days later a hurricane hit America and it’s called

Katrina and it hit New Orleans and a place where it hit caused all the damage was a place called the West

Bank and it was the city it was the center of the city that flooded the

filth Ward and Carnage in the West Bank of New Orleans was

unbelievable and they were removing people from their homes in New Orleans

just like they were doing a few days earlier in Gaza because the president required

it and they were removing people from their businesses in New Orleans by

helicopter just as they were in Gaza a few days before the one thing I want to make

clear and I have tried to emphasize this through the years you do not fool with

Jerusalem you do not I don’t

um I don’t really care that you don’t like me saying that it doesn’t bother me

whatsoever in the least I love you but if you’re worried and bothered with that

that don’t bother me at all because I know I’m on the side of scripture and I

know I’m on God’s side but after president Bush required that and the

Prime Minister required that they leave their homes and their synagogues and then after the hurricane

hit in New Orleans and did all the damage I think I have always believed it

you might not believe it but I believe it I believe that it was a direct result of what happened in New Orleans of what

they required the Jews to leave and to give up land for

peace and President Bush never recovered from that anytime he made a speech after

that he stemed and stammered and stumbled and stammered he couldn’t even

hardly make a speech and I loved him and I prayed for him and I still love him to this day I

have a soft spot in my heart for him but he was dead wrong and if I’d ever had an opportunity

to meet him and to talk to him I’d at that time I’d have said President Bush don’t touch it you’re going to make a

mistake if you do and so he became a pathetic leader in the remaining days he

hobbled through the rest of his administration and he looked humiliated

and he was humiliated he didn’t even attend the Republican Convention as they

were getting ready to elect another president he had to go out of office after eight years and they elected a

Democrat Obama took over the presidency

right now in the state of

America, America is in dire Straits I

heard um prime minister Netanyahu who say yesterday he said at a time when I really need

America he said I’m having to go this alone because he said America is in such

turmoil I can’t I don’t have much support and that means with all this

going on in the Middle East there’s no speaker to Rally the Democrats and Republicans to come up with a resolution

supporting Israel there’s no speaker to rally the troops both sides of the

aisle and pledge money to Israel for their

War to give parts to the Iron Dome to replace the Iron Dome because the Iron Dome was overloaded with all the

missiles that came in so quickly they need more iron domes besides that one it

was overloaded and many missiles got through and killed a lot of Jews so we we’re not even able to get

the funds together that would pass Congress because we don’t have a speaker

to organize that kind of legislation so our nation is in

disgusting disarray and there’s no end in

sight and let me say that Israel right now needs a strong

America like they have never needed a strong America and they need and they’re not not going to get it

right now but they need a strong president like they’ve never needed a strong United States

President they need leadership in Washington that will not just give verbal

support but will stand stalwart with them shoulder to shoulder at a time when they need us

America is absolutely coming unraveled we have a sea of sexual

confusion and gender identity going on in this country a border crisis that’s allowing

terrorists and criminals to enter with no restrictions what happened in Israel

they said that there was a security failure and people were coming in on motorcycles by air gliders and by the

water they said it was a major failure of security and they said over 3,000

terrorists has entered Israel and many of them are still there well I’ve gotten used for you in America we’ve got

millions of terrorists that’s entered us because of the open border and it is so

unbelievable to many people in this nation especially me that we have had

millions of people come in with an open border and there’s been Chinese there’s

been Russians there’s been all kinds of people come in that are terrorists they

are criminals they are evil and they have flooded this country

and you can’t tell me that they’re not going to plan something for the United States also and we have nobody to blame

but the president of the United States nobody to



we got a nation right now that will not prosecute serious crimes

but they will prosecute the former president over absolutely nothing that he’s done they won’t prosecute serious

crimes the Bible said in the last days that lawlessness would abound and right now as the world

prepares for the Advent of the Antichrist society and culture is

exactly getting prepared perfectly for the Advent of the Antichrist when the

curtain comes up he’ll come out on the stage and he will come out before Nations that are absolutely Godless and

Lawless and I’m trying to help you to understand the nations of the Earth are getting ready for the Antichrist but the

church is getting ready for the Advent of Jesus Christ can somebody shout

amen hallelujah can you say Amen I’m getting ready to leave this

world I’m getting ready for the gates of pearl like the song says serious crimes are not being

prosecuted in America it shows kids going into expensive stores and just

taking whatever and breaking the glass security guards standing over watching it and they’re stealing thousands and

thousands of inventory of just jewels and diamonds and all kinds of things and

running out with it not being stopped getting in their cars they left their car parked in the middle of the Highway

and they take off I have never seen such a thing in my

life and just this last week I was praying about President Trump and it

Grieves me to see him being done so

disrespectful and dishonorable and uh the the crimes that

he’s being tried for in New York it’s a civil case and that district attorney

there has made up her mind long ago that she was going to prosecute him and put him

in jail if she could and to see him sitting in that court and having to undergo that kangaroo court and possibly

have to pay $250 million in fines you see that he’s there’s an effort to

destroy him but the other night I was asleep and I was praying for president

Trump and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and he said I’ve got this

I got this and the Lord the Lord spoke to me

and he said I said in my word and Abraham I told him that whoever blesses

Israel I Will Bless whoever curses Israel I’ll curse I didn’t say they had

to be perfect to bless Israel I just said whosoever blesses Israel and

president Trump when he was the president did what what no other president did he moved the capital from

Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and he blessed

Israel and the Lord said I haven’t forgotten him my eye is upon him and I’ve got this I’m going to take care of

everything amen now that does not mean that I’m telling

you to vote for president Trump for president and it doesn’t mean that I agree with everything about him because

the Lord needs get some soapy water and clean his mouth out but still I believe because he’s

made some of the decisions that he’s made about the church and about Israel this is a demonic Onslaught against him

and I believe that God’s going to take care of him because he blessed Israel you’ll see it you’ll watch it and you’ll

see it I believe it’ll be a divine intervention now here again I’m not

saying I’m not saying that this is a republican thing or a Democrat thing I’m

saying it’s a principal thing and then also I want to help you to understand

that right now the justice department in America is absolutely being

weaponized by head people key leaders against the citizens of this country and

the leaders of this country I saw just yesterday where the justice department now is asking the FBI

to investigate anybody that is Maga in this country

they’re asking the FBI to investigate anybody that believes in the make

America great again because they feel like they’re a threat because of January the 6th it is an unusual time that we see

Lady Justice that’s supposed to be blindfolded I’ve got news for you somebody tore that blindfold off and

Lady Justice now is being weaponized against its leaders and its citizens

unparallel corruption in government with both Democrats and

Republicans a media that is so biased I’m nauseated to watch it anymore I mean

any of it all of it I can’t stand to watch any of it no network news can I

stand it anymore I don’t watch it I watch the hunting

channel a biased media with fake news that’s constantly spewing balac lies and

they know they’re spew do them record levels of homelessness in America in

cities that once were beautiful and admired but now has been mismanaged so

badly that now there’s thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people many

of them mental and has been turned out of mental institutions on the streets and they now are homeless on the streets

of our once beautiful cities and America a divided America has

lost the ability to to govern itself any longer a Congress that can barely

function a Congress that can barely function to even keep the government open and funded long enough to

function now every few years we Face Democrats and Republicans that are so

hard-headed so insolent so evil and so

unforgiving that they can’t even get together to come up with a continuing resolution to keep the government funded

to pay the military and to pay people that’s necessary to pay like the veterans and

Etc and to keep all the government agencies funded they can’t even get

together to get the money to pay to keep the government funded we are in a total

breakdown situation when we jumped

in and we began to fund Ukraine

in the war with Russia and we begin to send major weapons there missiles

tanks many other things that they had to have to fight a successful battle against

Russia is it any Wonder now that Russia’s fingerprints is all

over the missiles that Hamas has been shooting at Israel not only Russia but

Iran Iran and Russia have entered into an alliance just like Russia and China have entered

into an alliance Russia is all over the Middle East right now Iran is supplying weapons Iran is

supplying money that America has given them

billions of dollars and I promise you some of that money has been used to try

to destroy Israel and I’ll say this they chant in

the streets death to Israel and death to America if I was the president they’d never get another

dime they would never get another dime I’m not running for president but if I was President they’d never get another

dime because you don’t shout death to America and then us turn around and give

them billions of dollars they’re using that for terrorism and they’re using that to try to destroy Israel and

America so Iran and Russia are in an alliance Hamas now claims attacks on

Israel they boldly say it that they were supplied financially and backed by their

Ally Iran and so this is the things that you’re seeing happening and it’s

happening quickly these things have happened quickly turned fast last thing I want to talk about

real quickly is the Antichrist even though Israel desires

peace and they cry for peace and safety right now the stage is being

set for peace to elude them at this particular time because no one is going

to be able to bring peace except one and he’s coming on the scene soon and he will be known as the

Antichrist and he will befriend Israel and they will look to him he will sign a

peace Accord with them and they will believe that their Messiah has come

and they will swallow at hookline and sinker and when they sign that peace Accord with him that begins the time of

Jacob’s trouble which is the Tribulation period so where’s all this headed it’s all headed

to nothing working no government being able to put

their hands on it and Strongarm a peace deal governments can’t do it including

our own we’re all impotent to bring about about peace there’s no government

that you can look to on the face of the Earth right now that’s not impotent

they’re all impotent they cannot bring a peace deal that will satisfy whatever

has to be satisfied for the Middle East to return to normal it’s not going to

return to normal I’m just telling you that it’s too complex now it’s too far

gone it’s waiting for the Antichrist to come up with the answers and the solutions

there’s someone that’s coming soon on the scene that will bring his peace plan and

the world will hail it that he is the man of peace and it

will be the Antichrist I have wondered and wondered in the last number of months as I’ve seen

America fall victim to this transgendered

lifee and how the television now and the internet is increasingly full of sexual

perversion it’s no longer being hidden anymore it’s right there for you you can look at it you can see it it’s

filth and I wondered with the filth the flood of Filth that’s taking over this nation and the nations of the

world and I’ve wondered when you look at the economies of the world and you look

at the major democratic nations it’s always been strong democratic bastions for the

nation to look to such as Great Britain such as America Germany and many other places

that’s been bastions of democracy including Israel they’re all

in disarray barely able to function barely able to get a consensus to vote in the

most normal legislation it takes everything they got just to vote in

something that’s very normal and benign they’re not able to function so as you

take a look around and I’m trying to help you to see what I’m talking about if you look at every aspect of Nations

right now including our own we are in a situation to where these

things should not surprise us I want to leave you with this good

news I want to leave you with this that God sees you he sees your family he

knows who you are he knows that you trust him and the Bible says we have not been appointed to wrath and I believe

we’re going to get out of here very very soon so yes I still believe in the Rapture of the church and yes I do

believe that the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we which are alive and remain will

be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord I believe that the Rapture is right at the

door you may make fun of me for believ in that but I’m going to believe it till

you see me going up and when you see me going up you’re going to say by crack is that old preacher was

right but Jesus is coming back really soon and I know you believe that let’s

stand and pray for Israel right now amen hallelujah we’re going to pray for

Jerusalem and we’re going to pray for Israel I need a microphone we’re going to pray for

Israel today and we’re going to pray for Jerusalem and Pam just text me Friday and she was supposed

to leave out this week she wanted me to pray for her today she was supposed to leave out this week and leading the

delegation to Israel and so when all this happened she they’re not flying into Israel right now

so they’re with us today but pal is major major voice and a major person in

the life of Israel and we’re very blessed to have her and her husband Dr Haynes in our church and I’m going to

ask her to lead us in prayer for Jerusalem and every week as you well

know when we receive the tithe and offerings every week we wave our flags and we pray for the Peace of

Jerusalem every single week we have since we’ve been a church that’s one of the reasons that God is blessing this

church that’s one of the reasons why I want you to come in here today and take this 20 minutes or oh my goodness 30

minutes and talk about uh Israel and what’s going on

but you know if I was Israel I would be comforted to know that church of his presence in Alabama was praying for me

and I believe that God hears our prayers and he’s the saints of God praying all over this nation you got to remember God

still has a people it’s called The Remnant but God still has the people and I want you to lift your voice up we’re

all going to pray first together and I want you to pray like you really mean it listen to me carefully this is an

emergency this this is a crisis I want you to pray like you’re praying into a

crisis I want you to lift your voice I don’t want you to be timid and pal is going to close in prayer for Jerusalem

and then I’ll close in prayer for for Israel so let’s pray right now together come on lift your voice up let’s

pray oh Jesus


come on church I want you to see those Visions in your mind of what they’ve done to

Israel prayer can turn it prayer can turn it

in Jesus mighty name Lord send Revival to

Israel send Revival to Israel


Lord father We Stand Together as the body of Christ and in the moment we want to

stand with what you have said I will Endo you with power from on high from

the city of our great king in Jerusalem you spoke that word that is still

echoing out through time and still echoing into this house and into our

hearts UE us with power now as we pray father we thank you for Jerusalem

that is the city of our great king we thank you that you have chosen Jerusalem

as a city where you will dwell and we lift up your word where you

said A House Divided can not stand and so we are praying today as a

United body that that house of Jerusalem not be divided in the name of Jesus

right and I pray that you loose that prayer to continue on in our hearts and

God we think of how you said oh Jerusalem

Jerusalem would that I could gather you under my wing like a mother hen gathers

her chicks yes and so today we gather with you the city of

Jerusalem and as your body on Earth we speak speak peace to Jerusalem and its

leaders in the name of Jesus amen amen

well father we pray today for our prime minister Netanyahu I know that he is in a major

storm father I know that there’s so many things that’s going through his mind and I know that the level of

satanic attack against that man has got to be almost unbearable and Lord the level of satanic

attack against Israel and the people of Israel wondering what’s coming next but

God we ask in jesus’ name that you would abort and stop any further attacks Lord

whatever the devil may have plan we bring it to confusion and we speak that

the holy spirit will take the fuse out of the bomb in the mighty name of Jesus

we ask it and Lord we pray for the knesset that the knesset would stand together

with the Prime Minister that they would put aside their differences that they would repent to

each other and stand in the gap for their Nation like they never have God

made the church in America get rid of this replacement theology business and

begin to pray for Israel and the move of God to come to Israel father in the name

of Jesus we pray for for every leader in Israel Lord we pray over the next few

days that you would keep Israel and protect them Lord the Iron Dome is one

thing but the strong arm of the Lord is another thing and I’m speaking in the

name of Jesus that the strong right arm of the Lord will prevail against the

attackers father let a suddenly happen let a Godly suddenly happened we’ve seen

an ungodly suddenly but now Lord we ask for a a Divine Godly suddenly suddenly

to come and and just turn this thing Lord we have got to have a

turning and you are the one that can do it Lord we pray for Jerusalem we pray

for Israel Lord we pray for the families that have suffered such

horror and such shock at such a sudden attack and

they’re worried about their wives and their children and their mothers and their dads and their

husbands and so many soldiers have been killed Lord so many families are

grieving in Zion and we pray for them Lord let a

blanket of your glory and your presence just overshadow them Lord and keep them we pray father you

tell us in your word to pray for them and that’s exactly what we’re doing

today as a church Lord we don’t know what the next few days May hold we don’t know what the plans of the

enemy are we don’t know where the next attack may come from maybe Hezbollah in

Lebanon maybe there’s going to be attacks in Iran it may be that Israel may try to

attack Iran it may be that Iran has many things up their sleeve and this thing could get

out of hand but Lord we know that we don’t understand what

tomorrow may hold but we know who holds tomorrow and we also know

Lord that your hand is at the throttle of world events and we know that everything is

Father filtered there’s there’s nothing that gets by you everything is

Father filtered but Lord we look to you now in Jesus name let your name somehow

receive Glory through all this Lord we’re concerned not so much about Israel and Jerusalem but we’re

concerned about your Holy Name Lord let your name receive Glory let your word

Stand Fast let it stand sure and let Jerusalem stand sure and Lord we

thank you today that although tomorrow may look unstable and tomorrow may look like it’s

going to be Bleak and dark but we know that everything is Father filtered and

it’s going to work out somehow for the glory of God in Jesus name and everybody

said amen hallelujah


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