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Home » Prophetic Word: Breakthrough in America, the Church, and Your Life – Greg Lancaster

Prophetic Word: Breakthrough in America, the Church, and Your Life – Greg Lancaster

The God of Breakthrough


‘As waters break out, the Lord has broken out against my enemies before me.’ David, 2 Samuel 5:20

Say “breakthrough.” Breakthrough! Our God is a God of breakthrough. There’s been a breakthrough—there’s been a breakthrough! Understand that we’re seeing a major breakthrough take place in government, health, finance, global governance, marriage and family, sexuality, gender, safety, education, and business.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”  Isaiah 43:19

Breakthrough! We’re seeing breakthrough. America is lifting up God again—making America great again, making health great again, making our country safe again, making our country prosperous again. America is becoming a light in the world again.

Say “breakthrough.” There’s a breakthrough in our nation, a breakthrough in leadership, and a breakthrough in the world.

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten… You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you.” Joel 2:25-26


Claiming Your Personal Breakthrough

We’re seeing this breakthrough take place. There’s been a breakthrough even among God’s people. It’s a personal breakthrough as well, and we need to claim it personally over our lives. We need to be like a cowboy, ready to lasso this breakthrough like a wild animal. Just ride again, rope again, focus again, and start swinging that rope again. Say, “lasso the vision.”

There’s a breakthrough in your life. There’s a breakthrough in your marriage. You’ve got to claim this! You have to target it. You have to focus on it.

The Season of Breakthrough

We’re in a season of breakthrough. It’s a very specific season for breakthrough. It’s a strategy of breakthrough, but you’ve got to grab it. You’ve got to focus on it. Say, “focus on it.” You’ve got to lasso it. Say, “pull it out, dust it off, speak into it.” Breathe life back into it again. Call it as though it were again.

Our God is the God of breakthrough, and He’s giving major breakthrough on every level—every level, every level—including your personal breakthrough in your life. Say “breakthrough.” Breakthrough!

A Vision of the Courtroom

“The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” Haggai 2:8

The Lord showed me, in this particular night, a dream. We were in a courtroom. The Evil One was on trial, and the prosecutor looked at us and said, “He’s going to get convicted.” Then, all of a sudden, he turned back toward the judge.

As soon as he turned to the judge, the gavel came down, and the entire courtroom began to fill with slices of gold. Slices of gold started raining down in the courtroom nonstop.

God’s Resources Released

He turned around to us—you couldn’t even see across the courtroom—and he pointed at us and said, “I told you it was coming.” When God deals with the Evil One, the resources get released. There are going to be great resources coming.

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