Two Teenage Girls Lift 3,000 Pound Tractor off their Dad
Make Today Count
John shares that if you want to have a good day you need to make it a good day. Each day should be seized and embraced. Some people just drift through the day but we need to live for the moment right now. John encourages us to live each day on purpose for God. All we have is today tomorrow is written on a fools calendar. Make today count for God.
Two Teenage Girls Lift 3,000 Pound Tractor off their Dad
John, Pat, and Chris discuss how two teenage girls lifted a 3,000 pound tractor off their father. Their father was riding on his tractor and before he knew it the tractor flipped on top of him. He was pinned down and the steering wheel was on his chest and began to scream for help. That’s when his two teenage daughters, ages 14 and 16, ran out to see what was wrong and noticed their father under the tractor; that’s when they called 911 but time was wasting and they couldn’t wait any longer. That’s when they each grabbed one end of the tractor and amazingly lifted the tractor off of their father. John and Pat continue to discuss how if you are a believer of in the Lord Jesus Christ and abide then you have truth living on the inside of you. There is nothing like a difficult trial to cause you to pull on the truth that is on the inside of you causing you to rise to the occasion.