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Home » VFNRadio’s First Hour April 10, 2013

VFNRadio’s First Hour April 10, 2013




LISTEN NOW! You can’t measure God’s Success by how man measures Success

Greg and Pat discuss how you can’t measure God’s success how man measures success.  God always has a plan.  He will allow your world to be shaken up so you can look up to Him.  Then He will begin to add things back to you one by one so you will know it all comes from Him.  They continue to discuss how kingdoms come and kingdoms go.  Joshua was used of God to take God’s people into the promise land and learn to trust God.  God’s word tell us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  How we change Washington is by changing our own hearts, which can only be done when we abide with God.
You Must Be Willing To Follow God; He is always moving Forward
Greg and Pat discuss how you must be willing to follow God.  They discuss and refer to some of the prophetic headlines given to John Paul Jackson by God.  They continue to encourage us for what is coming all the while encouraging us to expect and prepare for a powerful move of God.  They continue to discuss Prophet Rick Joyner’s book, “The Call”.  In this prophetic revelation Rick shares the reason people were kept behind prison walls was because of their fears.  Then when they began to look over the wall and as they did and got hope others were trying to hold them back.  Once they made it over the wall they realized all their fears were lies.  You have got to be willing to separate yourself from what is happening to what will be.  You can’t put new wine in old wineskins or you will destroy them both.  They continued to share stories of men of God who were just willing to follow and do what God told them to do.  They encourage us to serve God and be one who will stand in our generation for God. 
Lone Star College Stabbing near Houston Texas;14 Stabbed 5 Hospitalized
Greg and Pat discuss the recent stabbing at Lone Star College where an alleged student stabbed 14 students resulting in 5 students being hospitalized.  They shared that maybe the reason all the evil is happening across the country is because the church is not where it needs to be in relationship with God.  They also continue to share how taking away guns is not the answer but instead taking away evil.  

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