LISTEN NOW! Fl. Legislatures Interview Planned Parenthood on what they do with a botched Abortion: SHOCKING
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how we have been praying for years, a simple yet powerful prayer that others have prayed, “Dear God end abortion and send revival.” They continue to share the recent interview the Fl. legislature had with Planned Parenthood on what they would do with a botched abortion and the baby was born critical but alive. Planned Parenthood has handed out 1.4 million abortion pills a year. Planned Parenthood receives 542 million in tax dollars. 51% of income from Planned Parenthood comes from taxpayers. We have to look at our own sin for what it is. We have to confess our sins and repent.
Did the 60’s really bring liberation with the Sexual Revolution, the pill, and abortion or instead lead America into Bondage
Greg, John and Pat discuss whether the 60’s really brought liberation with the sexual revolution, the pill, and abortion or instead lead America into bondage? They continue to discuss how this so called revolution lead to Roe v. Wade the landmark case that made abortion; the murder of babies legal. The church was pulled right into it. When Moses was born Pharaoh killed every child he could find. When Jesus was born Herod killed every child he could find and now the same government who says you can’t put your hands on your children, when they do criminal activities they will restrain them, cuff them, shock them beat them with a baton and put them behind bars. It’s a strategy to destroy a generation.
God hasn’t given up on you maybe you have given upon on God: It’s not over, believe again!
John, Greg, and Pat share about how God hasn’t given up on you but maybe you have given up on God. They continue to talk about Abraham’s life and how God told Abraham to go, leave his country and family and God would bless him. They continued to discuss how Abraham heard God’s voice and obeyed Him and how God greatly blessed Abraham. However, towards what looked like the end of Abraham’s life he was saddened because he didn’t have any children to leave an inheritance. The truth is that God didn’t give up on Abraham; Abraham had given up on God. God had so much in store for Abraham so many blessings and was getting ready to take his life into another dimension. Abraham needed to accept God’s vision for his life and not allow his natural circumstances dictate what a supernatural God can do. They encourage us not to give up on God but to believe again for all the Lord can do in and through our lives.
The Grieving Heart of God
John and Pat discuss the vastness and awesomeness of God. They declare his majesty and marvel at his greatness. They also discussed how in Genesis 6 the people that inhabited the land caused God’s heart to be grieved and filled with pain. They continued to share how God has designed us for relationship and how sin hurts us, enslaves us and separates us from having a relationship with God. His desire is for us to be with Him. We can either bring joy or pain to God’s heart. We don’t have to grieve God but instead bring great joy to Him.