From Israel to Russia; What’s Going On?
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss what is happening today on the global scene as they discuss Israel and Russia regarding recent events. They continue to encourage us to pray for Israel as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with President Obama. They remind us of the stakes at hand and that these are not just some ordinary meetings but rather a meeting with the most powerful man in the free world and Israel. They remind us that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed. They continue to discuss recent comments President Obama made in a recent interview with Jeffrey Goldberg from the “Bloomberg View”. President Obama was quoted as saying, just days ahead of his meeting with P.M. Netanyahu that “President Barack Obama will tell him that his country could face a bleak future — one of international isolation and demographic disaster — if he refuses to endorse a U.S.-drafted framework agreement for peace with the Palestinians.” At the same time Russian President, Vladamir Putin, has come down into the Ukraine and has taken over the Crimea Peninsula. One commentator said that President Obama’s foreign policy is like a fantasy. Putin taking over Ukraine is like Canada trying to come into the United States because someone in the U.S. speaks French. These are serious days in which we are living in and they continue to encourage us to pray as they continue to discuss the unfolding of steps that have happened on the global scene; steps namely involving Russia exerting her agenda and authority. Pray for those in authority and for America as things unfold all the while America’s military is being downgraded, Syria was handed over to Russia, and Iran’s nuclear intentions are being ignored and Israel’s race is being threatened with extinction. All the while Greg shares the about the patriotism expressed by an Israeli defense solder who was an amputee. The soldier said regarding his service in the Israeli military; “It’s our job to protect Israel; there job is to give us the reason” speaking of their loved ones. Patriotism like this is to be respected and coveted
Anti- Semitism is on the rise we must not forget as Christians to stand with the Jews because as goes Israel so goes the church.
Being made ready to be used by God
Pat, Greg, and John discuss the importance of being made ready to be used by God. In this abiding moment Pat shares regarding Romans 12: 1-2 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Pat continues to share how the only other place in the word of God where we are challenged to test God is in the book of Malachi regarding our finances. He noticed how in both scriptures that before the testing comes the giving. Some may say I will wait and see before I give, however, the Bible instructs us that we give first and then things will unfold before us. Pat continues to share how he can remember when he first came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ he eagerly desired to do something for Him and how God made known to him that before he can do anything for God, he had to truly give all of himself to God first. They further discuss how many want to do something for God without fully giving themselves to God. That will never work; we must be ready to be made ready to be used by God. They discuss how King Saul and King David had the same calling. One fulfilled the calling while the other did not. The difference was that one had process and the other thought that he could skip process. They encourage us to abide and to hear God’s voice as He will lead us in everything.
Concerned Woman for America working to Make a Difference
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the organization Concerned Woman of America is working together to make a difference in our country. Greg shares about an up and coming interview this week with Concerned Women for America President Penny Nance. Penny Nance will be speaking in Pensacola, March 14, 2014, regarding decoding the Affordable Health Care Act which has been signed into law. Concerned Woman for America is a legislative action committee who issues are sanctity of life Defense of Family, Religious Liberty, National Sovereignty, Sexual Exploitation and Support for Israel. They encourage us to stay tuned in to hear Greg’s interview with Penny Nance.
Replica of Noah’s Ark Set to Be Built; Creation Museum in Kentucky
John, Greg, and Pat discuss how they enjoy the many different dimensions in the body of Christ as they discuss the ministry of creationism. They continue to remind us the recent debate between Ken Ham and Billy Nye the science guy. They further discuss how it has been Ken Ham’s, Creation Museum Founder , desire to recreate Noah’s Ark and now as a result of 7 million people who viewed the debate funds poured in and they are now ready for the project. This is a huge undertaking but one that Ken wants to undertake to encourage the body of Christ to have faith. CBN reports the actual dimensions of the ark “It’s 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 55 feet high,” he said. The bow and the stern take the ark to more than 100 feet tall.” It will serve as a reminder to God’s people never to forget of what can be accomplished when God calls s to do something that is incredibly larger than what we can even imagine. They continue to express their joy and excitement regarding this project and encourage us to visit it when completed in Kentucky.