Don’t be an echo instead be a VOICE
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance and the necessity for believers; men and women of God not to be an echo but instead be a voice for God. They continue to share and discuss the mediation from A.W. Tozer in which he shares about how we must share just like the apostles all that we have seen and heard; how the word of God must be delivered without the fear of man. He must allow God alone to be responsible for the consequences. His focus must be on God and not man. John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness and he boldly declared the truth to all who would hear. A.W. Tozer said; preach in such a way that it is going to jeopardize His future, His ministry and even His life.
Dr. Ben Carson Interview part 3 of 3
LISTEN NOW! In this 2nd part of Dr. Carson’s interview by Dr. James Robertson; Dr. Ben Carson shares common sense wisdom about what needs to happen to restore the greatness of America. Dr. Carson has been a well-respected neurosurgeon with a list of accomplishments but it was his recent speech at a prayer breakfast that the President attended and his remarks that have kept him very busy filling request for him to share his vision and solutions for America. Some of what he shared related to how elected officials served in times past compared to how they serve today. There was a time that politicians made sacrifices to serve as our elected representatives but now we are seeing career politicians who often create laws with the assumption they know best. He is a refreshing voice and others like him are emerging who believe in God and staying true to the principles that have made America great.
Don’t mess up God’s Story; Live in His Grace and watch the Miracles
LISTEN NOW! John and Pat discuss the importance of not messing up God’s story and living in the grace He richly and abundantly provides as we watch God perform miracles on our behalf. The word of God in 2 Peter 2:2 says, “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” We were meant to live in the grace and peace of God. So much is done today because of man’s calculation; what they can or can’t do. We must understand that we are nothing without God and that if we are not crying out for His grace then we are either very close to the shore and not attempting much for God or we are trying to do it all in our own strength. They encourage us to embrace humility for it is a prerequisite for the Grace of God. Everything in God has everything to do with what He can do through us not what we can do through Him. Nehemiah found out that all he needed was the Grace of God in his life and testified because the gracious hand of the Lord was upon him the king granted his request. Nehemiah 2:8.