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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour October 16, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour October 16, 2014



You can get on the right Road
Greg, Pat and John discuss how you can get on the right road.  Have you ever wondered how did you ever get to this place?   Imagine you are traveling down a road and you are able to see what is ahead and there comes a point where you can cry out to God, to help you avoid going down that familiar road that leads to trouble.   You end up in the place of oppression or bondage.  You ended up at the same place because after you cried out to God you went back to the same place and got bound up all over again.  Psalms 1:1-3 says, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.    But his delight is in the law the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season whose leaf does not wither.”  This road will lead you to progressively go from walking, to standing to the seat of mockers causing you to mock everything.  This is the result of everyone who sits and entertains ungodly counsel.  They encourage us by letting us know that we can avoid the streets that lead to bondage and oppression, and that we can get on the right road. 
Will Israel & America Fall? Hear Prophetic Word

Greg, Pat, and John share a prophetic encounter that occurred one year ago as Greg was preparing for the VFN Family Gathering which the theme was Israel.  In this prophetic encounter about two pictures, one that represented Israel and the church and the other was a copy of the U.S. Constitution and both  pictures were ripped off the wall.  The picture of Israel in the church fell 2 times and needed to be put back together again.  Part of what God is saying is that we are going to go through some things. Then the second picture of the U.S. Constitution comes crashing down and the glass shatters all across the office floor.  All of this is happening as  the President is pushing Israel’s back against the wall and allegedly empowering the Muslim Brotherhood of all the governments who not only surround Israel but who hates Israel as well.   Pray for those in authority that they would stand with Israel.   The answer for America is not a political leader; the answer for America is a repented church. Prophetic Word.



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