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Home » WATCH! 147 Christians Massacred by Islamists Terror Group Al-Shabab. Christian Persecution gone Global?

WATCH! 147 Christians Massacred by Islamists Terror Group Al-Shabab. Christian Persecution gone Global?

Courtesy of GongTo/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! In the constant onslaught of media and information, there are events that we can easily miss, and glance over. Often times, we can become completely unaware of the impact of what is taking place. During this past weekend, 147 Christians were massacred in a school. Their crime: being a Christian. According to CBN, gunmen simply began asking one student after another a simple question: are you a Christian or are you a Muslim? “If you were a Christian, you were shot on the spot.” At the same time, in the nation of Yemen, according to the Christian Post, a man was crucified for the simple act of aiding American military forces. The very fact that he was friendly towards America has caused this repercussion that is sending shockwaves to Christians around the world.

In a brief video from Prager University, we  can learn and see clearly as to why the Western Media is not making these horrible atrocities known to the world. In the West, the acts of brutality, outright massacres, and persecutions are not as overt, but there appears to be a gradual chipping away of the Judeo-Christian values and principles that the nation of America is built upon. It is easy to see the boiling water of persecution against the Christians in the world. In the West, is the church the proverbial frog as the heat is gradually being turned up? Amidst the tears that are being shed across the globe, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, shares profound words as he proclaims the UK as a Christian country. These are critical moments for the Body of Christ, in every nation. Hear the full stories about what is taking place, how we must respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: persecution, Kenya, Yemen, crucifixion, martyrdom, CBN, Christian Post, David Cameron, Constitution, boiling of frog, Prager University, Islam, Christianity, Israel, humility and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.



image source: blazingcatfur.ca
image source: googlecom
imaage source: opendoorsusa.org
image source: opendoorsusa.org
image source: newsit.gr

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