Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » We Are Designed for Relationships

We Are Designed for Relationships

Courtesy of Angela Luchianiuc/Shutterstock.com
LISTEN NOW! We are not alone in this world. There are 7 billion people that are currently living in the world that we call Earth. God did not create us to be alone. We were created for relationship. In the book of Genesis, God even says to Adam his thoughts. Genesis 2:18 says, “It is not good for the man to be alone……” God not only desires for us to have relationships with those around us, we are designed to be in relationship with God. In the midst of the beauty that God has instituted through these relationships, the Devil is never shy from attempting to come in between people and cause division. Without being aware of the Devils’ strategies, we in danger of believing the lies of the enemy. Be encouraged and greatly empowered as you learn more about the power of relationships, how to combat the strategies of the enemy, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: pride, humility, accusation, lies, deception, abiding, truth and love. John and Steve shared in this segment.




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