LISTEN NOW! Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly and Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith Charlie Kirk is the founder of Turning Point USA, and now at 25 years …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Persecution of Christians is at an all-time high pushing it to near genocide levels. What is genocide? The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, …
LISTEN NOW! Christian Persecution Around the World at Near Genocide Levels Persecution of Christians is at an all-time high pushing it to near genocide levels. What is genocide? The systematic and widespread …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Being lukewarm in the Kingdom of God is not something acceptable to God. It is being someone who lives an indecisive life, living in a maybe. …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! We have seen positive changes in Washington, D.C. one being that now the tallest building in the U.S. Capitol is the Museum of the Bible! It …
LISTEN NOW! 90 Hour Bible Reading Marathon on U.S. Capitol We have seen positive changes in Washington, D.C. one being that now the tallest building in the U.S. Capitol is …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Jesus born of a virgin lived a sinless life. Loved. Healed. Delivered. He shared the heart of God with us. In his time of ministry, He …
LISTEN NOW! Barna Research Proves Non-Christians are Open to One on One Conversation About Christian Faith Jesus born of a virgin lived a sinless life. Loved. Healed. Delivered. He shared …
LISTEN NOW! Notre Dame Catastrophe and the Sri Lanka Massacre of Christians and the True Temple of God A catastrophe took place in Paris, France where the Notre …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! George Barna, founder of the Barna Group, as described on their website they are a visionary research and resource. Started in 1984, the firm is widely …
LISTEN NOW! More Americans Engaged in the Bible: State of the Bible 2019 Barna Group and American Bible Society Report George Barna, founder of the Barna Group, as …
LISTEN NOW! Sri Lanka Terrorist Attack on Christians; Easter Sunday and How Should Christians Respond to Those Who Attack Us Sri Lanka is an island that is located …