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Home » 90 Hour Bible Reading Marathon on U.S. Capitol

90 Hour Bible Reading Marathon on U.S. Capitol



We have seen positive changes in Washington, D.C. one being that now the tallest building in the U.S. Capitol is the Museum of the Bible! It is amazing to see a powerful light for Jesus in the middle of our capitol! Also, for four days straight the Bible was read from Genesis to Revelation at the U.S. Capitol, not far from the Museum of the Bible! This takes place once a year, where many people including children and government officials, come to read the Bible so that it can be read 24 hours a day for those four days. God’s Word does not return void! This is powerful for it to be read at our capital because the Bible is important to our country as it is one of our founding documents.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

As the Bible is read out loud, it is declaring truth over our nation! One of those truths being that abortion is murder. With the truth being read for all to hear, this can bring reasoning to where there is no reason right now in our government. We see the end of abortion in many states where the Heartbeat Bill is being passed with Georgia being the most recent state to pass it. This means that once the heartbeat of the baby is detected an abortion can’t be performed! It is powerful how God is answering our prayers, and we believe that abortion will be ended completely in America because we cannot have a great awakening in America when there is innocent bloodshed in the land.

In America, we should not take for granted how we have many ways to access the Bible. In addition, the average American reportedly has at least four Bibles in their home. It is important that we hide God’s Word in our heart and declare the truth of it as well. We need to pick up a Bible and spend time with God. If you need help on how to spend time with the Lord and how to read the Bible you can get a free plan at iAbide HERE today! What do you think about the reading of the Bible in Washington D.C.? We want to hear from you. Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Facebook.com Louie Gohmert

Bible reading marathons are not only happening now in the nation’s capital but around the country.  
Annual 90-hour ‘Bible Reading Marathon’ at US Capitol, prelude to National Day of Prayer

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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