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Home » WATCH! Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly & Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith + Helping Families Navigate the Highly Addictive Digital World We Live in with Andy Crouch; Author of The Tech Wise Family

WATCH! Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly & Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith + Helping Families Navigate the Highly Addictive Digital World We Live in with Andy Crouch; Author of The Tech Wise Family



Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly and Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith

Charlie Kirk is the founder of Turning Point USA, and now at 25 years old, he stands boldly for his Christian faith! He is speaking on the Candace Owens Show and is asked the question as to how he sees God. He answers that question unapologetically as he shares the truth about his faith. Being challenged by Kirk’s stand for faith, you must ask yourself who is God to you? Is He your personal Lord and Savior? Or do you see Him as a historical figure or something else?

We join Kirk as he answers that question of how he sees God. “I am an Evangelical Christian, so what does that mean? People get freaked out when they hear that…first and foremost, we believe in a God…that is ubiquitous and omniscient and all-powerful; what does that mean?  That means God is everywhere; God is all knowing, God is all powerful…that we as human beings, are actually first and foremost spiritual beings. Our chemistry is all made by God, and we are actually spirits. I believe in a God. I believe in the Bible. I believe it is the greatest book to ever exist, 5,000 years of history, over 34 authors, 66 books, and then I believe God came in human form. This is why I am a Christian, an Evangelical Christian, that God came down as a gift for us broken humans to be able to accept this gift and His Son Jesus Christ. That is, as talked about in the Bible, created the Trinity. That God is the same God, and the analogy I use is to think of it as water. So, water can be liquid form; water can be in our air and water can be an ice cube. That is God the Father (the Son) and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was God in human flesh. Who first and foremost taught us how to live and secondly and most importantly He was a gift to us; that if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior then we can have eternal life, and we are actually reborn, that something happens to your spirit and that you go through a process where you become a different person.”

He continues with the question, why does all this matter? “We have to realize there is something bigger than ourselves and I believe it and see it that people who are born again Christians are people like, Dennis Prager, that are Bible believing, Torah observing Jews they approach life in a much different way. That may be my opinion and what I do is not the most important thing in the world. Maybe I want to do good and not just feel good.”

Are you as confident and clear as Kirk on your faith in Jesus? It is by faith that you receive the gift that God has given you, eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. You can receive that gift today!  Read our stories of how we made Jesus the Lord of our lives at Meet My Father HERE and make that same decision. We want to hear from you! Did you make Jesus your Lord and Savior? What is your testimony? Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Helping Families Navigate Highly Addictive Digital World We Live in with Andy Crouch Author of The Tech Wise Family

Our world has become a highly technological world where everything from education to refrigerators is operated through technology. How do we raise our children in this highly digital world? What do we do when the world can meet our child over a mobile device? No one before us has ever had to face the situations we face with our families and technology, and it is growing rapidly every day! Thankfully Andy Crouch, author of The Tech-Wise Family, gives great wisdom from a Biblical perspective, on how we can protect our family in this digital world.

Mark Matlock with the Barna Group interviews Crouch about his new book, and he shares some important tips that are in the book. Matlock points out the research that the Barna Group found is that 77% of parents think that it is more difficult to raise teenagers than when they were growing up. He asked Crouch what was found when these parents were asked why they think this is the case. “Almost two-thirds of those parents…say, because of the omnipresence of technology but what really makes it hard is that we are the first ones to deal with it. We can’t go to the wisdom of previous generations. There is no inherited cultural tradition. Even in the most expansive definition of technology, we are only 200 years into this story out of thousands and thousands of years in the human race. In many ways, we are 20 years into the real effect of technology in all of its ramifications. We are all just figuring this out as we go along.”

Crouch continues to share how young people, of course, are fascinated with technology and can figure it out quickly and in many cases, faster than adults. “We have this turning upside down of expertise where parents used to be the experts on the world. They knew how to operate in the world, and they could teach their children that. They (young people) are better technically, but they actually just like all the generations are absolutely adrift in how we manage this in a way that is healthy. None of us know how to do this; we all need help. So, I believe this is not just a parenting problem it is a human problem.”

Next, Crouch talks about how they asked kids what they wish was different in their relationship with their parents. The number one answer is they wish their parents would get off their digital devices and talk to them!  He also gives some specific guidance, spiritual direction, on how parents can create an environment in their home not focused on technology. “Our power and our rule as parents are to set deep commitments in place in our family that actually show our kids what we believe life is about. So, the book starts with that. The deepest things families should be for is the formation of persons. Persons of wisdom and courage. I actually think the greatest threat technology offers to our family is that it promises to make life easy. When actually life in the family is meant to be hard. So, the very foundation of the book is not how to handle this or that app and this or that device; it’s how do we make our family a place where everybody knows that what we are about is pursuing wisdom and courage together.

“In the book, I talk about two things that are just never going to change for human beings, and that is space and time. So, time goes all the way back to the commandment of Sabbath. God’s people were commanded to have this rhythm of work and rest. Now our new devices say you don’t have to rest anymore; you can work anytime anywhere. But if you have a Sabbath mindset, you realize that is very dangerous spiritually and it does not seem like it’s what God made us for. God made us for rhythm of work and rest.”

How do we create this rhythm of work and rest in our lives?  Crouch continues, “So we actually in our family have structured time, one hour a day, one day a week, and one to two weeks a year we basically turn everything off. The other thing we have done is we realized…what’s the oldest truth about human beings? We are created in bodies. We are made out of the dust. We are made of physical stuff, and something about that is essential to our human nature. We are not just brains; we are not just minds; we are not even just souls or spirits; we are actually in a body. Bodies move through space and the way you shape the space of your home really matters. What my wife and I decided to do when my kids were very small, we are going to put all the glowing things, the glowing rectangles, at the very edges of our house. They are not going to be at the center of our house, and if you come to our home and walk into the heart of our home, where we spend most of our time as a family, there is almost nothing technological visible. That is totally intentional…the various screens are at the edge. Instead, we filled the center of the home, the space where we spend the most time, with things that actually require embodied engagement.”

Crouch speaks about the fact how scary it is that most teenagers take their phones to bed with them. In the teen years, we need 8-9 hours of rest a night! “A rule in our house is that our devices go to bed before we do; we wake up before they do. Rather than going to bed with it then waking up rolling over and swipe to see what’s new, we put our devices to bed in this docking station in the kitchen. We all go to our bedrooms, and we have this beautiful blissful time where we are not acting like a device. The device can keep gathering email; I am not supposed to do that, I am supposed to rest from that. You need to help your kids have that discipline, I think.”

This is so much wisdom! Make sure to purchase his book to find out more wisdom HERE. Also, in our new book I Will Fight, Greg writes on the importance of rebooting our minds! You can find out more about our free book and order it HERE. What do you think about being a tech-wise family? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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