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Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly & Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith



Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly and Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith

Charlie Kirk is the founder of Turning Point USA, and now at 25 years old, he stands boldly for his Christian faith! He is speaking on the Candace Owens Show and is asked the question as to how he sees God. He answers that question unapologetically as he shares the truth about his faith. Being challenged by Kirk’s stand for faith, you must ask yourself who is God to you? Is He your personal Lord and Savior? Or do you see Him as a historical figure or something else?


We join Kirk as he answers that question of how he sees God. “I am an Evangelical Christian, so what does that mean? People get freaked out when they hear that…first and foremost, we believe in a God…that is ubiquitous and omniscient and all-powerful; what does that mean?  That means God is everywhere; God is all knowing, God is all powerful…that we as human beings, are actually first and foremost spiritual beings. Our chemistry is all made by God, and we are actually spirits. I believe in a God. I believe in the Bible. I believe it is the greatest book to ever exist, 5,000 years of history, over 34 authors, 66 books, and then I believe God came in human form. This is why I am a Christian, an Evangelical Christian, that God came down as a gift for us broken humans to be able to accept this gift and His Son Jesus Christ. That is, as talked about in the Bible, created the Trinity. That God is the same God, and the analogy I use is to think of it as water. So, water can be liquid form; water can be in our air and water can be an ice cube. That is God the Father (the Son) and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was God in human flesh. Who first and foremost taught us how to live and secondly and most importantly He was a gift to us; that if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior then we can have eternal life, and we are actually reborn, that something happens to your spirit and that you go through a process where you become a different person.”

He continues with the question, why does all this matter? “We have to realize there is something bigger than ourselves and I believe it and see it that people who are born again Christians are people like, Dennis Prager, that are Bible believing, Torah observing Jews they approach life in a much different way. That may be my opinion and what I do is not the most important thing in the world. Maybe I want to do good and not just feel good.”

Are you as confident and clear as Kirk on your faith in Jesus? It is by faith that you receive the gift that God has given you, eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. You can receive that gift today!  Read our stories of how we made Jesus the Lord of our lives at Meet My Father HERE and make that same decision. We want to hear from you! Did you make Jesus your Lord and Savior? What is your testimony? Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia.com Gage Skidmore

The Candace Owens Show: Charlie Kirk 

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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