LISTEN NOW! U.S. Marines Worship-Days of Elijah In the end days God says the Spirit of Elijah will come! “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! We are looking at what is really happening in North Korea, which is the persecution of Christians. God is a just God, and He does not …
LISTEN NOW! The Truth of what is Happening in North Korea We are looking at what is really happening in North Korea, which is the persecution of Christians. God is …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! How important is one vote in an election? Pastor George Pearsons, Bishop Keith Butler, and David Barton answer this question for us and help us gain …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! The First Nation people of America went on their own as a people to Washington D.C. to the Washington Monument to specifically forgive America for broken …
LISTEN NOW! First Nation People Forgave American Government for Broken Treaties in Washington, D.C. The First Nation people of America went on their own as a people to Washington D.C. …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! Have you thought of yourself as a governmental leader? God can call us at any moment to do anything! Senator James Lankford did not know he …
LISTEN NOW! You a Leader? God Can Call You at any moment: Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Heard and Responded to God’s Call Have you thought of yourself as a governmental …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! According to the United States Constitution in the first amendment no law can be established concerning the press. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment …
LISTEN or WATCH NOW! In this interview, Milton Friedman answers questions concerning government and equality in America. He starts with answering a question concerning how countries like America became wealthy …
LISTEN NOW! Honest Conversation Exploring Communism, Socialism, Capitalism and Freedom Milton Friedman In this interview, Milton Friedman answers questions concerning government and equality in America. He starts with answering a …